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As you all know I'm 2xx married mid 20's and I don't like to brag I'm a great catch, smart, beautiful, professional and career motivated.

My hubby and I have been married almost a year although we have known each other for 15 years he's my brothers bf anyways when we graduated highs school he went to military I moved to NYC got married had a kid got divorced and moved back to my hometown all in 3 years time. Once I moved back I started dating and living life again. My current hubby proposed I said yes and later borke it off because I was dating another guy. Well when my hubby left military and started doing reserves his career took him into another direction, now he is a big time investor with an extermely rewarding career that affords me all the luxuries a girl could ever want. He has close ties to a number of celebrities and I get to live teh lifestyle of a celebrity without the paparazzi and madness. Well recently I ran into the one guy who had my heart and we have been seeing

2007-06-14 05:14:33 · 17 answers · asked by mrsknowitall 5 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

each other a bit the problem is he doesn't have the stabiltiy that I have now but the one thing that has occured to me he does have my heart always has and always will. My Hubby has always known about him and my feelings for this man. don't get me wrong I love my hubby but now that this guy is hanging in the woodworks feelings that I have for him have rushed to the forfront. I don't plan to leave my husband anytime soon but this guy has a promising future in the music production business his career is just taking off with deals in the works with several top artists re Rhianna and Jay-Z Nelly Kelly Clarkson and he wants me to be apart of his world. I have stability and a life that any girl would die for. I also have 2 successful men in my life who both love me to no end. The ? is do I trust this guy he broke my heart once because he wasn't ready to be in a committed realtionship now I'm married again he wants me back whose to say he won't do it again? We all know with fame comes women

2007-06-14 05:23:38 · update #1

Come on folks I'm not shallow. Don't jusge me until you have walked in my shoes. I'm just a girl whose has been blessed with a decent life.
I guess paybacks a B all I want to know is if yoiu think I can trust a man enough to risk it all. I'm never a golddigger I worked hard for what I have I've sacrificed alot I worked my butt off to get through school to get the career and plush office I have now nothing has been handed to me.

2007-06-14 05:31:39 · update #2

P.S I said nothing about screwing anyone I respect my vows and have never stepped outside of my boundaries.
and Yes I'm on YA becaue despite the negative stuff their a few people here who can give insightful answers.
also I have time to sit her on YA because I have a nice degree hanging above my desk that says I can sit here and do whatever the hell I please.

2007-06-14 05:40:43 · update #3

Vester I love my Jimmy Choos

2007-06-14 05:43:01 · update #4

17 answers

Girl, do not let old feelings for some guy who split on you get the best of you. Do you really love your husband? If you do, then why the heck didn't you say no to the temptation of this guy making moves on you? It almost sounds like you're more concerned with the lifestyle you live rather than your marriage. What are you most afraid of losing? Your wealth through your husband, or your HUSBAND? You already said your husband loves you. Are you willing to throw away a good thing? Some people just never have enough. They can have it all, and still not have enough. I think you are more interested in the other guy because of the memories you have of being in love with him, etc. People change. What if he's nowhere near the man your current husband is? Girl, it's a hard call, but I really think you need to re-evaluate before you take a walk down a long, lonely, regretful road. Good luck with all that....I can only dream of being in your shoes. LOL

2007-06-14 05:31:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I cannot believe I just wasted my time reading the mad ramblings of a materialistic and shallow loser ridiculously named Mrs know it all. You obviously know a whole lot less than you seem to credit yourself with knowing and don't deserve to be married to the man that you have currently managed to lock in chains.
As for being at a loss for the first time, I think you lost a whole lot more than your self respect and morality the day you sold your soul to Mephastopheles for a life of indulgance on every level. You are such a waste of a life. Are you actually educated to any sort of level beyond grade school? I mean could you have your own career if you wanted instead of relying on the hard work and genius of others?
AND as for walking in your shoes - not if you gave me all the money your husband appears to earn. Love is far important to me than Jimmy Choos.

You have just proved everyone on here that has written you an abusive answer 100% right. Not only do you like over priced and unnecessary shoes. You Can't spell either. My name is VESPER...with a P.

