I love 'em all. They ALL have their share of beautiful women, and they ALL have their share of handsome guys. And the World just wouldn't be the same without the wonderful variety of peoples... God really knew what He was doing- when He created Humankind. :)
2007-06-10 17:51:08
answer #1
answered by Joseph, II 7
oh! great question! I think that the Susan G. Koman race for the cure is by far the most attractive race to participate in.
I think it's more attractive than mine because it contributes to a great cause and I feel like I'm giving back to the community where when I'm in my own race, I'm really just running for me or racing my dog.
It's not that I dislike my race, it's just boring. Koman's race for the cure has so many participants, it's hard NOT to get involved.
Great question, though, really!
2007-06-10 17:46:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes. Klingons. As far as the human race, there is only one. Scientific fact. All those pretty pigment colors are only one feature of our biology, like iris color.
If you mean, do I like people with different eye color and pigmentation, yes. And I like it for the variety and human appeal. However, an ugly personality will kill the attraction quickly.
2007-06-10 17:47:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I am of Irish descent, i love to look at hot asian indian guys for hours and hours together. Its their skin colour and their hair, i like the most. Also their facial features are out of the world. Not to forget, their bodies are to die for. All in all, they are the hottest group of guys. Another thing i like about these men, is that they are attatched to their value systems even today and are taught to be honest and how to respect a woman or women. Indian value system helps them to grow from boys to men or even better- gentlemen. Im aware of all this, because I had an indian boyfriend, his name was abhi, he had all of what ive discussed above. He was like god. So the next time an indian guy hits on you, you know that it is genuine and dont let it pass on.
2007-06-10 17:53:59
answer #4
answered by nita a 1
Although I am African-American, I was raised in the suburbs and in a mostly white neighborhood and went to a mostly white high school. Perhaps because of this, I find myself to be much more attracted to white men than to African-American men.
2007-06-10 17:47:03
answer #5
answered by Joy M 7
Love middle eastern and Indian guys. Something about the dark hair, dark eyes. Mediterranean guys too with the olive skin. I think it stems from my jealousy of people who can tan. That and the fact that they come from places with really good food.
2007-06-10 17:51:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There is always something that is attrative about another race, I don't hate though a cute face is a cute face no matter the color.
2007-06-10 17:48:04
answer #7
answered by the_finaljustice 1
im asian and im attracted to other asians and caucasians. i dont know why i find caucasians attractive...it might be because in todays society/media white people are considered to be the "ideal" for beauty. i think the fact that they can have blue, green, grey eyes and blond, gold, brown, red hair is a turn on....maybe cause asians cant have any of those features naturally....but i dont like how some white guys are too much of a pranker....its funny but i dont think i can deal. asians i like since...well im asian but i dislike how some asian guys are too skinny and have small builds! and asians tend to be shallow...REALLY shallow (esp if your a fob)...that's a turn off...and some asians dont know how to have fun! their idea of fun almost always includes karaoke, getting drunk like theres no tmarrow, and clubbing. i dont drink, find no fun in karaoke and im not a clubbing kind of gal.
2007-06-10 17:54:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Taiwanese, Japanese, Americans, Mexican and Latino..
Mostly i like about their features and their backgrounds like cultures, arts, etc. One thing that I don't like my race is because they're always backstabbed other people of their own race about clothes, etc. whereas the other races don't really mind about us and they treat us like normal people.
2007-06-10 17:49:34
answer #9
answered by Cassie 3
I think that I lean more to the individual person than the race.
2007-06-10 17:45:27
answer #10
answered by Anonymous