Interesting take...but it seems that you are "falsely claiming knowledge and expertise that you do not possess."
UBL did not conduct the 9/11 attacks.
Al Qaeda is translated as "the Base." They do not conduct terror attacks. They train terrorists, but the attacks are actually planned by other terrorist cells.
2007-06-10 23:22:32
answer #1
answered by ? 6
Little many situations used actuality: Osama Bin weighted down grew to grow to be into experienced by technique of using america in cryptography and finance, between distinctive matters on the Western Hemispheric Institute for possibility-loose practices Cooperation- a US protection tension base funded by technique of using American taxpayer funds. Bin Ladin attended the college over and over between 1979 and 1984 for preparation in covert operation. this school has experienced 60,000+ infantrymen, international and American, with the aid of fact its start up fifty 5 years interior the previous. He could perhaps be loopy, yet he's not thoroughly stupid. Couple this with the huge wealth at his disposal till now he grew to grow to be good right into a fanatic and the certainty that he has a protection tension of supporters who're prepared to hide him and shop on with him. would not sound rather rather uncomplicated does it?
2016-12-12 17:40:57
answer #2
answered by ? 4
OBL doesn't exist; his name is Tim Osman who is an MI6 British agent. When Osama Bin Ladin Was Tim Osman
Osama bin Laden:
A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government
Osama bin Laden is dead. The news first came from sources in Afghanistan and Pakistan almost six months ago: the fugitive died in December [2001] and was buried in the mountains of southeast Afghanistan. Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, echoed the information. The remnants of Osama's gang, however, have mostly stayed silent, either to keep Osama's ghost alive or because they have no means of communication.
With an ego the size of Mount Everest, Osama bin Laden would not have, could not have, remained silent for so long if he were still alive. He always liked to take credit even for things he had nothing to do with. Would he remain silent for nine months and not trumpet his own survival?
2007-06-10 18:40:44
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I. Because Osama bin Laden is already dead (by health complications) but not by the hands of US forces.
II. Beause Osama bin Laden is residing in politically unstable, and US supported Pakistan and we do not want to destabilize the country by intervening with a military force (which would errode pro-Western support in an Islamic nuclear power.)
III. Because Osama bin Laden is somewhere in China and like Pakistan, invading China or pressing China into permitting a US military presence in China would create turmoil.
In the later scenarios, the American political elite would keep it a secret in order to prevent public outrage and riotting.
2007-06-10 18:31:17
answer #4
answered by rian 3
He is wanted for numerous crimes. Adding 9/11 doesn't change that.
Warrants were put out for his arrest years before 9/11.
Looking for him rather than invading countries where we know he ain't would be a first step to catching him.
2007-06-10 21:05:53
answer #5
answered by Sageandscholar 7
He's a fictional character made up by the Neo-cons to justify war in the middle east? He is actually an actor living in San Diego.
2007-06-10 18:34:35
answer #6
answered by 6th Finger 2
Cuz Bin Laden and the REAL Saddam Hussein are having cocktails on a beach in Florida right now.......with new faces and ID's all payed for by the great people of the USA
2007-06-10 18:31:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
because they want this war to go on and on and on just like the enigizer bunny!! I swear, this war is a joke and i don't know why more people don't see this.
2007-06-10 18:47:29
answer #8
answered by aaron b 4
Is it because the Bushes are friends with the Bin Ladens and our very big oil buddies
2007-06-10 18:27:11
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Because we're not even really looking for him--most of our resources pointed the wrong way in Iraq.
2007-06-10 18:31:17
answer #10
answered by missusjonz 4