Don't know anything about you but in general...Get a pet to take care of and love...start a water garden...go hiking, atv riding, waverunners. There is so much to do! You can meet a million people by volunteering for the humane society or some type of animal rescue. You just have to get out there and do it. Where do you live, where is your family?
2007-06-11 05:53:01
answer #1
answered by Leepal 5
Get out of the house and off your computer!! You need to feel sun on your skin and wind in your hair. Ride a bike to the library. Learn about something you've never heard of. Ask a reference librarian for assistance. Take a walk, find a nice shady tree and write a letter to an old friend. Volunteer at a food kitchen for as long as you can. Make a new friend face to face. A website can only entertain, not cure depression and emptiness. Getting involved in the community and connecting to other people will create something to look forward to.
2007-06-11 07:53:10
answer #2
answered by Pastor Gordon Blossom's Special Kind of Love Child 3
Heat can affect your mood and mind set. Focus on keeping cool. Pull all of the shades, refill the ice cube trays, have a daiquiri, that autta lighten your mood. If your too young for Rum then have a slushy. Any indoor projects you can catch up on, like . . . sewing those pants w/ the A $ $ ripped out ?
2007-06-14 19:26:24
answer #3
answered by GoldE 5
Let go of thinking about yourself and your lot in life. There are so many who are so worse off than you. When your thinking returns to a state of balance, you will feel better.
Rather than a website, why not try interacting with others -- live.
2007-06-11 06:02:49
answer #4
answered by guru 7
Help someone else.
Do some shopping for an older neighbor, read a story to a young person, heck, just leave little "thinking of you" cards in public places around your town.
Get away from yourself, help others. You'll feel better.
2007-06-11 05:51:24
answer #5
answered by Joseph G 6
If you feel empty first decide what you want then work for it. Friends, Family, Work, Friends, etc. Find out what you want and work for it or if you are just bored. Go OutSide and TaLk To PeoPle.
2007-06-11 06:10:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Register to dance clubs, sport or art academies, you will meet a lot of people and maybe a lover... when a woman says her life is empty it is because she doesn't feel loved the way she should or deserves!
2007-06-11 05:55:48
answer #7
answered by Anita 4
My heart goes out to you. I can't give you specific "fun" things to do, but I can tell you how to find fulfillment in your life.
I used to be like you, empty and alone, even when I was around other people. It wasn't until somebody shared with me how much God loves me - so much that He actually sent His Son, Jesus Christ, that I found real depth of meaning in life.
You see, we've all sinned (broken God's Laws), and that has created a barriar between us and our Creator. That's why Jesus came - to break down that sin barriar that isolates us from God.
Once we recognize and acknowledge that we have sinned, and then ask God's forgiveness (because Jesus died to pay the penalty for OUR sins), He can forgive us, and fill us with His very Presense, and give us a life of meaning and fulfillment.
Jesus said "I came that they may have life, and that in abundance."
I pray that you find the fulfillment you're looking for in your life, and that you come to a place of reconciliation between you and God.
2007-06-11 05:57:50
answer #8
answered by no1home2day 7
T.T I'm sorry. Forgive me for being, 'religious' but try this site: You can talk to people there. Or for something fun (if you've got time to waste) Try
2007-06-11 05:50:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
that is reality who we are! but please don`t make is so long in your life. you must make the most of something and to make somebody happy. You know, life is full risk. But a life SO simple to. You must make your life be stronger and finished this game.
2007-06-11 06:15:26
answer #10
answered by roberth m 5