There are many thousands of black holes. All of them reside within the Universe. The total number is not really known, in the same way that the total number of stars is not known.
However, the key point of inteest I would like for you to recognize is that the Universe itself is not "suckable" as you put it. Only the things within the Universe are, again, suckable, as you said. For example, the planet Mars might be sucked into a black hole, but the vicinity where it used to reside would not go away, it would just be empty of the planet Mars. So, the Universe is never, there is that phrase again, sucked. Only the physical objects within it are, laughing again, sucked.
So, in your mind think about an area of fairly large size being operated upon by a gigantic vacuum cleaner which removed all of the matter and debris around it. Space is still there. Only, it is empty now.
As far as the mythological "creation" goes, I really cannot help you with mythology. Those ideas were formed when mankind lacked the scientific understanding of the fundamentals and rudiments of the Universe as a whole. Indeed, most people have no concept of the enormity of Outer Space and the Universe. Most people only have a grasp of the things that they see and deal with on a daily basis like houses, cars, buses, towns and cities...rain, snow, and droughts.
2007-06-12 01:29:45
answer #1
answered by zahbudar 6
There are many thousands of black holes. All of them reside within the Universe. The total number is not really known, in the same way that the total number of stars is not known.
However, the key point of inteest I would like for you to recognize is that the Universe itself is not "suckable" as you put it. Only the things within the Universe are, again, suckable, as you said. For example, the planet Mars might be sucked into a black hole, but the vicinity where it used to reside would not go away, it would just be empty of the planet Mars. So, the Universe is never, there is that phrase again, sucked. Only the physical objects within it are, laughing again, sucked.
So, in your mind think about an area of fairly large size being operated upon by a gigantic vacuum cleaner which removed all of the matter and debris around it. Space is still there. Only, it is empty now.
As far as the mythological "creation" goes, I really cannot help you with mythology. Those ideas were formed when mankind lacked the scientific understanding of the fundamentals and rudiments of the Universe as a whole. Indeed, most people have no concept of the enormity of Outer Space and the Universe. Most people only have a grasp of the things that they see and deal with on a daily basis like houses, cars, buses, towns and cities...rain, snow, and droughts.
2007-06-12 16:30:13
answer #2
answered by Dillon B 1
a million. No 2. Astronomers mentioned that some seen stars wobbled alongside the direction they took by area. This wobble meant that there replaced into some super mass interior of sight, yet no longer something must be seen. Then they got here across that a close-by close to the seen famous individual replaced into emitting an excellent style of radiation. The presence of a black hollow replaced into the logical variety of merchandise to be inflicting each and every physique of those issues. 3. the variety of gravity for any black hollow is constrained. No black hollow has the gravitational potential to realize out a ways adequate to suck in each and every thing interior the universe. 4. workstation fashions have shown that colliding black holes finally end up as being merged together into one lots extra enormous black hollow. 5. we don't
2016-10-17 00:07:50
answer #3
answered by bjorne 4
A black hole is a useless entity that would eventually accrete all the matter in the universe and sit for eternity doing nothing.
This won't happen,we live in a finite universe that will one day go out of existence and a black hole is a nonviable entity.
2007-06-12 03:55:17
answer #4
answered by Billy Butthead 7
Not really.
It could feasibly swallow a whole galaxy, however the space between galaxies is very vast, also everything has gravity and there are more than one black hole in the universe therefore the gravity of everything else would also exert an influence on a black hole.
2007-06-11 21:10:10
answer #5
answered by klaryuk 3
For that to happen a group of several billion stars would have to collapse at the same time (that are in close proximity of each other) and then that would not be enough to pull in the whole Universe.
Here you go
Guess think of the biggest number you can think of and the multiply it by 100 and you would be no where near the size of the Universe ... its that big
2007-06-11 21:32:33
answer #6
answered by AndreL 2
It has been theorized that a super massive black hole is found at the center of most galaxies, as it is in ours. For all that, not only are the galaxies still moving apart but they are speeding up as they do it over time.
2007-06-11 21:40:34
answer #7
answered by mike453683 5
no. you can't suck up anything infinite. straight no. impossible
2007-06-12 00:59:48
answer #8
answered by ? 2