2007-06-14 05:22:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

So what is the question here? All I hear is how you are stuck on yourself. Stuck up, think you are better than others and you are all that. I've read some of your so-called "answers" to others questions and you never have anything insightful to add. You seem like a waste of air space to me. Now, I would say that if your husband affords you this lifestyle that you brag about, but along comes this other bloke that has your heart, well go for it. Your husband deserves better than you anyway. You may very well be smart, beauitful and career motivated, but you don't seem to be a very nice person. And believe me when I say nothing is uglier than a outwardly beautiful person with a nasty personality.

2007-06-14 05:23:21 · answer #3 · answered by Brandy 6 · 5 0

Not one mention of the well being of your daughter. After she was born, it stopped being about you - at least it was supposed to stop. Sounds like you ignored that pesky little "mother" part completely.

Why don't you go with the guy who will make the best father, instead of the guy that provide you with the best lifestyle? If you're so smart, professional, and career motivated, you can get the lifestyle on your own. What you can't do on your own is be a great father.

2007-06-14 05:36:43 · answer #4 · answered by Magaroni 5 · 0 0

I think you would get more helpful answers if you cut out all the name dropping fluff and just ask the question...you're married to a man that meets your financial needs but love and are seeing a man that meets your emotional needs...which one should you choose? Well my answer would be to remain faithful to the one that you pledged to be with until death do you part. You made a commitment, a promise forever and just because you heart has gone on hiatus with another doesn't justify breaking your promise. Of course you are in the celebrity circle, without all the paparrazi and madness, so you could divorce and you'd be just another statistic in hollywood...

Good luck to you...

2007-06-14 05:40:37 · answer #5 · answered by juda75 3 · 0 0

Jesus Christ...just flip a goddamn coin and be done with it! Thats your only solution unless you think you can have your cake and eat it too.
So...not being stupid or ignorant as your diction and grammar indicate....you know precisely what the consequences can be..right?
Guess its time to sit down, analyze and come to a decision. Sure hope its the right one.
As for me. I found the celebrity life too hectic and invasive for my tastes. I also found that women flocked from miles around just to get their picture snapped while hanging on my arm so they could add fodder to the tabloids and that swine Ruppert Murdoch and his yellow journalistic rags.
So I gave it all up and left that life behind. Prefering to retreat to the counrty where I now life in comfort and peace with my 2 Golden Retrievers.
I don't miss it. So good luck to you.

2007-06-14 05:31:20 · answer #6 · answered by Quasimodo 7 · 2 0

I have rarely seen a relationship work that has failed on a previous occasion. Men like a challenge and this guy will most likely ruin your life after you leave your husband. Regardless of any lifestyle a man or woman has, they have a responsibility to their spouse and should honor that trust with loyalty. In order to honor your husband and yourself you really need to either dump the ex and be faithful in mind and body to your husband or be honest with both men. In my view, any man who would want you to cheat with him has little respect for himself or for you. Good luck.

2007-06-14 05:51:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If, mrsknowitall, truly knows it all, she would certainly look to making a stable home for her child. Living a celebrity lifestyle, is something you want selfishly... Think of your child, remember that when you re-marry both of you and your child are getting married - make sure that your child loves the man and the man love your child.

No matter the catch you are, your responsibilities changed the day your child was born.

2007-06-14 05:24:02 · answer #8 · answered by Tiffany 3 · 3 0

what exactly is your question? You seem to me to be a fair weather friend. You are there as long as you are having fun and your bills are being paid. From this "question" you seem to be a gold digger, a "lady of the night(to put it nicely)", and a social climber who isn't really worth much and that guy should take off running at the sight of you because all you'll do is bring him trouble and heartache when the going gets tough. I pity any man who dates you.

2007-06-14 05:22:16 · answer #9 · answered by question asker 4 · 2 0

I have never heard of the name Cree, but I have known several Dakota's and both boys and girls. And none have Native American, that I know of. But, you cannot always tell by their appearance.

2016-04-01 07:26:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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