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Just what do people mean when they say that "Political correctness is destroying America"? I need examples.

2007-06-14 06:14:53 · 27 answers · asked by Sangria 4 in Politics & Government Politics

Is there a fine line between "PC" and politeness and/or respectfulness? If so, where's the line?

2007-06-14 06:21:53 · update #1

I'm not arguing one way or the other when I say this: I do not understand why many of you have come up with the abstract answers of "freedom of speech and religion" when our Constitution guarantees us those rights as Americans.

It seems to me as if some want a "free ride" to say/do as they wish, without repercussion. It's as if you're arguing against being unpopular. An extreme example would be: you call a black guy the "N" word, and expect to be patted on the back. Does anyone else get that impression from this "Anti-PC" crowd?

2007-06-14 06:28:01 · update #2

I think I just came to the adamant conclusion from my last "details" that this is INDEED a very political NON-ISSUE!

Wow! Please tell me someone else gets this.

2007-06-14 06:29:22 · update #3

27 answers

So true. I am so tired of hearing about "Political Correctness." This is a relatively new term, yet people put so much stock in it. "That's not PC." WHAT? PC is a fictional method of communication! It is an ambiguous phrase! It doesn't mean anything if you refuse to believe that it does!

People are so afraid of opening their mouths that we never seem to be able to get to the heart of issues. We have to dance around everything. Yes, there is a difference between common courtesy or street smarts and what is called being PC. People can actually say whatever the hell they want. If you want to yell the N-word in the middle of an Eagles game, then go for it. Don't be surprised if you leave the stadium in a stretcher. That's common sense.

PC goes further than that. Example, people get fired for making comments that are construed as sexual harassment. Or, perhaps, a college student would have to keep her mouth shut in class for fear that a professor would not like her political opinion, and her grading would be biased. It has really gone too far. We are always in an uproar about something someone somewhere said.

Has it destroyed America? NO. We only give the media, HR departments, etc. power by feeding into it. The reality is, you can still say whatever the hell you want to say; and hopefully, if the consequences of free speech are excessive, the judicial system will be there to uphold the Constitution.

2007-06-14 06:45:33 · answer #1 · answered by lei 5 · 2 2

Some of the answers you've already been given are answer enough, sadly. A few of the people who replied immediately became defensive and started listing off all of the offenses we've supposedly committed, or even just listing the things we do that they disagree with personally, using that as justification for their own bad behavior. This is what people do. As long as they're politically correct about some groups, they feel they can be obnoxious towards others. Most of them have probably never even met any actual Mormons. Those who have probably came into contact with them for a whole thirty seconds...but that's enough to make a judgment, apparently. It's hypocritical and ignorant, but it's also human nature. I do think there's a little more to it than just hypocrisy, though. Those commentators were probably penalized because the owners or whoever were afraid of being sued. That's what political correctness really comes down to. It's not about rights or teaching the public to be careful not to let their biases affect their behavior. It's about getting money or avoiding giving money. Someone complained about those commentators, and the owners took steps to avoid a potential lawsuit. ...which is why nobody did anything for the Mormons. Nobody was afraid that the Mormons would sue, because that's not our way. We believe in forgiving, in turning the other cheek, not in seeing dollar signs in hateful people. We can let it go, because we don't have to use the hate others show to justify that behavior in ourselves.

2016-04-01 07:31:42 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

To me Politically Correct means treating others as you want to be treated. Being accountable for ones own actions and standing up for ones beliefs. All that still believe in our own Constitution should be making those in political office correct the mistakes govt has made. That would be the untimate in PC. I think this pc thing was a ruse created by the govt to pre occupy the minds of the people while it busily steals away more rights and freedoms. If the young treated each other in this country like the very old have for most of their lives there would be no need for pc. When the govt began this equal rights and special interest groups bs they imposed on us a bad situation. You cannot impose equality or force core values. If the feds spent 1/2 in ghetto areas that they waste on NASA we wouldn't have many of the examples used in racial slurs. If children were raised in stable homes by respectful parents they would know accountability. The govt has ruined the family unit as it used to be and knew then what we are seeing now would be the result. They wanted it that way because it only forces more people to want bigger govt. Correct the politics of anyplace and it will become politically correct on its own.

2007-06-14 07:05:41 · answer #3 · answered by John S 4 · 4 1

You need answers and examples? Are you serious with that crap?
First of all: We have had equality for decades now! And second: people are human! And people are need to think and feel however they feel! It is their right to feel however they feel regardless! There is always going to be ******* that are going to hate people for no reason, So their will always be racism no matter what! But you do not handle racism by trying to force people how to think feel and speak! That just creates new hatred that is even worse! Also you can't kill free speech and then preach about equality! That is just insane! And you can't pretend history or reality no longer exists to suite your needs! That is also insane! To take away freedom of expression and thought and speech is doing nothing more than putting people in chains! In other words the PC movement is nothing more than a scam! All it does is put people in chains and control them! Under the guise of equality!

