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29 answers

Women and girls who dress like this (and I've seen 8 yr olds showing their bottoms etc) need to be educated as to the serious reality of those possible consequences.

As to whether a woman "deserves" to be raped or otherwise attacked--would you say the same about guys in Speedos, or shirtless, or with their jeans hanging halfway down their butts?

2007-06-14 05:17:04 · answer #1 · answered by anna 7 · 5 0

What are the natural consequences of flaunting what you've got? I believe it is simply to be recognised for what you've got. It's like tooting your own horn. No one else is going to do it for you. There is a reason women make themselves attractive and desirable to men. That reason is to snag a mate and procreate. Those are the natural consequences of appearing to be sexually viable, healthy and attainable. It's all rather benign. Actually it's absolutely neccesary to the perpetuation of the human species. All of this rape and assault business is an abberation. If you are female it is natural to want males to be sexually attracted to you unless you are a nun. I think you are referring to less natural reactions to female displays of sexual viability like anger and violence. Males who react to sexual stimulation with anger and violence are a little twisted don't you think? Their sexuality is perverted. It's one thing for a conservative male to be offended by a woman he feels is dressed tastelessly. It's another thing entirely for a male to assault a woman verbally or physically because he feels she is dressed tastelessly. The only excuse for force or violence is in defense of one's life or well being. No one who isn't attacking or harming a person in some way should be assaulted. Women who flaunt what they've got aren't hurting anyone. Even if a woman is dressed in poor taste they are not asking for anything except what every human being desires, a little desirable attention from the right people. Not anger and violence from scary people. Not everyone knows how to dress appropriately. That doesn't mean they deserve to be punished or hurt for a lack of good judgement or having no fashion sense. Does that really make sense? People who assault a woman for this have no right do so. They are wrong. Any crime, sin or guilt is on their heads. When it comes to rape it isn't about what a person is wearing that determines whether they become a victim or not. It's whether they are a hard or easy target. That's why children and the elderly become victms of rape, because they are vulnerable and easy to overpower. Children and the elderly aren't known for flaunting their sexuality. A woman could walk down the street jaybird naked but I bet you if she were toting an Uzi no one would f**k with her, because she doesn't present such an easy target. And if some fool did decide to try her...well I guess they'd suffer the consequences of what comes naturally huh?

2007-06-15 02:59:48 · answer #2 · answered by Paisley T 2 · 2 1

No means No, even though she might actually mean yes sometimes.
Other than that, women who flaunt things should be subject to the lower-quality men they attract and the lack of respect from both men and women that will probably come with flaunting what they've got.

2007-06-14 12:34:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

are you suggesting that not only is it a womans fault if she gets assaulted but that men have no control over their actions, that men are naturally rapists and sleazebags?

ok lets start at the beginning:

1) rape is about power, not sex. sexual assault has almost nothing to do with the way that a person dresses. you can try and make that argument, except i would point out that children get assaulted, as do men. so a three year old was "asking for it" because she was being provocative? what did she do? hike up her training pants and show off too much leg? i don't think so.

2) Men are not naturally inclined to rape or to general scumminess. they are human beings that can control their actions and should be expected to. If a woman tries to jump a man who doesn't want it and her excuse is that he was dressed provocatively and deserved it, most people would throw the book at her. And by the way, this kind of thinking is why women in countries like Iran and Afghanistan are required to cover themselves in burqas and chardors, because the morality police believe that men are naturally inclined to be lecherous, so women must cover to prevent the men from being tempted.

rape and sexual assault do not come "naturally" and you insult men and women by even suggesting this.

2007-06-14 12:03:03 · answer #4 · answered by bluestareyed 5 · 6 0

Well, the most natural thing I can think of is for a guy to give this girl a double glance, maybe stare a bit longer than you would to an average looking woman and, if they're in the company of other guys, perhaps point her out to them. He may also have some sort of sexual thought about her.
Does she actually deserve to be stared at? Lot's of guys would think so. Her own feelings, I have no idea. I'm not a woman! Maybe there is a certain indignity to being stared at or objectified. Each woman is different, I guess.

Why do people think rape is the natural consequence here?
Rape is not natural, obviously! This is very curious.

There's alot of knee jerk reactions here, methinks!

2007-06-14 14:29:30 · answer #5 · answered by Melok 4 · 0 2

How someone is dressed or what they look like should have no bearing on how they are treated. The perception of what it is for a woman to be "flaunting themselves" can vary widely. It is impossible to dress to please everyone. For example, some people perceive a woman dressed in a burka as inflammatory. A woman's appearance and behaviour is generally judged more harshly by most cultures and there is a long way to go before they are treated equally in this regard to men.

2007-06-14 14:33:02 · answer #6 · answered by talkland72 4 · 2 1

Are you honestly asking if a woman who dresses provocatively deserves to be raped?

Why is it that when a woman is raped, it is only her actions that are studied? Why are the rapist's actions never looked at as harshly? Not only does this question assume that men can't control themselves but it also assumes that rape is about sex. Both assumptions are inaccurate.

Stop blaming women for male thoughts and actions. The way a man acts is on him---a flash of cleavage or a short skirt does not excuse rape.

2007-06-14 18:03:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Does that mean guys who walk in public with shirts off should suffer as well? How about those silly muscle shirts? Or men who go around in their undershirts? The list goes on. When it comes to "flaunting" , men have it over us anytime.

2007-06-14 11:45:32 · answer #8 · answered by Little One 5 · 9 0

No. What are you crazy? Women should not have to suffer for having a beautiful body. I don't care what anyone has on. I personally dress conservative and I still get harrassed by men. Anyone who does something to hurt someone else should be punished severly.

2007-06-14 15:43:34 · answer #9 · answered by Heaven26 3 · 3 0

Flaunt what you've got? Like her 40,000 word thesis? Her ability to run a marathon in 2:18 hrs?
The consequences?
Of graduating top of her class?
Winning a medal?
What? Exactly?
My dear, you have WAY too much free time and should go and work on your self-esteem then you will want to "flaunt what you have"......

2007-06-14 14:36:40 · answer #10 · answered by KD 5 · 3 2

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