A liberal is someone who thinks they know what is best for me...he considers the average American as less intelligent then he/she is....thinks Americans who are productive are rich and should be penalized for being rich with high taxes...they cater to the lazy...convincing them that they are "owed" a living and that it is not fair for anyone to be productive(rich) ..they convince people that America is worse then the terrorists...they are socialist.....their power is from those they convince are not on a level playing field.....they promote envy and greed..........
2007-06-11 05:46:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There are many issues. Not every conservative agrees with the majority of conservatives on what is the right position on every single issue. Even the major issues, Abortion, Taxes, Gun Control, Tort Reform, Immigration reform, etc etc does not have any guarantees of agreement. BTW, this is the same with liberals and their various issues. This is why some politicians are called moderates, because they are more middle of the road like most Americans. Some politicians are SO middle of the road that they are called RINOs (Sen. McCain) and Dino's (Sen Lieberman);party members (in name only).
Bush is considered liberal on Illegal Immigration reform, but is still overall conservative.
Powell is moderate conservative
Bill Clinton is a chameleon, he changes his appearance as needed and he does so with such subtlety that few notice.
Hillary and Nancy both join Ted Kennedy in extreme left wacky world. They are just as far off the beaten path as whacked out conservatives who want to teach "Creation Theory" in public science classes.
2007-06-11 05:46:11
answer #2
answered by SteveA8 6
1) Because it's equally as stupid a word as "conservative" to describe a point of view. With the exception of the most devout, hard-line citizens of this country, you won't find A SINGLE person who is pro everything "good" and anti everything "bad."
2) Yes, and, again, it's a stupid word to describe political view in the first place. Let's use an example: you can be pro-military, pro-{the War in Afghanistam} and anti-{the Iraq War}. What does that make you--conservative because you're pro-military at all or liberal because you're against the Dubya-led invasion of Iraq? They're just labels...
2007-06-11 07:22:51
answer #3
answered by R33_R36_Mainline 3
1) Openness to progress or change.
2) Generosity and willingness to give.
3) In the 18th century, a political philosophy that advocated smaller government and greater individualism, much as modern conservatives do today. Also known as "classical liberalism."
4) In modern times, a political philosophy that advocates greater public support, defense, regulation and promotion of the private sector.
2007-06-11 05:36:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
IMHO, the labels liberal or conservative don't fit anymore. Some liberals are conservative on some issues and some conservatives are liberal on some issues. I think the real test is, does the U.S. Constitution still have any relevance, because if it does, most of our Congress and our President deserve impeachment for failing to uphold it.
2007-06-11 05:54:22
answer #5
answered by mikey 6
IT IS AMAZING to me how the foolish humans of ameriackeep putting labels on others because they do not think the same as them!! conservatives? how can one be called a conservative when they belive in sending military men to therideaths in cause we cannot win??? liberal? because they believe in gay rights? abortions? i do not think like either a liberal or concservative! i vote independent! screw the republicans and democrats both!! this country needs a new party wih NO LABELS!!!
2007-06-11 05:38:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Definitions are changing, illusive and evolving. Is humanity evolving? Well, we still call each other names, fight and struggle to solve anything! Some call that progress, I call it stupid. So if being liberal is a bad thing, I guess there is no hope for me. No worries no one knows what a liberal is anyway!
2007-06-11 05:45:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The word keeps evolving because (Pat Robertson notwithstanding) everyone wants to be thought of as liberal, so whatever-they-think becomes squooshed into liberalism.
The word does not lose its relevance because we who are liberals (and not wannabe's) can tell the difference. And ultimately, that's all that matters, as those who are not liberal are more than welcome to see the light and come on over.
2007-06-11 05:35:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The conservatives seem to want to keep everything as it is or to regress to somewhere in the past. They are adverse to change.
The liberals want to see the world progress so that everyone has a fair chance to thrive. They want science to continue to make gains and everyone to get a good education and they want to keep the world moving. Liberals are for progress.
2007-06-11 05:41:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Liberal feel they are equal to God.
Liberals can accept Jesus Christ only if he is a homosexual.
Liberals hate America.
Liberals hate their fathers.
Liberal worship the false god, the environment.
Global warming is their neo-religion and Al gore has been appointed their pope.
That is a short but concise summary. Should clear up any questions in the future. Make a copy and keep it in your wallet for future reference.
2007-06-11 05:47:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous