I personally would be in or out of the car before they had the chance...LOL I am not helpless. I do however, expect a door to be held when walking into a building.....A polite man will always hold the door and let the woman walk in first even if she was originally holding it for him. I am in the USA.....Agree?
45 answers
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Most men and women are polite here as well. There will be the occassional rude person who doesn't hold a building door open and as far as the car door I don't even want or need that.... I think the UK is the same but thanks for the suggestion...LOL
05:29:20 ·
update #1
are very
need to
2007-06-18 05:09:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
NEVER do it at work - these days if you treat a woman at the office any way different from a man she can claim you are harassing her. Otherwise, it's something that should be practiced on all dates. In non-date situations I like to do it for 2-door cars because the doors are so long and heavy it's hard for them to reach way out and close them. I also try to do it if they are wearing a long dress, since they have to also pull it in to keep it out of the closing door. But I'm still on the fence about doing it for short-dressed women - I'm afraid they might think I'm only doing it to get a good look at their legs. And they might just catch me doing it, too ;-) Worse yet - I might open the door for Britney Spears...but let's not go there, OK? Some things should stay in the dark, girl. In summary, I get mixed reactions from women when I open their door. I think that in time this practice will fade away. Oh - there is the "Texas version" of this. The guy opens the driver's door of his pickup, the gal steps up and into the truck on his side, then she slides over. I guess the gals here settled to take what they could get........
2016-05-17 08:16:00
answer #2
answered by ? 3
I always hold the door weather it's a card door or going into a restaurant. I really even do it for everyone, but especially if I'm on a date with someone.
Like you said it's hard for the car, if she gets in before you have a chance to open the door for her.
Is that because most guys don't do it so you ladies don't expect it?
2007-06-11 04:15:49
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I agree with you. I like the door opened for me as well. There are very few men that do open the door for women whether it be the car door etc. In the '80's when women were demanding to be treated the same as men in the work force, men seemed to carry those demands to more intimate areas as well. Older men seem to still remember what being a gentleman means. Younger men, a majority of younger men, never knew the definition of 'gentlemen', for that matter, they never knew the definition of 'polite'.
2007-06-11 04:21:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I doubt if there should be though. I saw a man open the door of a very nice car and pull the seat belt up so this very nice looking chick could get in and she slapped him in the face and said, what do think I am a whore........
Funny thing is, she was a prostitute and easy to tell that.
No matter I will open the door if she lets me and will even give her my hand to help her out if she would like.
I will be sure to watch to see if she is going to slap me. I will duck.
2007-06-11 04:33:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I don't usually hold the car door open for a woman but I always hold the door open for a woman its second nature to me. I don't even think about it when I do it I just do it.
2007-06-11 06:29:04
answer #6
answered by ♫Rock'n'Rob♫ 6
As mean and nasty as my X was he always opened the door when getting in. I of course got out before he could open it for me.
My baby's daddy does the same for me.
I personally find it offensive if a guy doesn't offer to hold the door open for me. Its just good common courtesy for a man to do that for a woman. More so when its a sign of respect for the opposite sex.
If nothing else it just shows character, that they are a gentleman.
2007-06-11 04:16:23
answer #7
answered by gypsy g 7
I still open the car door for my wife unless she beats me to it.
And I always hold the door open for ANY ladies who happen to be entering/exit a building whenever I am there.
2007-06-11 04:14:26
answer #8
answered by Highbeam 4
Why sit there and wait for them to do that? Sounds boring to me. I'd just get out. I think it's really old fashioned to wait for something like that. On the other hand opening a door for me would be nice.
2007-06-11 04:15:05
answer #9
answered by Smelly Cat 6
There's still a few men that open the car doors open for us. Thank you, guys.
2007-06-19 02:38:21
answer #10
answered by barbwire 7
I agree. My guy always opens the door for me! It's not that I can't do it myself, which of course I can. It's the thought of it. We've been together 6 years and he still opens the doors for me. What can I say, Chivalry isn't dead.
2007-06-11 04:15:43
answer #11
answered by SJM620 3