2016-03-08 02:05:50 · answer #4 · answered by Ted 2 · 0 0

I disagree with the premise - I do not think America has been destroyed.

I think that political correctness has the potential to seriously damage America, because it ignores truth and lets popular opinion (as determined by whom? Newspapers and tv and media personalities?) take precedence over law.

Illegal immigrant - note the first word. But in many communities, those individuals are permitted and even encouraged to open bank accounts, get driver's licenses and live active lives in the community - although their very presence is illegal.

Smoking - that smoking can be harmful to the health of the smoker and to the health of those around is fairly well agreed. But many people feel - and the Constitution would seem to suggest - that we ought to have the freedom to engage in that behavior as long as we know the danger and those around us are protected. That has not been the case - if I own a restaurant I am not free to proclaim it a smoking establishment and only hire and admit individuals who agree to be in that environment.

And so forth. but I still disagree with the premise

2007-06-14 06:21:22 · answer #5 · answered by Uncle John 6 · 3 1

1) Basic rights like Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion are being chipped away in the name of political correctness. We can no longer say anything because someone might get "offended". A lot of schools will not let kids have their personal Bibles on them, or shirts with religious sayings on them for fear of "offending someone". Yes, these are guarantees of our Constitution, but we can no longer say what we believe or feel if there is someone around us who may not agree with it. That's PCism.

2) Some schools are force feeding kids the Gay Agenda by requiring the kids to read books about Tommy's 2 daddy's or whatever. School boards are blocking parents from having a say-so in what their kids are being taught.

3) It is destroying traditional America and it promotes whatever is popular at the time, no matter what that "thing" is.

4) We have laws in our country, but thanks to PCism, most are not enforced, i.e., illegal immigrants. Instead of enforcing the immigration laws at the border, our border guards are not being allowed to do their job and some have been put in jail for doing their job all in the name of not harming anyone or hurting someone's feelings.

5) Instead of calling something what it is, (illegal alien, terrorists, etc) PCism would rather call them undocumented or "people of concern". Because of PCism, if I disagree with the homosexual lifestyle, I am labled a phobe, which is a misnomer of the worst kind.

6) PCism allows people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to promote racism and bigotry on the national airwaves. PCism causes white people to lose their jobs or have to go to therapy for using the same language.

7) Because of PCism schools no longer have Christmas pagents, Christmas decorations have been taken down from the town square and we're not allowed to say Merry Christmas as someone might get "offended".

There are many, many more examples but you get the picture. PCism has nothing to do with being nice to people, it has to do with the abolishment of free expression, free speech and and free country. PCism is destroying traditional America, the things that helped build strong people, a strong country and strong lives are going away forever, thanks to PCism.

2007-06-14 07:00:32 · answer #6 · answered by Princess of the Realm 6 · 0 1

Rush Limbaugh says that "if you are politically correct you are lying" because very often Political Correctness does not fit the facts. one example "undocumented worker" for "illegal immigrant."
Another appropriate quote from a friend of mine.
"the enemy of the truth is not the outright lie which is easily found out, but the half truth which is hard to discover"
I think this fits "global warming to a T. It also fits the senate definitions of what I would call amnesty. but they don't

2007-06-14 07:30:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

"Political Correctness"?

Destroying America? Is America seriously that weak?

It's true. KKK's America, David Duke's America, Archie Bunker's America, George Wallace's America, absolutely true, almost completely destroyed at this point. Anyone who still harbors prejudicial feelings knows they are anti-social and don't advertise their psychoses the way they could, say, in John Wayne's time.

There are instances where it goes overboard. My ancestors came to America in the 1800s from France and England. I do not consider myself a British/French American. Anyone who puts another country in front of their America label is not an American.

Being respectful of others, whether we want to be or not, was the aim of the "Political Correctness" movement. Like anything it has its abusers, but when a"Cost to Benefit" study is done, it has to be proven a success (even if the less intelligent still whine about it).

2007-06-14 06:30:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

There is a difference between respecting someones beliefs and pampering EVERYONE's beliefs.

I for one feel I should be able to be proud to be a straight, white, Christian woman....but because of the ignorance of a few, the majority has to keep quiet.

America was not established to pat and pamper people...it makes us weak, as individuals and as a country.

It is thought that it creates more equality, but in reality, it simple cause more division...and as Amercians in this time of our country and our world, division is the last things we need.

When we turn against each other, we become more susceptible to our enemies.

2007-06-14 06:28:15 · answer #9 · answered by Summertime 3 · 3 2







2007-06-14 06:52:46 · answer #10 · answered by CanadianFundamentalist 6 · 0 0

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