My work is my life, it follows me everywhere I go.
2007-06-10 17:35:44
answer #1
answered by xxx 4
I had that same bad habit at a previous company that I was working for. I have since learned lots about bringing work home and its effects on life and all its worth.
The best way to be productive at work is to work had--every minute. The more productive you are, the more productive you will be. If you are "passing time", the boss will see that, and will begin to wonder just why are you on the payroll.
If you have a "reliance" that you will finish the assignment at home, the reality is that it never works that way. Something inevitably comes up and/or goes wrong.
For me, I had work that was spreadsheet related, and just as I could have done everything from home or a coffee shop, I am glad that at that time I was "blessed" for not having the resources that otherwise would have allowed me to do so.
We all have a life outside work, and I do not have anything against loyalty and dedication. I personally feel that we do need to have time for ourselves and for our family. When they are happy, you become happy; when you are happy, you are more productive; when you are productive, the boss is happy; when the boss is happy, magically everyone at work becomes a joy to work with. The circle of life also is alive and kicking at the workplace too!!!!
Hope this helps.
PS: In this day and age, many workplaces are a "little" paranoid about information getting out to the wrong hands. I trust that in the times you take work home, that your boss is fully aware of that. If no policy is in effect, you never know when the workplace's management can turn on you and accuse you of stealing information and/or feeding it to a competitor. Food for thought.
2007-06-11 00:44:40
answer #2
answered by rc 5
I bring it home knowing that I won't even touch it. If I leave it at work, there may be a chance that I may feel like working on it at home, so I always bring it home anyway. Besides, it makes me look good in front of the bosses and a weasel to my co-workers. Hehehe!!!
2007-06-11 01:00:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately Ive turned my life into 24hour a day job it started at 40 hours a week then 50 then 60 then 70 and several businesses to middle of the night calls, knocks on my HOUSE DOOR why cant I say NO ???? anyways Ive been starting to avoid night business
2007-06-11 00:35:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Stays at the office.
2007-06-11 00:34:27
answer #5
answered by Judas Rabbi 7
All the time. In fact, many times, when I'm here, it's taking a mental break from the reports and memo's I read and draft at home at night.
2007-06-11 00:51:24
answer #6
answered by JC 7
No, my work stays at the office.
2007-06-11 01:01:43
answer #7
answered by Tony M 7
I work at home now my garage is like 10 steps from my back door.
2007-06-11 00:40:25
answer #8
answered by Tazz 5
Nah, whatever bugs me (for the most part) leaves as soon as I punch out. Why ruin my night for what can be addressed the next day when I go back.
2007-06-11 00:49:53
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Kinda hard to bring my work home.. I drive a tractor trailer.
Won't fit in my driveway or my street..
2007-06-11 00:35:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I'm a teacher so I always have notebooks and papers all over the house. If I didn't, I'd never get anywhere.
2007-06-11 00:38:16
answer #11
answered by melady 5