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Will I be there for all the eternity, will I travel to another dimension, or will my body be desintegrated?

2007-06-14 03:44:22 · 12 answers · asked by timmysanz 2 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

12 answers

1) Tidal effects: The gravity field would have a 'slope' to it; there is a difference in gravity's pull for two points separated by some distance. Your body (and the object you are in if that is the case) will align itself so that the long axis is lined up with the direction of gravity pull. Then the pull would be different at your head than at your feet: the distance may be only 2 metres (or less) but in the gravity field of a black hole, this could make a big difference. Your body would feel a stretching force trying to pull your head away from your feet.

Meanwhile, points to the 'left and right' of the central line would be squished together. Let us say your shoulders. As they fall towards the centre (with the rest of you, of course), each shoulder tries to go towards the centre (instead of staying parallel to the trajectory of the body's centre of gravity). So the gravity will try to shorten the distance between your shoulders (and, eventually, will succeed).

So, your body will be stretched along its length in the direction of the fall AND it will be squished together in the directions perpendicular to the direction of the fall. The result is called spaghettification (because everything ends up being shaped like strings of spaghetti just before being torn apart).

2) As you accelerate towards the event horizon (and through it), the rest of the universe will appear to 'fall backwards' any light coming from the outside universe will seem to come from behind you. In front will be whatever the inside of the black hole could look like (of which we have no idea).

3) As the tidal effect tears everything apart, things heat up and emit shorter and shorter wavelength radiation: light, X-rays, gamma rays... So that, if you have not been torn apart by then (in your own emission of X-rays and gamma rays), you will be cooked by the radiation of any other matter around you that is getting torn apart.

4) You will not feel your time line being modified (that is, if you still feel anything at all by then). However, it is thought that space and time may be swapped somehow inside the event horizon. You may become free to travel in time in any direction but you will have no choice but to travel, in space, towards the centre -- the singularity (the same way that we can presently move freely in space but we have no choice in time: we must travel towards the future).

5) Speculating even more (because we do not really know what goes on inside, we can only try to calculate how the laws of physics COULD work), it is possible that the space-time fabric is expanding very fast between the event horizon and the singularity, so that if you could survive spaghettification and all the rest, you'd still never get to the singularity: even though you'd be falling faster and faster, the amount of space between you and the singularity would remain the same because of the stretching of space-time.


In summary:
Will I be there for all the eternity,

will I travel to another dimension,
we do not know, but some say that it is possible (and we cannot prove that it is impossible); however, what makes it 'beyond' will almost certainly NOT be your body as you know it.

or will my body be desintegrated?


You may want to avoid black holes until we know more...

2007-06-14 04:13:46 · answer #1 · answered by Raymond 7 · 0 0

Depends on the black hole... a "new" black hole - fairly small, with a lot a matter swirling around it - will be emitting a LOT of radiation; x-rays, gamma rays, etc - and you'll end up dying of that before you finally take the plunge. As you near the event horizon, the tidal forces are strong enough that your body would likely be ripped apart before 'crossing over.' Once you move past the event horizon, well... it's just a guess, but most think you make the short, quick journey to apply your mass to the dimensionless point where all the mass of the black hole is located. If your body wasn't ripped apart OUTSIDE the event horizon, it will be inside, where the gravitational force between your head & feet could be several *hundred* times stronger (depending on which end is closer to the black hole...)

Now... a super-massive black hole, with an event horizon of several light-hours or more, doesn't have the same kinds of forces outside the event horizon - you'll swirl down toward it, but the difference in forces isn't enough to rip your body apart.

That is... not until you *cross* the event horizon. Once inside, the difference in gravitational force from your head to your feet isn't as great as with a small black hole, but as you are drawn closer, the difference grows. Eventually, your body will stretch until it's finally ripped apart - and again.... all your mass adds to the black holes' mass, and the event horizon gets just little further out...

2007-06-14 03:59:15 · answer #2 · answered by quantumclaustrophobe 7 · 0 0

Well don't worry about what would happen at he center because your body will have been torn to shreds by gravity well before you get anywhere near there. You body would be crushed down to it's atoms and sent toward the center. Once there, you and everything else the blackhole ate that day will be shot out from the center in a plume of pure energy.

2007-06-14 04:05:03 · answer #3 · answered by Nunna Yorz 3 · 0 0

i understand you're talking theoretically, yet an effect with yet another great physique able to adjusting the earth's orbit and sending it in the direction of a supermassive black hollow, might greater desirable than probably be adequate to end maximum existence in the international. If a technique or the different we've been to stay as much as the factor of adjusting into trapped interior a black hollow's gravity container i might could anticipate that the layers of Earth might start to peel off long earlier the effect relatively handed off. in view that maximum human beings stay on the outer layer we would die from the freezing chilly because of fact the ambience dissipated and all easy could be diverted from the outdoors. in basic terms my innovations.

2016-10-09 04:48:42 · answer #4 · answered by lafortune 4 · 0 0

Pretty much torn apart. All of your atoms could practically be destroyed and some may be expelled in the form of gamma radiation. We may never really know what exactly happens at or near a black hole.

2007-06-14 03:51:34 · answer #5 · answered by chemicalcajun 4 · 0 0

Time would slow down relative to the area of space outside the event horizon. Let's say you're going in feet first. Since gravity would be pulling at your feet more strongly than it would at your head, you would be stretched out until you are just strings of atoms in a process known in cosmology as "spaghettification." You would not survive.

2007-06-14 03:52:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Interesting question. I don't think it matters because you would have been crushed by the increasing gravity long before you actually fell into the hole.

2007-06-14 03:51:03 · answer #7 · answered by ready001 2 · 0 0

We have no way of knowing and you have right now no way of telling us your experience even if you survive. Light cannot escape the black hole.

2007-06-14 03:52:24 · answer #8 · answered by Swamy 7 · 0 0

I dont have a clear answer
but i think you cant survive first due to the gravity

2007-06-14 03:48:36 · answer #9 · answered by sankardivya1 2 · 0 0

i guess you will be pulled apart piece by piece till you break down to the simplest of molecules which too will undergo disintegration.

2007-06-14 03:52:38 · answer #10 · answered by kimberly h 1 · 0 0

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