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Seems we are stuck with the two cartoon characters engaged in a very adult act for the logo of the 2012 games.

£400,000 for something that looks as though it was drawn in the 1980's by some guy on his tea break.


What do you think?
Do you feel let down?
Do you think that the other countries are having a good laugh at us?
Is this the first of a long line of expensive Foul-ups?

2007-06-11 23:30:39 · 24 answers · asked by David 5 in Sports Olympics

24 answers

How dare tessa Jowell say it stays? it's universally reviled! It Iooks like purple vomit and makes me ashamed of being a Londoner. How on earth could something this dreadful pass through a committee without somebody being brave enough to say the truth? It's bears out the truth of the saying that a camel is a racehorse designed by a commitee.Email Tessa Jowell and tell her how big a mistake it is: tessa.jowell@culture.gsi.gov.uk

2007-06-11 23:36:27 · answer #1 · answered by Oliver G 2 · 1 0

To be quite honest a toddler could have drawn a better logo. They say that they are trying to target the young people with this logo but i consider myself young and I think the logo is a joke! But then again, what do you expect from the government. They're trying to look 'cool' but they're so failing at at it! and the UK is made up of more than just young people! shouldn't they have made a logo that appeals to everyone? and if most of the population hates the logo then they should change it, cause we are meant to be a democratic country. I don't think we're ready for the olympics; there is going to be a lot more problems in the run up to 2012 and the UK is going to look so stupid in front of the other countries. Of course the other countries are laughing at us, the logo looks stupid, I mean, it's hot pink! and it has nothing to do with the olympics, you can't see the olympic rings and the 2012 bit is illegible, and as for the animation, it does my head in! and shouldn't they have tested it first to get general opinions on it and to see if it causes epileptic fits before releasing it? and I'm sure previous olympic countries didn't spend so much on a logo.

2007-06-11 23:49:52 · answer #2 · answered by mad_doctor_9 3 · 0 0

If a logo has to be explained to most of the population of what it means or what it stands for it isn't, in my mind, a logo. Surely it should be something that people recognise and associate with the Olympics straight away and needs no explanation. I wonder how many kids knew what it was when they first saw it and these games are meant to be for them. Even a picture of a cuddly toy with London 2012 emblazoned on it would be old hat but a lot better than what we have. But it looks like we are stuck with it and yet again we become a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

£400.000, I wouldn't give 40p and nor should anyone else.

2007-06-12 00:08:32 · answer #3 · answered by gary6346 2 · 0 0

If the computing gadget is in ordinary words attending to the Dell emblem then it shows perchance an situation with the not ordinary rigidity or the RAM because the likely complications, probably the mainboard yet unlikely. Unplug and reconnect the not ordinary rigidity at both ends, remove the RAM modules and re-seat them contained in the slots again, once you've a pictures card do an similar for that to. Reboot and see if that's in ordinary words a nasty connection, if it starts then likely interest executed, if no longer then slightly extra digging is needed. are you able to boot from a abode windows CD? If it will show you how to to get that a methods (that's probably it wont) then you want to ascertain the integrity of the not ordinary rigidity. if using w7 or Vista then run the fix My computing gadget (no longer the installation Now) and choose the stepped forward options. From there you will get admission to the Command instantaneous and kind good the following chkdsk C: /r and press enter - this can take a lengthy time period to finish, probably various hours so be affected individual. once accomplished it provide you with a precis, what you do not want to work out is any undesirable clusters or sectors as this suggests damage to the rigidity and this can nicely be the area. i have self belief it gained't easily boot from the CD, so make confident you've executed the unplugging bit above and if nevertheless no excitement you want to remove the not ordinary rigidity and plug it in to a distinct computing gadget as a slave (second) rigidity. Plug it in and it would want to nicely be known, you want to do an similar chkdsk command as above yet substitute the C: for what ever letter the "new" computing gadget supplies it. With success that's going to locate and connect mistakes and once placed again in that's going to boot often. If all this seems slightly a lot then you want to provide all of it to a technician to look at.

2016-11-23 13:25:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well not only does it portray such a sordid act, it has no relevence to the fact that London are hosting the games, nor that it is in fact the Olympics! Take off the place name and olympic rings and that logo could be used to represent anything! If anyone else has seen the suggested alternatives, then no doubt they agree that whoever designed this one should put his hands up, agree that it is incredible poor and use one of the ones created by the public. Spending £400, 000 on designing a logo is a blooming waste anyway!!!

2007-06-11 23:37:51 · answer #5 · answered by Dandylion 2 · 1 0

I think that as a 16 year old graphics student, i could have done it so much better (and cheaper). I would like to know where these 'young' people they consulted are? Is this young, as in 40 or something? It is truly awful, and i don't know anyone who likes it.

I saw on the news some that other people had done on microsoft paint in about 10 minutes, and they were better. Why is 2012 not using the london eye as the 0 or something? Something that truly shows what london is about?

It shows to the rest of the world that we are stuck in the 80's. they may be thinking ' what is going to look modern in 5 years time', but it seriously won't be this.

Do something about it, and sign up to this petition to force the government to change it:


2007-06-12 02:37:20 · answer #6 · answered by Kit Fang 7 · 0 0

What happened to democracy? I would it have expected something similar to a song for Europe where people are given the option to vote for their favourite, this could have been done very cheaply over the Internet. In addition I can't believe we actually paid all that money for it, surely the Company who designed it could have done it free of charge, and in return get a mention in all the brochures etc. something like 'Olympic logo designed by blablabla.com

Regrettably these people are all too keen to spend our money and they are not bothered if they get value for money, as long as they get a nice lunch and a hamper at Christmas.

The thing that really annoys me is after they come up with an entirely unsuitable design that it pretty much unanimously slated, they have the arrogance to say it's staying

We should get Alan Sugar to start pointing the finger!!

2007-06-12 01:11:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I really do think that the logo doesn't represent the olympics and what it is at all. Like other ones have people running in them or doing somethin atheltic.
I think this just represents the fact that we are good at spending money which we don't need to use.
I can't believe that even though so many of the public hate it, it stays. Why don't they ever listen?

2007-06-11 23:41:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The olympoic logo is a bad mistake. A bad, bad mistake. I mean, the games are in London, but how can you tell from the logo?

Having been in Sydney for the Games I can say they are a fantastic experience.

My only concern is the UK government will c@ck this up. The logo is a very poor start indeed.

2007-06-11 23:45:47 · answer #9 · answered by Chris B 2 · 0 0

I feel very embarrased about it, everyone else manages a decent looking olympics logo for their country and then look at us... the prats of the European Union. I reckon it's appaling that nobody seems to be listening to us, it's just a total waste of time in showing us what it is if they won't take any notice, I can't wait til the olympics is over and we can get over this facade.

2007-06-11 23:40:51 · answer #10 · answered by floppity 7 · 1 0

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