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I am planning to join for my MBA course this July and three days ago my girl friend revealed she is pregnant. Though I had shown some excitement etc when I heard the news (I thought thats what a guys has to do when the news is out), I am concerned about the responsibilities and obstructions this would cause. Though I tried to talk to her yesterday about medical terimination of pregnancy, she seems to be against the idea. How can I open her eyes to the reality and show her that termination now is better for both of us and the unborn ?

2007-06-14 05:02:37 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

22 answers

I hope your account got deleted. I am going to try and answer this as nice as I can. you remind me of the father of my Baby daughter. if i would have listen to him I would have murdered my little Angel. he tried to push me into it when he found out i was pregnant. I was NOT going to do it i had made many many mistakes in my life BUT i was NOT going to do this. now I have a beautiful daughter who i love more then life. why don't you do like he did and leave her alone and HER raise the child.

OH and BTW YOU are NOT helping Men's right with this issue. how many men want to raise their children? here you have a chance and you want to KILL your Child. I Pray to God that this is just a sick joke that is NOT funny. Grow up

2007-06-14 10:58:56 · answer #1 · answered by Proud Mommy 6 · 4 0

Terminating a pregnancy is a violent event for a woman, no matter how glossed over and sterile it is made to seem. Maybe your gf will not look at it that way since you seem to be making the decision for the three of you. Would it be so hard to continue with your lifeplans, baby included?

2007-06-14 05:13:49 · answer #2 · answered by Karan 6 · 6 0

I went through this same thing, except my friend wasn't pregnant with my child. Her boyfriend wanted her to abort. I gave her a choice. Christopher is now 16 years old and the love of her life. He laughs about everything. He is a good hearted person. It may be true that termination is better for both of you, but you're not truley showing you care. If you really care then let her decide and stand by her no matter what. You are thinking about the easiest way of accomplishing your goals. I am assuming you are the father. If so, then you have a great deal of responsibility in this matter. If you are planning on staying with her for the rest of your life, you are going to run into turns in the road worse than this. Don't do what's easy, do what is right. Sometimes we must take the road less traveled.

2007-06-14 05:54:43 · answer #3 · answered by Cat onahottinroof 3 · 7 1

The problem with abortion is that it can haunt you for a life time. A pregency never 'feels' like a real person until you actually have a child. It's not uncommon for people to then grieve for the 'lost' child they could have had.

If you are educated enough to get into an MBA program, you have ample resources to handle a child. You may have to re-arrange things a little, but you can do it. Abortions are for people living in gutters with 10 kids or serious conjenitally deformed fetuses or life threatening circumstances.

If only 'planned' pregencies came to term, there would be precious few people on the earth today.

Any doubts you have about this child will disappear when you hold that little miracle in your arms. There is no experience that even comes close to this kind of joy. Don't deprive yourself of that.

2007-06-14 05:14:35 · answer #4 · answered by Fancy That 6 · 3 2

First I must ask, if you were planning on graduate level education, how/why did you get into this situation? The answer to that question may reveal the liklihood of your success at convincing your gf to terminate.

You can explain why the timing is bad right now, and offer her hope to have a baby with you in the future. You cannot force her one way or the other. If she is resistant to the idea, the more you push for it, the more she will likely resist.
If she has solutions for every challenge you present, would you support her through pregnancy and parenting?

Bringing a child into a relationship forever changes the relationship. I hope you will both take time to discuss ALL the options and choose a course of action armed with accurate information.

2007-06-14 06:25:12 · answer #5 · answered by not yet 7 · 3 2

So you think murder is a better option for the unborn child? How is killing better for the unborn? Be real. It's not. I do applaud your honesty. You are right, if you feel that you will be a bad parent than don't keep the child. There are adoption agencies you should look into. Why not give the child a fighting chance? Why kill an innocent party because it's more conveniant for you in this season? Plus, most people won't tell you that abortions can be very very unhealthy for the woman. It can leave scars (both physical and emotional) that will last a lifetime. If the murder is not completed perfectly the mother will have scar tissue which will make her unable to have children in the future. It also increases her risk for Ovarian cancer by 70%. How can you live with killing a person? Yes, a person. Say what you want about the "fetus" but that is stilll a prescious life forming. Give her up for adoption rather than rip her body apart in an agonizing death. Call me and I'll take her/him. My friend has been trying to get pregnant for the past 10 years and hasn't had the adbility. Her dream is to be a parent. Why not make a happy family instead of committing murder. I'm serious. Email me if this is a viable option. Please, do this instead of killing her.

2007-06-15 20:50:25 · answer #6 · answered by Jessica 4 · 0 0

Is this question for real?
This guys' account is on "Oops".
It's a bit of a stretch for me to believe it, based on some of your past Q's and As.
I hope that you let this decision belong to your GF, whether you want a child or not.
If you talk her into an abortion, you will always be her 'enemy' as pointed out by others.
If she wants to put the baby up for adoption, please support her in that,too.
If she's keeping the baby, and
if you can't step up and be a Dad at this time--then step down and leave her and the child be.
Good luck

2007-06-14 10:15:23 · answer #7 · answered by Croa 6 · 1 0

If you reverse the sexes in this question, you'll get opposite answers. Odd, no?
You'll find that feminists and a few other women will always side with whatever the woman wants and the same reasons women use to decide on abortion as birth control are not reasonable when men desire the same thing for the same reason.

2007-06-14 05:31:33 · answer #8 · answered by Phil #3 5 · 2 6

Why must the baby suffer death because you cannot face the responsibilities? Why is putting the baby up for adoption not an option? Why is death the only solution? Why is the death of the baby getting in YOUR way the only solution? Why couldn't you have used a condom in the first place?
Next time keep your male member in your pants...
Abortion is NOT your decision. Abortion is not a government's decision. Abortion is between a woman and her doctor ONLY.
You forcing the death of a fetus is you forcing your will on your girlfriend and you forcing her to remove another human being getting in YOUR way. How extremely selfish of you.
She should not terminate her pregnancy because YOU say so. She should only terminate her pregnancy if the pregnancy is seriously threatening her health.
If YOU don't want the baby, you should remove YOURSELF from the picture and become just like all the other ****** dads in the world. Or you could take on the responsibility and take care of the life YOU helped create. Or you could help put the baby up for your adoption and let two other people in the world desperate for a child, any child, to raise a baby regardless of its biological parents' selfishness.
Death is NOT the only answer.

2007-06-14 05:14:57 · answer #9 · answered by enn 6 · 1 2

You two should really discuss how each of you feel and need. Give her your reasons why she shouldn't keep the baby and she should come out with how you and her can keep the baby, because it is an inevitably huge responsibility in which you have to be steady financially and mentally. Are you guys ready? If she can provide you with a way that is realistically feasible to raise the baby, would you go with it? But if she can't, keep on instilling your reasons in her head why there shouldn't be a baby and it will be a mistake and both of your futures are at risk.

2007-06-14 05:20:47 · answer #10 · answered by JLO MeLO 2 · 0 4

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