Be honest with yourself. Focus on your good points, be aware of your negatives and make them better. If you know something well, don't let anyone put you down. What you can percieve, you can achieve. No one can sing your song or do your dance but you..Life is a banquet, don't starve. Learn to love yourself. I'm not talking about conceit, but a healthy respect for yourself. Blessings on you.
2007-06-11 14:44:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Let go of the idea that there is a self happening within you. There is no 'self' occurring there. Only the collection of memories into an idea and the projection of the idea into a future. You do this because you were told to do this. You are not your memories or what society has said you are. You are a completely unique, never before, never again occurring, living being equipped with everything you need to live in this universe right now.
2007-06-11 15:57:52
answer #2
answered by @@@@@@@@ 5
Stop thinking. The more you think the more you will construct what-if scenarios about all the things that could possibly go wrong. The worst thing for anyone's confidence is to begin self-questioning.
2007-06-11 17:02:48
answer #3
answered by guru 7
Know that someday you will be dead and nothing will stop that fact. Knowing that death is your ever present companion, you will find little hangups just aren't worth mentioning and are nothing at all when compared to your ultimate destination. I hope it helps, and it isn't to be morbid, but to empower you. Good luck!
2007-06-11 16:17:05
answer #4
answered by neuralzen 3
Get a penis.
2007-06-12 07:31:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous