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Holy grail question here, just be honest,, i want the whole thing,,such as

4)moral values
12) every other things you can add

2007-06-12 00:48:35 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

23 answers

I want


a bit of good looks to match with me

Christian values

a virgin if so coz I am one

Good hearted


Family and yeah kids

I would love to have great family gettogethers with his and my family

Morals yeah ethics yeah

He should be a one woman man

Race is okay as long as he has a great rep and a great name. But I do prefer fair men to the dark ones coz thats my ideal kinda preference

He can be introverted or extroverted as long as he is what he is....

He should treat a woman like a lady

and someone with high standarads, intelligent and who can talk about anything if he has too!!

Thats it.

2007-06-12 04:33:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My ranking of the perfect soul mate:

1. Moral values and Character
2. Intellect, the smarter the better, without the snobbery
3. Enjoyment, sense of humor, loves to laugh
4. Employed and responsible, not necessairly rich
5. Energetic, with a strong zest for adventure in life.
6. Loves sex with me only.
7. Healthy and not overweight
8. Must have same political and spiritual beliefs as I do.
10. Been married before, kids ok, but grown at our age please.
11. The looks will come if he fits all of the above.

2007-06-12 01:00:39 · answer #2 · answered by sashali 5 · 0 0

Money - doesn’t matter much as long as he has a job that he likes.
Looks - doesn’t matter I don’t have a “type” that I go for.
Beliefs – Liberal views would be nice but they are not necessary, however, he would have to be open minded and tolerant of other peoples beliefs.
Moral Values – respectful of others.
Character – Kind, caring, and strong
Sex – He would have to believe in monogamy
Religion – doesn’t matter as long as he is tolerant of others beliefs
Race – Doesn’t matter
Family – I would prefer someone who has a healthy relationship with his parents.
Kids – He would have to like kids, be nice to kids and want to have some of his own.
Enjoyment – Able to have fun doing a variety of things within the relationship as well as have a passion for something outside of the relationship.
Sense of humor, laughing and playing is so important

2007-06-12 01:32:20 · answer #3 · answered by ecogeek4ever 6 · 1 0

I wholly agree with Prestons mama! Well done hun! Of course you cant write a list of what you want in a SOUL-mate!!! When you find one, all those things either dont really matter or fall into place anyway. Its the feeling between two people that makes for soul-mates not what you can get from one another!!! Im astounded at some of these answers!

2007-06-12 11:46:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1)money> Never mattered to me, still doesn't, all I care about is that he's able to provide for himself enough to not get evicted or have the IRS hunting him down (lol, believe it or not I’ve dated guys with those issues, so while I’d love to say money doesn’t matter at all, in those extreme cases, it does)
2)looks> I've always had a thing for the bad boys, lol y'know, long hair, tattoos, plays an instrument or rides a chopper, lmao I'm such a stereotype!)
3) Beliefs> Honestly? I don't care, It's nice to be with someone who believes exactly the way you do, but its boring too, to me, I find in relationships, being with people who believe in exactly the opposite as what I believe, help me to strengthen my own beliefs and learn to respect others viewpoints (ha ha unless you want knock-down-drag-out fights all the time)
4)moral values> I hate that phrase(for the record) Honesty is the best policy, and ye harm none do what ye will.
5)character> See above
6)sex> Essential, has to be compatible, I prefer an affectionate lover who isn’t necessarily selfish in bed and who can experience the emotional connection occurring.
7)religion> Doesn't matter, same as beliefs
8)race> doesn't matter although I tend to date Caucasian, Hispanic and Native American men, but that’s just how its happened, I don’t seek out one race over another
9)family>Doesn't matter as long as they are at least respectful to their family, nothing is a bigger red flag than a man who's an as$ to his family
10)kids> I personally prefer to date men who don’t have children, baby's mama drama lol
11)enjoyment> umm, dunno what your trying to say with this one, I must enjoy them and they must enjoy me if that’s what you mean :-)
12) every other things you can add> A guy with a conscience is important, and a man who respects me and in turn also requires respect, good self-esteem, and spontaneous I'm big on "let's get up and GO!" so spontaneity is a must! Ooh and funny too, I hinted at the instrument thing (guitar players are oh so sexy yum :-) ) but I really need to know that someone I am with is somehow artistically inclined, be it through writing, music, painting etc. Artistic souls definitely always suited me best.

so there's my "holy grail" lol good luck

2007-06-12 05:30:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

For me:

1) Intelligent
2) Upbeat
3) Confidence
4) Good sense of humor and ability to laugh at oneself
5) Honest; strength of character in general.
6) Caring
7) Gentle
8) Strong sex drive
9) Interests in something besides work
10) Adventurous, and unwilling to be stuck in a rut for safety's sake

That's my "wish list" - although the items aren't all necessarily in the order I put them. Maybe some day I'll find him :-)

2007-06-12 01:01:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Someone who holds basically the same values, beliefs, ideas regarding the important things in life... And can deal with my personality, it is very strong... If I break it down to every point in your question it would go like this... Having a great deal of money, not important, I can take care of myself. But he must be gainfully employed. Physical appearance, not so important. Beliefs of-course they must be in-line with my own. Moral values the same. Character "very important" lack of character is not a good quality to possess. Sex, very important. Religion, not so important what religion, however must have some spiritual foundation ( I have respect for all religions) Race, I only recognize the human race. Family, must value family. Children is that not part of family? Environment this is very broad, (healthy). One thing I would add is integrity, a man must possess integrity. And of course last but not least. He must possess a very strong personality and have the strength to deal with mine... Great question. God bless****

2007-06-12 01:10:39 · answer #7 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

I didn't answer all them some weren't sure what to say.

It doesn't bother me if he's rich or poor but would like a guy who has a job not someone who can't be bothered to work and sits on their ****.
Looks: I think personality is more important but look come in to it a bit I think. When you meet someone for the first time their looks are the first thing you notice. Sometimes when you are attracted to someones personality they also start to appear more attractive on the outside. I like nice smiles, eye brows, hands, hair etc.
Would like a guy who is kind hearted, honest, respectful, loving, understanding, makes time for me, common sense, open minded, funny, makes me laugh etc.
I'm not bothered about his religion or none religion as long as he can accept me as I am and doesn't try to convert me.
Not bothered about his race.
Enjoyment be able to have fun and good laugh with him, be able to go to nice places together, spend time together etc.

2007-06-12 01:06:57 · answer #8 · answered by xoɟ ʍous 6 · 0 0

Not really someone perfect because that one doesn't exist. But I would live with someone who is

1. Faithful and honest - has intergrity (character & morals)
2. Family, kids
3. Fun
4. Looks & money are last, but not least important - esp looks

2007-06-12 00:54:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Money: enough to get by.
2. Looks: frail and poetic.
3. Beliefs: sense and reason
4. Moral values: golden rule
5. Character: honesty and integrity
6. Sex: as much as humanely possible please?
7. Religion: as little as humanely possible, please. Atheists are preferred.
8. Race: no preference
9. Family: as lovably insane as mine
10. Kids: he might want them eventually.
11. Enjoyment: theatre, philosophy, chess (all the intellectual stuff)

2007-06-12 02:59:29 · answer #10 · answered by K 5 · 0 0

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