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I have read here that men should not interfere in women's health decisions. I may even agree. But just to stir the pot, why do people think male circumcision is not frowned upon, as female circumcision is?

I have no problem with the difference. Basically, it's because men and women are not identical, and no amount of legislation will make them so. They are legally equal, but not physically interchangeable. Therefore the procedures are different, although the term "female circumcision" covers several procedures.

But it's interesting to me that just like abortion is subject to some regulation although (as one poster mentioned) vascectomies are not, female circumcision is treated differently from male circumcision.

What do you know? Men and women ARE different!

I hope we can discuss this somewhat maturely. Thanks.

2007-06-14 06:50:52 · 12 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Perhaps the better analogy would have been perental consent in different instances.

Thanks for serious answers to the question. FGM is a terrible problem.

2007-06-14 08:52:58 · update #1

12 answers

Let me say the error in the argument is that anyone has a say in anyone else's business...so how it would apply to circumcision would be that NEITHER the mom nor the dad have a say in it..that the child should make that decision when they are old enough to make it. Fuinny, an ex of mine was from Uruguay, and was not circumcised. When he was 8 his dad told him that they were moving to the US and that many boys were circumcised. Then, he told him what circumcision was...and gave him the choice. His foreskin is still intact...TMI?

2007-06-14 07:01:41 · answer #1 · answered by hichefheidi 6 · 3 1

I am not a father, but old enough to have the thought of a family on my mind. If i had a son, i would never, ever have him circumcised. I am uncut myself, and can't even begin to say how thankful I am that I was not circumcised. It does protect the head of your penis and makes allows for a more pleasurable experience. Don't do it - if the kid wants to get circumcised when he's older, then let him make that choice. You can't go back once you do it. As for cleanliness - it has never been an issue for me. Make sure the kid knows to pull the skin back when he pees, and run a little soap/water down there during a bath/shower. It's just as complicated as washing any other part of your body, so that's a crappy reason to do it. As one guy said - if you can teach him to brush his teeth, you can teach him to wash himself. And for the person talking about having sex with someone twice: I know people that prefer uncut, and hopefully they will have sex with someone they love instead of some random person. Again, a reason that has no merit. On behalf of men - don't do it!

2016-05-20 02:54:12 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

We aren't comparing apples to apples, here. This is a decision made about a child. That's not the same as a woman making a decision concerning her own health or a man making a decision about his own. I think that circumcision should be a decision of both parents, the same as with any other decision made for the child. Also, abortion does not relate to a vasectomy. You could compare a tubal ligation and a vasectomy. I believe that, again, a couple should share that decision. However, if one partner is insistent that they do not want anymore children, then they should remove that possibility.
I agree that men and women are different, while still equal.

2007-06-14 07:07:42 · answer #3 · answered by lovestogarden 3 · 3 1

No. That would be ignorant. Just because you have the same anatomy does not automatically mean you should be given the power of authority to decide what happens to your offspring’s body as a *sole* decider in a two-parent formation. You have to look at this fully as a both a medical practice, religious, traditional and other practices depending on the family. As well, what about those deadbeat dads out there because there are surely plenty of them. The ones who merely plant their seed and leave - never to be seen/heard from again? Who makes the decision then? The grandfather? What if he is dead? Then what, the uncle? What happens in a case like this – who is next in line of power? Morever, what about those fathers who willing choose to take no personal interest or effort into their child’s life. They choose not to make a decision at all?

Alternatively, even worse, what about the fathers who are *forced* to support their child (which I agree they should be) by law, and because of this he generates a disliking to both the mother and the child from an anger of obligation and financial support. Do you want that guy being able to say yes or no to what his son gets done medically? You see how asinine that whole idea of "single father choice" becomes. Why should we not allow the mother - being the one who gave birth to this boy - not have any say in such an important decision as this? Using your logic, it would be perfectly fine for mother's to decide if their own daughter should have an abortion or not since they too have a uterus and vagina. What!?

So again, I say that would be ridiculous, but this is just my opinion on it though... Nice question though - very creative. Cheers!

2007-06-14 06:58:03 · answer #4 · answered by Answer-Me-This 5 · 3 0

Well you certainly have a point. circumcision is usually of a religious mater. However, it dose have a positive consequence as for as medical goes. It seems men who are not circumcised, have a tendency to carry a virus that can give a female cervical cancer. This is rare. but given the fact that there is a lot of sexual activity every where, this makes the disease quite common. The name of the virus escapes me.
Men who are circumcised don't have a tendency to carry the virus because there is not much place for the virus to hide. So apart from religion, circumcision does benefit both male and female. Check it out.

2007-06-14 07:24:44 · answer #5 · answered by Jackolantern 7 · 2 2

Yes, men and women ARE different. Many people say that male circumcision benefits the boy's health, but FGM--that is, female genital MUTILATION--is performed in order to oppress women.

Female circumcision, unlike male circumcision, actually removes the sensation from the vagina. I have yet to hear a man say that he did not receive pleasure from sex because he was circumcised. Or that he hemorrhaged, or that he became unable to bear children, the list goes on and on and on!!! And, FGM is usually performed on girls as a coming-of-age, not on an infant... don't even get me started on infibulation, it is the most horrendous thing you could imagine.

And, as far as I know, male circumcision is a decision made by BOTH parents. If the father sticks around long enough to see it done, that is.

2007-06-14 06:58:42 · answer #6 · answered by lei 5 · 4 3

Well no because usually fathers who have sons want their son to be like them meaning that if the father is circumsized the son is too and vice versa. The fact is men and women are different but it takes both a man and a woman to make a baby and the child is theirs meaning they both have a say in their childs life i.e. medical procedures. Men and women are different but you cannot compare female mutilation to circumcision. Its apples and oranges.

2007-06-14 07:09:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

How can you compare male circumcision to female??? Male is for cleaner health of the penis, female that takes away the feeling of the clitoris. & Abortion should be the womans choice, not saying I am for it, just saying that is shouldn't be goverments say!!! That is my right as a woman to say what for my body. Now the woman who use it a birth control is not right!! Or doing it too late is not right! But until people can walk in her shoes should not pass jugement!! I think it is the goverment wanting to control women, the men should have NO say what women do with their body!!!! That just knockes us women back! Our Grandmothers & great grandmothers had fought for!!! Just my opions!!

2007-06-14 07:08:03 · answer #8 · answered by ClanSinclair 7 · 2 2

No.... The discussion should have taken place LONG before the pregnancy occured...maybe even before marriage.

The two people together should make the decision concerning their child.

It has no relevance with regard to the abortion issue at all.

2007-06-14 07:54:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Circumcision is an elective surgery and often religious in nature.

Do you want women telling you what you can do with your prostate?

2007-06-14 06:55:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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