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I am not speaking of prescription drugs here. I'm speaking of ILLEGAL drugs that pose a danger to society like cocaine, meth. Should dealers ever be let back out into society or should they remain behind bars? What about users?

2007-06-14 02:20:12 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

21 answers

They both should be locked up for a long period of time.

2007-06-14 02:22:49 · answer #1 · answered by Brian 7 · 6 2

okay lets look at this it is not the users or dealers that we should go after. Let's face it the war on drugs(80's and 90's)has long been lost. There is too much corruption on both sides of the coin(which is one and the same anyway)there are people in positions of power because of greed that play both sides of the coin(they tell the people who are anti legalization that if they are elected they will do so and so to make such and such place more better-passing more laws etc)all the time the people don't know or don't see what is really going on behind closed doors or under the table. If they are asked about it they always make some type of excuse why things don't get any better because(fill in the blank)The corruption goes downhill bail companies don't want things like that legalize because it cuts into livelhood and cities don't want things like that legalize because it cuts into city budgets(the way it is if a city has a surplus it can't go to the next level and ask for more money no justification) so greedy people can't get money from the moral side and if these things are legalized then they can't get hush money. So that cuts into their money stash too. Think about this no one can tell another person what to do in their own house(this also includes where a person owns or rents)the only way that a person can say don't do whatever is if someones life is in danger(guess what most landlords know or suspect what goes on in or on their properties and if they get enough of a payoff they tend to ignore it. "I didn't know that was happening."This is why they have insurance on their property(s) Yeah its still 10 miles to Dublin town don't you know. The law enforcement gets tried of fighting a losing battle(hey no one wants to die for money if they can help it)some become greedy others look the other way and others handle the aggravation in other ways(booze sex etc) The way that I see it is 2 things can be done these types of things can be legalized(let the greedy find another way to steal sugar out of a cake)or people can stop usuing these things all together(this is highly unlikely no one can tell another what to do or not do)and then the demand goes down. Also do you know how much money the pharmaceticual companies stand to lose if these things are legalized? Billons(they are the ones who say what drugs do and do not get test trials)this is a very long process(taking up to many years and all funded at the expense of taxpayers) so these people would have their profit cut into(oh got to add this notes of debt [paper money are not wealth.)

2007-06-14 02:52:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Drugs shouldn't be illegal in the first place. It's not the drugs that are the problem it's the inability to get them legally. The violence is caused by the profit to be made from illegal drugs. People overdose because things are un-pure and not regulated. You'll have addicts always because that's how it works. Make them legal and regulate them and you'll increase jobs, increase profits for the government and boost the economy. Regulate don't ban. They tried it with alcohol during prohibition and it didn't work. Marijuana is no worse than liquor or cigarettes. If we let people buy them legally we could regulate them and control the ill effects better. If some people kill themselves with certain drugs we'd be all that much better off. We waste time and taxpayer money chasing our tail on a subject we'll never tame no matter how hard we try. Drugs have been around as long as humans have and they'll never go away. Imprison murderers and rapists not potheads.

2007-06-14 02:26:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The only real effective way to deal with them is to educate and train those that are incarcerated the first time so that they have a marketable skill that will compensate them to a degree above poverty. The problem is that with drug use and drug sales there are good profits and not a lot of hard work. Many will never do anything else. I wish I really had an answer to this question that was better but if they are repeat offenders they should get life terms they will not stop any other way and will likely deal in prison.

2007-06-14 02:27:53 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 1 1

I believe, personally, that the biggest killer in the world are not homicides, or anything like that, but illegal drugs. If I had the power, I would do all that I can, and even now I'm trying to, get them to stop.
As for how long they should be in the can, I think it depends on how long they've been doing it, and how many people they've supplied. I mean, if they've only supplied a small amount of cocaine or meth and stuff like that, I believe they should be sent to prison for around a half a year, with a HUGE fine. Now, if they've been doing like all their life, suppled whole SCHOOLS with illegal drugs, I believe they should have their PANTS SUED OFF, sent to the can for a HUGE amount of time, if now life, like 20 years. It all just depends on how severe it is.
Now, for the users, I believe there should be no fines, but they should go to prison, again, for how long they've been doing it. If they've just taken a small amount, maybe only a couple of months. Now, if they're so high on it that they basically wouldn't be able to live without it or would go crazy, they should be sent to prison for a much longer time, like 5 years.
That may not be what other people think, but It's my personal belief, and the way I think the justice system should work.

2007-06-14 02:29:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

It would be according to the situation and the individual. I think all things should be considered.
For instance: If you just introduce someone to a cocain dealer in Michigan, you can go to jail for 20 years. Even if you didn't know the other guy was a cocain dealer. I think that's pretty harsh.
One the other hand, I know of a cocain dealer in Florida who had three guys go and kill a couple that were not even 20 yet because they didn't pay back a front. They were horribly tortured, the wife raped and tortured to death in front of the husband first, before he was killed. People like that could have done to them... well we can't do that here but sometimes I wish we could in cases like that.

2007-06-14 02:26:26 · answer #6 · answered by madbaldscotsman 6 · 1 1

All users should be arrested, treated and then fitted with electronic monitors that will alert authorities when they again use drugs. After 2 years, the addiction should be gone, and the device removed.
This is the only way to solve this problem that destroys the Users and hurts all those related or associated with them.

2007-06-14 02:29:39 · answer #7 · answered by Sentinel 5 · 0 0

Drugs should be legalised all taxes should be spent on drug rehabilitation. By making drugs legal you would stop dealers and there would be government warning as there is with smoking. I am not saying hardcore drugs should be legal but it should be easy for people to seek help many people have become drug users due to society. Dealers should be understood many have no future or prospects they end up as drug users and start dealing to pay for there own addictions so education at a young age is the only way to stop this

2007-06-14 02:27:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Legalize drugs. It is the scarcity caused by them being illegal that has driven up price enough to bring the criminal element into the trade, and that has destroyed whole cities. We now have the equivalent of the entire population of Chicago, our second largest city, locked up behind bars. Half of them are in on drug related charges. And Half of those are in on marijuana charges. It costs $50,000 a year per prisoner. So besides the fact that it is just plain wrong to lock people up for victimless crimes it is economic suicide. It is supposed to be a free country. So if people chose to make the mistake of using drugs, that is their responsibility, not Big Government's!

2007-06-14 02:24:28 · answer #9 · answered by jxt299 7 · 2 1

Dealers: I think they should be given the death penalty if someone dies as a result of their "sales". We hold companies responsible for their mdse if someone is hurt don't we? If they are caught selling drugs then they should be charged with attempted murder at the least. But definitely never released.

Users: This can be a bit more tricky. For first offense, I would try the mandatory drug rehabilitation, for 2nd offense they should be locked away. If they have children, then the penalties should be more severe.

2007-06-14 02:38:20 · answer #10 · answered by Chrissy 7 · 1 1

You have to go after the illegal black market for prescription drugs also. The pharmaceutical companies are no more than licensed drug dealers.
Dealers and users are not the main problem, the traffickers that move the massive quantities for distribution are the key. That is why there are such stringent laws on trafficking.

2007-06-14 02:23:59 · answer #11 · answered by citizenjanecitizenjane2 4 · 3 3

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