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i have noticed there is a rule for one and another for the white
the none white can call us white trash and get away with it. but if we say enything against them thay all hell break loose.

2007-06-14 05:31:53 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

26 answers

I agree, sometimes if I say something like this I get accused of being racist.

here is a question I posted a few days ago, it's been resolved but take a look at the video, it's really shocking!



2007-06-14 05:35:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

When I was a nurse in Bradford Yorkshire, (BRI), 1958 on, the Pakistanis working in the textile trade found out that if they left one hand in the loom they often lost their hand. The good ol' British Govmt. sent them back to Pakistan on a Pension, paid by us "suckers, the whites" and the Pakistani lived like a Pasha with 3 or 4 wives. Soon we got more of these "accidents" sometimes 2 or 3 a week, and yet the Gvtmt kept on giving out these Pensions to them. Then in 1960 I worked on the Airlines and flew into Karachi, here we picked up hundreds more piling in to England to work in the Textile trade. They came in rags, smelling foul, and **** on the back of the airoplanes' toilets, crouching on them, ruining every toilet on the planes. They came, some with false health certificates, and small pox killed two Bradford doctors and a couple of nurses. Still the Govmt. encouraged the illiterate, nonconforming ruffians to pour into England. Their children were raised Pakistani and they even returned for trips to their parents land, where they became staunch Pakistanis. They did not integrate, they didn't want to, we didn't want them then either, and now they are bombing good old England. They run the buses and the trains, have done since the mid 1950's. I wrote to the govmt when I was flying as a stewardess in the early 60's to say enough is enough, their many offspring will not integrate or do anything to help England, just become masters of the social benefit systems, only run it to the ground. But they did not reply, or listen apparently.
Look at France, look at stupid Germany murdering its brains the Jews, and in replace they have man moreMuslims who do nothing for Germany, ironic isn't it? Look at Holland where Van Gogh who made a film mentioning Arabic life and Allah, had his throat cut in the street in Holland as he cycled to work......the murderers didn't run when the police came, for the muslim killers felt they had every right to do that, just as they think they have every right to Honor Kill their sisters or they feel they should have their clitorisses removed so that intercourse is so terribly agonising that they will never be unfaithful wives as it is a most painful thing to have intercourse. So then they can go with impunity to the brothels as their wives do not wish to copulate. No, England has gone, like France, Germany and Holland. Even Denmark, and Norway are almost gone.
Well, I left the ship as it sank and do not live in England which once was my country....helas. I believe the first Pakistani Mayor of Bradford was about 30 years ago.....the writing was on the wall years ago...and now it is in BLOOD! Apparently the British politicians don't care. My children are grown and do not live in the UK, but I still care and feel terribly sad.

2007-06-14 18:12:51 · answer #2 · answered by Tinribs 4 · 2 0

I think the reason it is a problem to people of color is because of how whites have treated them in the past, and still today. No one made white people be slaves, no one stole all of the white mans land, no one assumes all white people are terrorists, and no one put white people in "camps" for their own safety during WW2. I'm sure I am missing some things, but I'm sure you get the point. I'm not saying that the racism against white is ok, I'm just saying that as a white person, I don't think we really understand, or have much of a leg to stand on.

2007-06-14 05:56:01 · answer #3 · answered by chrissy c 1 · 4 0

No. I'm white, male, heterosexual - all the things you lot say are subject to discrimination, yet from my perspective, all the opportunities seem to be stacked in my favour and I'm doing very nicely, thank you.

How often in a day do you get called "white trash" by a non-white? Does it compare with how often Asians get called "Paki" in abusive tones?

The problem is that too many people are inadequates, who can't accept their own shortcomings, so want to believe that the system somehow discriminates against them. This includes many blacks, whites, Asians, gays, straights, men and women.

I would discriminate against you on grounds of intelligence, based on the quality of English in your question.

2007-06-14 12:06:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have to agree that sometimes it really feels like it. In some areas in London I get a lot of racist comments against me because I'm white, often derogatory or inflamatory, but there's nothing I can say back..... it seems that racism is only perceived as being one way, but in reality it's not. There are worrying double standards and it's beginning to get quite scary.

In many areas, especially in major cities like London, white people are the minority in places and this can be quite scary, especially if a group of people start making comments/shouting etc.

Aside from the daily life aspect, I notice there are a lot of 'Association of Black.....' e.g. the Association of Black Lawyers - why is this socially acceptable when the flip side - 'The Association of White Lawyers' for example is not? Arguments would be that the former is in the minority, and yet in modern Britain this is simply not the case.

I agree that race shouldn't matter and that we should all get along - but that goes both ways.

2007-06-14 05:36:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Aye, but you know the funny thing in that? It's not the black, Asian or any other ethnic groups making hell break loose. It's the predominantly white government.
It's the government that are touchy feely, don't upset anyone. Blame the government, not the people they think they're protecting.

Scouse, who are you kidding, la? The BNP are about as successful in politics as Andorra are in football....

2007-06-18 00:23:10 · answer #6 · answered by Beastie 7 · 0 0

That is because other races are minorities and also government members are of those races and have strong bonds with those government members who are of the same race in other countries.

They can cause mayhem and the country could end up facing increased amounts of terrorism because muslims seem to think solving problems is to blow them selves to HELL and take others with them.

Also white people are much more tollerant and not only that we have a history of being racist so when they do it to us they can simply walk away without any trouble. When we do it to them it is an uproar because the government are desperate to stop us from reverting to extremism and fighting back with riots because it will only end up as money out of their pockets so they are desperate for it not to happen.

Its simple, if they claim we are being racist then use the free speech card. Then they have no right to do anything against you.

2007-06-14 05:49:39 · answer #7 · answered by Fozzie 2 · 1 2

I think England is heading for major problems..and it's too late to turn back. This country seems obsessed with looking after everyone but their own and the political correctness has gone mad!!Look at the t.v now, they have to have just the right mix of people presenting or taking part whether necessary or not, if they are all Asian fine, if their all white or black does it matter . I have friends who are black and even they think it's a joke.If you go to live in any country then in my opinion you try to fit in with them not try to turn it into the country you originate from,if that's what you want then stay put!! so why is the English government wrapping immigrants in Cotton wool.This in itself is causing resentment from English people. I could go on for ever but as a last thought... we all hear of people from abroad that have come to live in England and how important it is for them to keep in touch with their culture and roots.Well if this country carries on like this the English people will lose theirs altogether!!

2007-06-14 07:39:29 · answer #8 · answered by chocs 73 1 · 3 2

Not quite but it feels that it is getting that way which is why BNP is so successful. The main party's need to learn from their tactics of picking a local issue and fighting their campaign on it. let us face it no one much cares about central government but they do care if the local Council ignores their sometime not unreasonalble worries and concerns and then calls them racist if they persist.

2007-06-15 02:23:47 · answer #9 · answered by Scouse 7 · 0 1

i 100 percent agree. when my son was 4, he came home from school singing baa baa white sheep. they had to change it cos it was classed as been racist. just like they have changed black boards to white boards. why should we have to change our culture. you wouldnt get there government changing there religion or anything for us white people,so why should we. if they carnt live with the way we live,well then there are in the wrong country. no respect for the words we have used for centurys. dont they think we are affended when we have to change everthing to white this white that. it works both ways am affraid. we should be proud of been white,just like they are of been black.

2007-06-18 03:46:12 · answer #10 · answered by chief 2 · 0 0

Why would the UK be racist againt its own white people?
There is no justification to call any colour "names".
We are all equal.

2007-06-14 05:41:41 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

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