Approval ratings have no bearing on impeachments. His mandate was in 2004 when he was re-elected. Plus no one has asked me whether I approve/disapprove of the job he is doing. So would you hand over our sovereignty to 1000 people polled by phone?
2007-06-14 05:04:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately not. It's not a crime to be unpopular. I can't stand the guy, but I don't want the country torn apart by an impeachment when he's out the door in less than two years anyway. He's not worth the trouble, but hopefully people will wake up enough at the next election to vote for someone that has an IQ higher than room temperature. No, I'm not really expecting it, but one can hope.
2007-06-14 05:23:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
before each and every thing, the congress is at what, between 14 to twenty p.c.. feels like someone is worse. second of all, i will't approve of Bush and help him above the Democrats collectively. do not take my dislike of Bush to signify i might want to impeach him, i might want to have impeached Clinton although, he did what Libby is convicted of, and no one even argues in the different case. Clinton did worse to the Justice branch than Gonzales did, yet there have been no hearings (he fired each and every of the attorneys after he took workplace). Bush is basically following the celebration set by the guy the liberals love a lot. D*** Perot.
2016-11-23 20:58:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
No impeachment proceeding cannot be started till there is evidence that the president has committed a crime.
Try doing a search before you ask a particular question. Similar questions to this have been asked and answered many times. + 10 points for interest - several million for not thinking things through.
2007-06-14 05:08:07
answer #4
answered by jake T 3
No. Who wants Dumbyah impeached anyway? He's the best thing that ever happened to the Democrat Party.
2007-06-14 05:13:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Poor ratings don't lead to impeachment. Only a political crime would. Even so, it'd be bad if he got impeached because wouldn't Cheney take over??
2007-06-14 05:11:27
answer #6
answered by Rock-Em 1
Impeachment is only applicable when the President breaks the law. You cannot impeach a president because his poll numbers are low.
2007-06-14 05:02:46
answer #7
answered by civil_av8r 7
Unfortunately, a President can only be impeached if (s)he breaks the law. Bush has only:
a) Lied to Congress and the American people about 'weapons of mass destruction', which led us into an unconstitutional, illegal, unjustifiable, and immoral war against another sovereign nation that in no way threatened, provoked or attacked the United States;
b) Condoned, as Commander-in-Chief, the torture and sexual abuse of 'detainees' at Gitmo;
c) Established 'secret' CIA prisons;
d) Violated the rules of the Geneva Convention;
e) Created reckless economic policies that will certainly put American into the worst economic depression in its history shortly after Bush leaves office;
f) Put American taxpayers TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, which will take generations to repay, and which will weaken the American economy;
g) Ignored the laws of our land and the U.S. Constitution while turning America into a police state where citizens are presumed guilty until proven innocent;
h) Tarnished America's reputation as a world leader and global peacekeeper;
i) Avoided any concern over the plight of America's poor, aged, sick, disabled, underprivileged, disadvantaged, under educated, unemployed, homeless or hungry;
j) Disregarded the need to protect and preserve the delicate ecological balance between all men, plants and animals necessary for us all to survive on this planet;
k) Ridiculed the idea that our Earth's environment needs to be saved through immediate resolution of issues such as global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer;
l) and - oh, yes - Mr. Bush, as our Commander-In-Chief, has killed 675,000 Iraqis and 3,500 U.S. soldiers, without accountability or accepting any responsibility for such murderous actions, just as did his predecessors in evil: Stalin, Hitler, Amin, and Hussein.
Impeachment can only happen, I guess, if some young White House intern gives Bush a ******* as part of two consenting adults entering into an adulterous relationship and then lying about it to Congress.
Impeachment would be too good for Bush, because it would only result in a slap on the hand. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and all 535 members of the most arrogant, incompetent, contemptible, corrupt Republican-led Congress in history [which turned its back while Bush violated our Constitution] should all be tried for high crimes against humanity in an international tribunal, and - if convicted - should hang just as they all arranged to hang Hussein. Surely Satan has reserved a special oil-soaked, blood-stained corner of Hell for these 538 mass murderers.
-RKO- 06/14/07
2007-06-14 05:20:28
answer #8
answered by -RKO- 7
Ratings have nothing to do with impeachment. Committing a crime does, in which he hasn't done. Neither does not liking the way things are going. It's not a popularity contest.
2007-06-14 05:04:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Approval ratings aren't grounds for impeachment -- but if his ratings were that low the Congress would be compelled to impeach him for the crimes he has already committed -- there are numerous grounds for impeachment right now -- Violation of FISA -- Violation of Hatch Act just to name two.
2007-06-14 05:05:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous