I'm currently claiming Income support as its very difficult finding some kind of paid employment at the moment, I can not cope with £43 a week as I live a lavishness lifestyle, I have already stopped most of the activities I once enjoyed as I hate the thought of my saving being exhausted. I really need to be awarded Disability living allowance which then opens the door to all the other financial benefits buts theirs a fundamental problem, I'm not that disabled. I already have sever learning disabilities but I am told I don't which I feel is untrue, its quite obvious I do.. But what can one do to look more disabled. Any advice so I could perhaps fake some symptoms. I don't want to work again.
31 answers
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Society & Culture
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➔ People with Disabilities
This is Disability discretion, you are all ganging up on me.
22:38:21 ·
update #1
If you really had a learning difficulty you would have struggled through school, and found it difficult do gain a job.
If you really believe you have a disability then have a IQ test done, along with a few other tests.
But reading your question, it seems you suffer from a condition known as Hilton syndrome (being spoilt and greedy). By your own admission you have a lavish lifestyle, and live the high life.
Faking a condition may also lead to you ending up in jail, for being a fraud, then you will find life much more difficult, because you will be la-bled as a cheat and fraud, and no one will employ you, and Social Security wont help either.
2007-06-11 11:51:46
answer #1
answered by Georgie 7
The professionals usually know what they are talking about when it comes to diagnosis of disabilities, so unfortunately I'm inclined to believe them over you. The problem for you is that most professionals would easily see through fake symptoms, and they would quite rightly refuse to support your dishonesty.
It's hard enough to get DLA when you have real mental health issues, let alone fake ones. My parents became certain that something was wrong when I was three, and spent much of the next 14 years trying to get the Local Education Authority to have me assessed, despite the support of many of my teachers. It then took another 10 years to get DLA, since DLA is largely aimed at supporting the physically handicapped, rather than the mentally handicapped.
I don't want to work again, but I know that laziness is not an valid option for those capable of work, so I do volunteer work, while I look for a suitable job. I may not be able to cope with working full-time, but I will try to get part-time or full time work and get off benefits. I don't want to spend the rest of my life as a parasite on the benefit system, it's utterly unfair to those who do contribute to society.
2007-06-13 20:54:30
answer #2
answered by Nebulous 6
"you are all ganging up on me"? I wonder why?
"I already have sever learning disabilities but I am told I don't which I feel is untrue, its quite obvious I do"? WOW! For someone with "OBVIOUS" severe learning disability you sure know how to write up a good argument and seem quite good grasp of the English language. (I will give you the typo for the word "sever" for severe)
Go ahead - fake some symptoms. But sooner or later you will be found out. Not sure what your government's penalties are for that type of thing, but in Australia, you can go to jail but definitely they WILL make you pay it all back.
(I just hope you are only joking about your question and only trying to see what responses you are going to get.)
2007-06-11 02:43:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The best I can suggest is more lifestyle changes to save money: Don't smoke or drink alcohol - save that money. If you have an extra bedroom, rent (let) it out to someone who can pay you something for staying there. Don't go out to eat or order food brought to your door - save that money. Buy plain foods, not fancy, expensive stuff. There should be some community centers that provide a box full of food for a couple of hours of volunteer work. If you have a car and don't need it - sell it. Buy your clothes at places like Goodwill (that's in the USA). You may need to move to a less expensive place.
2007-06-12 18:01:13
answer #4
answered by Tina Goody-Two-Shoes 4
Maybe you havent got severe learning disabilitys,maybe you just need a little help . A job is a good thing ,dont you get bored ? think of the free booze at christmas partys! you need to work to meet people even if you dont like them otherwise you will feel isolated and depressed .the longer you leave it the harder it will be and then you will develop `the fear` someone i know is trying to start work again after 15 years of being unemployable because he withheld some money and social took him to court and stoppped all payments he finds it so hard -dont let this become you
2007-06-10 22:52:22
answer #5
answered by li 3
This is totally ridiculos. Get a job. You shouldn't claim benefits when you have savings as it is not allowed and also if you live a 'lavish' lifestyle you must have been working at some point. You can not claim any benefit if you want a lavish lifestyle, that comes through hard work. As for making your self look more disabled, that is out of order and damn right lazy.
2007-06-10 22:43:46
answer #6
answered by Cheeks 3
This consistently works for me! inform you're mom and father you're actually not feeling sturdy and bypass to the bathing room for a at an identical time as after like ten minutes get a tumbler of water and poor it into the rest room slowly to make it sound such as you're throwing up! in the event that they arrive in to work out while you're incredibly throwing up then act such as you're basically washing you're mouth out with water. in the event that they think of you're pregnant...idk on the grounds that i'm a guy I even have on no account had to fret approximately them questioning that...
2016-11-10 02:06:30
answer #7
answered by ? 4
Just pathetic.
What you have asked here is an insult to every person with legitimate disabilities. Grow up. Life sucks, get a helmet. Better yet get a job. If you can draw up this type of coherent argument you can sack groceries, work at McDonalds, or do something to contribute to scoiety in a positive way.
May whoever it is you pray to have mercy on your soul.
2007-06-11 11:11:24
answer #8
answered by bi_tgrl 5
If you don't want to work how about doing a training course or a scheme. There is no room on this Earth for Mr Lazy Bones. So nobody will make any bones about it so do something.
2007-06-13 06:41:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
pretend to be crazy or that you have some kind of mental promble i know 4 different people who did not have a damn thing wrong with them and they got disability so fast your head would spin, one told she had a phobia of people and couldn,t be around them yet the ***** worked in a restaurant under the table everyday, i,m telling you mental disorders got these people disability benefits in one to three months now take another person i know she can,t breathe on her own and her bones are deterating were she can,t get around shes tried for 2 yrs and gets turned town, i don,t really know why but the nutcase philosophy works every time
2007-06-11 17:25:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous