Ummm .. well! I am for homeopathy .. it is much more advanced in terms of healing; homeopathic remedies can also be made from synthetic chemicals. I would advise homeopathy first as complimentary therapy and then as primary therapy once you start feeling the difference your self.
Umm.. check my profile .. my answers .. my best answers and decide whether I have any conviction in what I am saying .. Ignorance is no plea!
Best if you check these links:
2007-06-11 00:37:47
answer #1
answered by Extreme Dude 5
Homeopathic medicine should not be confused with natural or herbal medicine, it is much more specific. Homeopathic remedies are prepared by taking small quantities of ingredients and diluting them over and over until as little as one molecule or zero molecules of the original substance remain. The main benefit of homeopathy is that people claim there are no side effects. I believe this is true because there are no effects whatsoever of taking, for example, one molecule of sand. (I saw a homeopathic doctor once who actually prescribed this - "silicea"). The "stronger" the homeopathic remedy, the more times it has been diluted.
Homeopathy is fairly similar to witchcraft in that there is a very specific somewhat magical procedure for creating the medicine, a lot like casting a spell, but with no scientific reason to believe the medicine should actually do anything. I am not saying that spells cannot work for some people, but it is not a scientific process.
Modern medicine uses plenty of natural chemicals as well as synthetic, however in the interest of purification and cost they often switch to synthetic over time. Additionally the drug companies are more interested in synthetic chemicals which they can patent in order to keep costs unnecessarily high.
Natural and herbal medicines can and should still be used when there is scientific evidence that they work and are safe. Again, don't confuse this with homeopathy.
2007-06-11 03:33:43
answer #2
answered by Lazy G 2
Modern medicine use mainly synthetic chemicals. It is mainly symptomatic; that is it treats on the symptomatic level but does not deal with the root cause of the symptoms. It also includes surgery, an invasive procedure.
Homeopathy is a system of medical treatment based on the use of minute quantities of remedies that in larger doses produce effects similar to those of the disease being treated. Homeopathy is a holistic healing method; that is it aims to address at the root cause of your ailments. You need an individualised assessment by a practitioner for a homeopathic prescription.
Both homeopathy and modern medicine have their uses. While homeopathy has its merits, there are certain situations where say surgery is warranted to save a life.
2007-06-11 00:54:59
answer #3
answered by mindalchemy 5
Excuse me !
I beg your pardon.
Modern Medicine Vs Homeopathic Medicine.
Where did you get that from. Homeopathy is in fact the New School of Medicine, Allopathy is the old out dated school of medicine. Homeopathy is the Modern way of curing with smart medicine without any side effects or complications. While the old school is still limbering up with its ancient. suppression techniques. Homeopathy has taught us how to Cure not just treat and go on treating with different drastic drugs which cause further complications and not to mention the Side effects which the old goats of medicine consider nothing. Well I cant blame them they are not there to cure but just to sell us those fancy named Medicines which are in fact the cause of most of our ailments to start with and you call that Modern Medicine :o) please correct your statement.
Wishing you all the best.
Take Care and God Bless you.
2007-06-11 01:18:53
answer #4
answered by Soul Doctor 7
Homeopathic medicine takes a more natural, preventative approach to healing, while modern medicine implies synthetic, lab created drugs and quick fixes.
I firmly believe they should work hand in hand.
Homeopathy as a way of life as preventative medicine, and modern medicine for acute situations.
Homeopathy is more advanced. Chinese medicine, and acupuncture for instance is thousands of years old, and only now modern science is discovering WHY it works.
2007-06-11 02:32:24
answer #5
answered by tiny Valkyrie 7
Both forms have their merit. And in today's workld, a homepathic doctor will not entirely discount the 'modern' maedicine approach. Since there are conditions that need stronger management approaches.
Homeopathy generally uses much smaller amounts of naturally occurring substances that CAN be toxic if not properly dispensed, but are likely to induce a similar response to the ailment or condition you need to treat.
'Modern' medicine more often than not treats SYMPTOMS not conditions or prevention. For example back pain - ihave been treated by "alternative" and modern practitioners.
If I can feel equal or better management of the pain by getting chiropractic adjustments regularly vs doping myself up on 3000+ mg of Ibuprofen on a long term - I will take the adjustments any day (and keep my own liver longer too!)
Modern medicine often studies naturally occurring substances and tried to replicate it for a profitable manufacturing process. Not inherently bad - but easier to quantify results with this form of science.
Homeopathy uses combinations of naturally occurring elements - sometimes in combinations...pretty much to the exclusion of artificially manufactured products.
I like having a Naturopath\Homeopath who is willing to accept & occasionally recommend 'modern meds' once it is determined they are the more effective method to achieve a desired goal.
Advanced - that is a vague term really. Homeopathy has many many years of very astute observations documented for every element used. There are reference books galore out there - and the descriptions of a couple items that have been used in my treatments have been astonishingly apt descriptions of my symptoms....
Neither one is a miracle - but both have there merits.
2007-06-10 21:23:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
"The homeopathic term for conventional medicine. 'Allos' in Greek means 'other than' or 'different from' and 'pathy' means 'disease' or 'suffering'.
Allopathic medicine refers to the practice of prescribing
pharmaceuticals that are chosen simply because they diminish symptoms, often because they are antagonistic to the disease process."
Homeopathy (also spelled homœopathy or homoeopathy), from the Greek words hómoios (similar) and páthos (suffering).
Allopathy uses relatively large doses of unnatural drugs, synthesised in chemical laboratories, tested in vitro in test-tubes and in vivo in animals or sick persons.
Homeopathy employs infinitesimal potentised doses of natural drugs derived from plant, animal and mineral sources. These natural substances have been previously tested on healthy volunteers [provings], whose aggregate symptom totality [drug pictures] is very precisely matched to the symptom totality of each individual patient in all its rich and diverse idiosyncrasy, excluding nothing and involving no false demarcation of the patient totality into arbitrarily conceived fragments or 'diseases.'
Therefore, it can truthfully be stated that allopathy treats [suppresses] imagined 'disease entities' with drugs manufactured in laboratories that have been tested upon animals and sick persons. These are required to conform to a preconceived mould of 'disease states,' imagined to abide in populations of the human herd rather than in individuals, and imputed from statistical averages - while homeopathy treats real whole persons as individuals with natural drugs in tiny potentised doses.
2007-06-11 05:17:34
answer #7
answered by amembal4444 5
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2016-05-01 03:45:00
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
modern medicine is better as it is based on scientific evidence. homeopathic medicine is based on folk lure, some of the remedies may work but then again, they may not.
2007-06-10 20:55:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous