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I admit, that fun got the best of me while I had a few extra days off this past week....and I didn't bother to go to the grocery store. Now, it's back to work I go tomorrow and I know I'll have to eat out at lunch. I'm typically a very healthy eater (I get in all my essentials and treat my body well) and here are my choices near work tomorrow to get:
1. Arbys
2. Long John Silvers
3. McDonalds
4. Quiznos
5. KFC

What would you get to eat moderatly healthy despite the fact that you'd be eating fast food?

2007-06-10 17:24:48 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

30 answers

Although Arby's and KFC sound better... Quiznos is probably your best choice if you wanna eat healthy sooooooo yeah try Quiznos, they taste good too!!!!!!!!

2007-06-10 17:30:46 · answer #1 · answered by s_kicker 2 · 0 0

I would get Quiznos cause it's at least sandwiches. You don't have to get them toasted or covered in cheese. You can get a simple healthy sandwich. Arbys isn't too bad either. That would be my second suggestion. Most of the food at the other three are deep fried or swimming in oil. Definitely not healthy for you.

2007-06-10 17:29:19 · answer #2 · answered by Steven's Love 4 · 0 0


2007-06-11 01:22:11 · answer #3 · answered by *princess* 2 · 0 0


2007-06-10 17:31:20 · answer #4 · answered by ~Alecia~ 1 · 0 0

Quiznos salad

2007-06-10 17:27:53 · answer #5 · answered by Leather and Lace 7 · 0 0

this could be a competent recipe I make for my pals: Avocado Reuben 2 slices rye or pumpernickel bread Mustard Thousand Island dressing (recipe follows) a million/2 avocado, pitted, peeled, and mashed a million/4 cup sauerkraut unfold one slice of bread with some mustard, the different slice with Thousand Island dressing. place the bread slices, dry area down, in a gently oiled skillet. suitable one slice with avocado, and the different with sauerkraut. Over medium warmth, grill the sandwich till gently browned and warm, approximately 5 minutes. positioned the sandwich halves at the same time and luxuriate in! Makes a million sandwich. Thousand Island Dressing right here’s all the zing of the unique with out the clobber of fat and ldl cholesterol. a million cup vegan mayonnaise a million/3 cup ketchup a million/2 tsp. onion powder a million/4 tsp. salt a million/8 tsp. garlic powder 3 Tbsp. candy pickle take exhilaration in 2 Tbsp. m OR: Mock Tuna Salad a million cup garbanzo beans (canned or pre-cooked) a million stalk celery, chopped a million/2 small onion, finely minced vegan mayonaise (e.g. Vegenaise or Nayonaise) salt and pepper to style bread Mash the garbanzo beans. upload final components and combine nicely. unfold on bread. i'm hoping THIS HELPED AND sturdy success!!!

2016-11-10 01:46:06 · answer #6 · answered by swett 4 · 0 0


2007-06-10 17:27:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

McDonald's Crispy or Grilled Chicken Asian Salad is what i choose for fast food healthy. second choice would be Arby's. the meat is lean.

2007-06-10 17:39:54 · answer #8 · answered by WalkingInL.A. 2 · 0 0

Quiznos has a really good chicken cesar flatbread salad.

2007-06-10 17:29:08 · answer #9 · answered by jess 2 · 0 0

arbys is alright
never heard of long john silvers
mcdonalds should be at the bottom of the list if not off it
quiznos is probably the one i would have at the top of my list
KFC is alright i guess

2007-06-10 17:47:39 · answer #10 · answered by Dont get Infected 7 · 0 0

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