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It's the golf course airhorn.

1.) how many people are needed? could i do it by myself?
2.) Will this prank harm any1? How?
3.) where can i buy some airhorns? How much?
4.) How do i get the prank done just right? Without messing up.
5.) people say i get arrrested for it? How? what for? I didnt hurt anyone

2007-06-12 08:05:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

Dont do it by yourself.......you'll want people to laugh with you lol

You wont get arrested, but you might get whacked.

You can buy a airhorn in the boating section of walmart....about $8

Hide well, and make sure to blow the horn right when the people get to the top of their swing.

Have some back up bottle rockets.......if they start hitting balls at you.......then shoot rockets at them : )

I guess the guy above me is some golfer punk. I dont have to tresspass to do it, I have a PGA course in my back yard. I'll sit on my back deck and have a blast. A 357 Mag gets a hell of alot more attention.......and they wont hit any balls at you

2007-06-12 08:31:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

And you wonder why you have a hard time getting a job.

my tip: Don't. Grow up.

1.) 1 *
2.) Yes. Your the witch - you tell me. Think about it.
3.) No idea.
4.) You need advice on that? Press the button at the right time.
5.) Trespass.

* You may want someone else with a cellphone to tell your folks/friends after you get arrested for trespass/disturbing the peace or just get your kneecaps broken by someone you just really hacked off.

Seriously, your are a Wiccan, and you would consider doing this? You seem to not know much about your belief system.

2007-06-12 15:21:06 · answer #2 · answered by Simon T 7 · 1 2

of course you should,but only on you friends doing it to old people is just down right mean

2007-06-12 15:13:27 · answer #3 · answered by optimo 1 · 0 0

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