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This is to balance the petition that put against the McCanns.
The views about the McCanns should be balanced, don't you think?
Thanks you

2007-06-14 04:14:39 · 43 answers · asked by toietmoi 6 in News & Events Current Events

You don't have to pay. I don't know who started this petition.
The money bit is optional!

2007-06-14 04:45:35 · update #1

Please don't accuse me of scam. This is not a scam.

2007-06-14 04:48:13 · update #2

This site is an official online petition site. The money they ask for is optional and for running their website. it is not for the person your petitioning for.

So please don't accuse me of spam.
thank u

2007-06-14 04:56:34 · update #3

There is a petition against them and a petition for them, what is the problem with that. I did not ask any one to sign either petition. I have just made you aware of such petition.

2007-06-14 05:24:55 · update #4

43 answers

No, i wont sign it. I haven't ever slated the Mccann's, but i cant condone them leaving their young children alone.

2007-06-14 05:24:51 · answer #1 · answered by Jason 3 · 10 1

What on earth is the petition for? The petition doing the rounds is to social services, urging them to investigate the McCanns for abandoning 3 children under 4 to go to dinner. If that had happened over here they would be on the family in an instance.

You can't have a petition against a petition.

Grow up.

2007-06-14 08:49:26 · answer #2 · answered by Lovely Lady 4 · 7 0

Let me get this straight, you actually think that it is OK to leave your children alone whilst you go off for the night to scoff your faces? Am I getting this right? You actually believe that the parents were not to blame. I bet they put their passports and money in a safe place but sod the kids eh, we will just leave them. Never mind an abduction, what if they had just woken up and found mummy and daddy gone - what if they had just wandered out (after all the parents left the back door open). The McCanns beggar belief - anyone who thinks that they did not act in a totally irresponsible way is just as deluded as they are. Of course we want Maddy back - I am livid with Gerry and Kate - what they have put their daughter through is criminal - yes CRIMINAL. They should be prosecuted for abandonment possibly resulting in the murder of their daughter. I am cannot believe that you do not think they have acted irresponsibly I really am lost for words. Please, if you have children don't leave them alone - I am telling you in case you are not clear - its is not right - just because Gerry McCann says it's normal - it really isn't. Well, I hope that the McCanns night out was worth it.

2007-06-14 05:47:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 13 1

Thanks for that I shall pass it on to all the people who do not support the McCanns for them to sign asap.... i.e to express their absolute disdain for the McCanns

I am also not certain if you realise there are FOUR "anti McCann"petitions in circulation not one - two of which are based in Portugal and Canada respectively.
Good day...

2007-06-14 09:12:34 · answer #4 · answered by triptipper 3 · 6 0

Oh my god! Someone actually wrote this on there.

"The McCanns deserve sympathy for the tragic situation that has been forced upon them and admiration for the dignified way in which they have conducted themselves."

Admiration for the way they have conducted themselves?
Since when leaving 3 babies alone is admirable?
Some people really need to get a reality check.

2007-06-14 08:54:07 · answer #5 · answered by ♥ Mummy ♥ 5 · 8 0

In a way, this petition is partly correct - the abductor is to blame aswell.

However, there is no getting round the fact that the parents handed Madeleine over on a platter.

I do feel for their guilt and their loss and hope that Madeleine is safe and well.

You can't gloss over the neglectful, selfish act of leaving 3 babies alone when absolutely anything could happen to them.

And sadly it has...

Be interesting to see the comparison of both petitions and if it really is a 'very small minority' of people who think they did something very wrong that night.

2007-06-14 04:52:41 · answer #6 · answered by Delly xx 5 · 14 1

So I assume that anyone signing your petiton thinks it is okay to knock off to the pub for a few hours and leave your three children under four alone in the house. Is that what you are asking people to support the Mc Canns for?

2007-06-14 08:15:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

I won't be signing that - I would be lying if I said I agreed with the sentiments expressed in it. The parents WERE responsible for Madeleine's disappearance - not entirely, but I think things would be very different if they had availed of the babysitting services provided by the club.
So, no, thank you, but no.

2007-06-14 08:26:22 · answer #8 · answered by RM 6 · 7 0

Wont be signing this.

I believe that they have a case to answer. They neglected their children, putting them at great risk resulting in one most likely being murdered.
Whilst I do not hate the McCanns they should be answerable for their failure in their DUTY OF CARE to their children.

If this were anyone else the social would be already crawling all over them.
I don;t hate the McCanns. I now pity them as I believe Maddy is most likely dead considering they are now following up the anon letter and searching for her body.

this little girl is dead, had probably suffered a terrible time... and you think we should condone those McCanns actions of neglect. Sorry I for one cannot.

I didn't know Maddy but she looks an adorable little girl and it breaks my heart to think what may have happened to an innocent little girl that was reliant on her parents to keep her safe......they did not.

I would have more understanding if she had been snatched whilst they were with her......

2007-06-14 04:41:37 · answer #9 · answered by laplandfan 7 · 16 2

how novel, a petition to block a petition, great idea - NOT!!! If they feel the need for this petition they obviously know they have done wrong, otherwise they would allow the petition to go ahead without any fear!

I see that at least four people have signed it twice, most have signed anonymously - wonder why, it's all one person?

2007-06-14 04:44:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 12 2

Good effort mate but very poor research. Portugeuse Law dictates that the home country's law applies to offences committed in the country by other nationalities! Whoops! Back to school I think!

2007-06-14 11:04:24 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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