Yes! They are called "Dame". You do not have to be born in Great Britten to "knighted", but you do have to born in a country that has a "Monarchy". ( KINGS & QUEENS).Being called a "Lady" before you Sir name is not being Knighted, it's from having or being from a "Titled" family, such as, Earls, Lords, Barons, Dukes, Marqueses, etc.
2007-06-12 11:43:02
answer #1
answered by 3
Yes, the Crown recognizes both men and women as "life peers", ordinarily honored for their accomplishments, as well as hereditary peers.
As readers may recall, the Crown granted Margaret Thatcher a life peerage as a baroness, and so the "Iron Lady" became Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven. Historically, the Crown offers a title to all retiring Prime Ministers, although some of them, such as Winston Churchill, decline the honor. Mrs. Thatcher, however, is not the only woman to accept a life peerage because since 2005 alone 14 British women have received the life title of "Baroness".
Currently eight English women hold hereditary titles in their own right instead of just using a courtesy title because their husband has been given or inherited his title. A slightly larger number of Scottish women are hereditary peers in their own right since Scottish titles can pass to the incumbent's general heirs if no male heir is available to accept the title. Furthermore, the title in this case doesn't just go to the eldest daughter since all surviving daughters have the right to be a peer.
2007-06-12 16:34:49
answer #2
answered by Ellie Evans-Thyme 7
To become truley knighted one must be knighted into the spirit of Christ and accept him as their Lord and Savior. Then you will become spiritually knighted loved and protected. Forget about noncense worldlyness pick up your Bible and start readying for your own answers in your life. Why pass up a great opportunity for enternal salvation and peace. Becoming a better person on earth and even for heaven. I trust and hope that you do make the right choice. God bless you.
2007-06-12 15:00:23
answer #3
answered by leaf 4
females at the instant are not knighted interior the united kingdom or interior the Commonwealth. a woman who gets the identify Dame in Britain gets it as a DBE - a Dame of the Order of the British Empire. subsequently she is Dame x y DBE. The male equivilent is the KBE, which makes him Sir x y KBE. It gets puzzling with knighthoods for men with the aid of many distinctive orders of chivalry. A male, case in point, could grow to be a "sir" by technique of being made a Knight of the Garter (KG) (optimal honour), a Knight of the Thistle (KT), a Knight Commander of the Order of tub (GCB/KCB), a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael & St. George (GCMG/KCMG) etc. for a woman to receive the identify "woman", this is thoroughly break away Dame, she the two must be born with it - i.e. with the aid of fact the daughter of a Duke, Marquess, or Earl (yet no longer a Viscount or a Baron). if so she is regularly occurring as woman firstname lastname. If a woman marries a sir or a Lord then she assumes his identify: subsequently, the spouse of a guy with a KBE could be regularly occurring as "woman lastname", yet no longer "woman firstname lastname." For the better halves of all friends different than Dukes, the better halves of whom are duchesses, the identify "woman" will oftentimes in basic terms be used fairly of marchioness, countess, viscountess, baroness etc. 'Baroness' on the instant is frequently utilized by technique of females greater suitable to the Lords as existence friends, consisting of Baroness Thatcher. so as somebody else has reported, there are various Dames - Judi Dench, Ellen MacArthur, Kelly Holmes, Janet Baker - the checklist is going on. all those wonderful females have been made Dames Commander of the Order of the British Empire, yet they have not been knighted.
2016-12-12 19:26:11
answer #4
answered by ? 4
I believe so. If I am correct, Elizabeth Taylor and Julie Andrews are both knighted. They have the title Lady Elizabeth and Lady Julie. You have to be born in Great Britain in order to be knighted.
2007-06-12 11:34:31
answer #5
answered by curious George 3
you know, I've always wanted to know the answer to this question. When guys are knighted they become 'sir' right? Then what about the woman? Well I know they're called 'lady' but that's even before...
2007-06-12 11:34:20
answer #6
answered by dragonpisces2724 2
The female equivalent is for a woman to be made a Dame, as in Dame Judy Dench, Dame Helen Mirren, etc.
2007-06-12 11:33:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Your guy is knighted, your damed
2007-06-12 12:05:29
answer #8
answered by westgxcfreak 3
They can be "knighted" so to speak, all day long.
2007-06-12 12:01:02
answer #9
answered by Daniel R. 4
Sure but they call good-nighted
2007-06-12 11:44:00
answer #10
answered by westfield47130 6