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3xy / 6x^y-12xy^ I know we have to do the "restrictions" first. How do I find them?

2007-06-10 14:45:03 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Homework Help

1 answers

3xy / 6x^y-12xy^

Well... you are missing part of the equation. What is Y raised to in the last term? Also, are you sure x is raised to the power of y? If so, there isn't much simplification possible, except the leading co-effecient will simplify.

The restriction is the denominator cannot be equal to zero. So any condition that will make it zero is a restriction. For example, x can not be equal to zero.

2007-06-10 15:07:31 · answer #1 · answered by tkquestion 7 · 0 0

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