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I found out that I am a 23rd great-grandson of Henry III, a 22nd great-grandson of Edward I, and a 21st great-grandson of Edward II. I think that is quite common as it was many years ago.

But I am also directly related to some later monarchs. I am an 17th great grandson of Mary, Queen of Scots, a 16th great-grandson of James I, a 15th great-grandson of Charles I, and a 14th great-grandson of Charles II, and part of my family, the Percy Family, which used to be one of the most powerful families in England, still is in England and has titles in England to this day.

2007-06-12 11:23:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Royalty

6 answers

around 87% of the English are related to past kings (200+ yrs ago)
78% of Euro peans
59% of the world

im related to Queen Elizabeth I, and Napoleon (I) and Marie Antoinet

2007-06-12 12:07:36 · answer #1 · answered by westgxcfreak 3 · 1 0

So what? Those old kings had plenty of mistresses and lots of bastards. Anyone named Fitzroy, for a start, is descended from a bastard son of a king. Charles II had no legitimate offspring so if you are descended from him you have to be on the wrong side of the blanket. Obviously, if you are descended from Charles II you are descended from his father - Charles I, grandfather - James I, great grandmother - Mary of Scotland. Through Mary's husband Lord Darnley, you can take your ancestry back to HenryVII through Henry VIII's sister. Henry VII was married to the daughter of Edward IV and you can continue back from there to before the Norman Conquest.

The entire history is obvious from being descended from one of Charles II's bastards.

2007-06-12 18:40:12 · answer #2 · answered by tentofield 7 · 1 0

I think that's awesome that you found that much info!! & yes, it's pretty common considering the way the world worked back then. They didn't exactly stay true to their marriages, especially the males and kings..however, in order to "climb up" the social ladder, alot of women were either forced or wanted to bear the King a son.

2007-06-12 18:47:57 · answer #3 · answered by v.ley@sbcglobal.net 3 · 0 0

That's pretty cool to be able to track your history that far. I recognize the name Percy from King Henry VIII. Anne Boleyn was in love with Henry Percy (not sure of 1st name), but Wosley would not approve of it, but I do believe she got her revenge before she was beheaded.

2007-06-12 22:34:03 · answer #4 · answered by Phoebe 4 · 0 0

Sounds like you did your research: Bravo. My next step would be to get some photographs of my ancestors and frame them. Perhaps, you could write the Royal library for more information. You have come from "blue blood" but I don't need to tell you that; you already know it!

2007-06-15 20:33:21 · answer #5 · answered by Irish Rider 1 · 0 0

I do not know how common it is, but it is awesome for you. My mothers side has documented proof of direct lineage to a Dutch queen.

2007-06-12 18:28:08 · answer #6 · answered by Edhelosa 5 · 0 0

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