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Womem die more of heart attack now. The duties of mother and wife remain and they "won the battle" to have a job. Women still do all or most of the work home, and get men that expect them to bring some money home.

2007-06-14 05:26:31 · 18 answers · asked by Bethany A 1 in Social Science Gender Studies

18 answers

Are you saying that feminism has caused increased heart attacks (although that could be due to the Fast food trends not women joining the work force) and also responsible for husbands that don't clean? Your argument is weak at best.

Feminism is responsible for giving women the right to vote, the right to an education, and the right to make a choice about there life (historically marriage was the only means of security).

2007-06-14 06:58:15 · answer #1 · answered by Libby anne 2 · 6 1

I don't think that the battle for equality had anything to do with not wanting to do laundry, changing diapers or cooking dinner for your family. I think that the battle for equal rights was fought to give women choices. Women wanted the right to choose to be a stay at home mom or to pursue a career. They didn't want anyone or anything standing in their way of having the final say so regarding their life.
Feminist accomplished a great deal. In the past, they were the first ones to stand up to tradition and laws and express the need for all sisters to be treated like adults instead of possessions or little girls. If a woman chooses to be a super woman and raise the children and get a job than that is her choice. She has the right to choose to be stressed out and maybe have a heart attack.
It's not about the men, jobs, children, or education.
It is about the right to choose to get married or not. The right to work or not. The right to have children or not. The right to go to school and major in any field or not. It is about having the right to combine relationships with children and a job or not.
Men don't have to pick between having a family and a job. So why should women?

2007-06-14 14:07:44 · answer #2 · answered by Blue 2 · 7 2

that's not the case in every situation. My husband does all the housework, I only do my own laundry (cuz I'm picky). He also works, but I work a full time job & have my own business during part of the year, that is like having a 3/4 full time job for a few months. I enjoy working, and knowing i can take care of myself financially, should situations change.

not to mention all the things feminism has done in the past. up until the 1800s, women were legally, not much different than slaves. Wives had no rights. it wasn't until 1993 that all 50 states had laws against spousal rape.

2007-06-14 12:35:14 · answer #3 · answered by just me 2 · 10 1

Not only women but men too die more often of heart-attacks because of the American diet, such as the introduction of high fructose corn syrup into fast food restaurants. Check out Japan for instance, the average woman lives to about 90 and the average man about 82.

I do think men should split the house duties with their wives. 50/50 is the best way to go.

Feminism has accomplished a lot for women, and your arguments have nothing to do with this movement.

2007-06-14 14:28:36 · answer #4 · answered by ĦΣŊ®¥ ЈǾ 3 · 7 2

That's a pretty simplistic view of it I think. I would say most women would agree they are glad they can work, rather than having no choice but to be completely dependent on a man. Women no longer need to stay in unhappy or abusive relationships just because they have no means of supporting themselves. And what about single women and mothers who don't have a husband to bring home the bacon? Guess what? They've gotta bring it home themselves. Also, don't forget that more and more women today don't just have jobs, they have careers--occupations that they love and are passionate about, careers that allow them to showcase their intelligence or let them have a say in the future of the country or the world. Thanks in part to the feminist movement, there are female astronauts, scientists, CEOs, fashion designers, writers, artists, the list goes on and on. Also, in today's world with inflation being what it is, it's become more of a necessity that both people in a household work. As far as housework, that's up to the individual woman in a relationship to speak up for herself in that regard. I know with my parents, my mom is the one who handled the bills, while my dad did the cooking and food shopping. They both did chores around the house, and of course my brother and I were expected to clean up after ourselves. Women dying more of heart attack now probably speaks more to poor diets (especially here in the US) than the stress of working. But both men and women should find ways to decrease stress. To imply that women are dropping like flies because we're just too delicate to handle the pressure of working is silly. And I've talked to a lot of mothers who say the only time they really get to relax is when they're at work. And anyway, the feminist movement had to do with a lot more than just the right to work. There was also the right to attend college, to play sports, to vote, to own property--a million things that we take for granted now. Of course, no women is forced to do any of these things. Plenty of women still choose to be homemakers. But the beautiful part of that sentence is the word "choose." So the answer to your question is yes, they did.

2007-06-14 12:49:58 · answer #5 · answered by CrysV 5 · 9 1

To answer directly...yes, I think they have. When you consider that the right to vote and equality within our legal system was not available to women less than 100 years ago!

I am grateful that feminists and the movement fought for the right for women to have a choice. From there, we are free to do with it what we choose. And if some women find themselves in a bad situation, which has increased their workload or put them in a more difficult position that previously existed, then it is no one's fault but their own. Choice is the ultimate right...but you can blame no one else for making bad ones for yourself...

2007-06-14 14:47:02 · answer #6 · answered by Super Ruper 6 · 5 1

All that means is that there is more work to do. Clearly, one group doesn't have the right to tell another group what to do and strip them of their autonomy - women can work for pay if they choose to do so.

Some relationships are egalitarian - most people move out of their parents houses before they get married, so men obviously need to take care of themselves like any normal adult does. Only some lazy misogynist @sswipe wouldn't contribute to domestic duties once he's in a live-in relationship or marriage. Apparently there are a lot of men like that, since it's a fact that women still do a majority of the housework. But I can say from first-hand experience that my relationship and those of my parents and my friends are all pretty egalitarian. Let's hope this is a new trend. :)

2007-06-14 12:45:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 9 3

Q: "Do you think feminists accomplished much?"

A: Uhhh...ya...

You are young and naiive. You missed witnessing an entire generation of women (1950's to mid 1980's) become addicted to Valium (and other benzodiazepenes) because nobody would listen to their concerns. Nobody cared. Their male physicians would just dope them up and send them on their way - right back to the place that was driving them crazy.

We live in a different world now. We are free to speak. And when we speak, people listen to us.

2007-06-15 03:53:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

i won't really give an open ended answer cos it is of two parts. On one hand they do while it is not so on the other hand. the motive for the fight against women trafficking and abuse is very much justified but the fight against women doing domestic work and all that is a little bit more complicated. Do not get me wrong. i am not saying women should be left alone doing everything but they should enjoy doing their thing.

2007-06-14 12:40:11 · answer #9 · answered by petite 1 · 1 1

Yes. However, we have learned that education, not militaristic methodology is the best tool. As well, a ground swell of support and activism developed. An ever increasing number of women realized they were responsible for the successful elimination of the shackles of gender role expectation. My mother gave me and my sisters a glimpse of the social value of women. My father vocalized his displeasure of my mother's purchase of new linens for all our beds. She purchased them on sale, and saved as much money as could. My dad demanded to know why she didn't consult him before buying them. He said: "Before you spend my money, I expect you to ask me first". My mom replied: "your money?
Do you not see how hard I work to provide a nice home for all of us. OK, if you cannot appreciate my contributions to this family, then hire someone to do everything I do." And she quit. No cooking, no cleaning, no laundry, no grocery shopping no sex, nothing. It took only a short time for my dad to understand her value, and he openly apologized to her. It was a life lesson for everyone. So girls, if you want to illustrate to your guy just how valuable you are, quit, and keep the money you earn. Change will happen very quickly.

2007-06-14 13:32:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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