America is a nation of immigrants. This country was founded on immigration. I have no problem with immigrants coming to America to work hard and better themselves. Gang members should definitely be deported, but hard-working families can stay.
2007-06-10 14:08:40
answer #1
answered by x 4
The citizens of the United States of America are attempting to stop the Coup D'Etat that has been perpetrated on us by the Bush Crime Family and the wealthy secret covert operators that have been encouraging them.
Please read my blog at:
The Bush Administration has refused to enforce the laws that already exist regarding the immigration and has turned the Department of Justice into the Department of INjustice and other treasonous acts including the mass murders on 9/11.
It has become more obvious that the US Congress & officers of the military have refused to live up to their oaths of office and soldiers are being forced to go along with them.
Each government official including the President has taken an oath that includes a phrase similar to "promise to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies both foreign and domestic" in some part of it.
Congress is putting on a nice show about how hard they are working. When in fact all they are doing is buying time while President Bush signs Presidental edicts without any mention of it to the media.
They started the 2008 campaign for the presidential election, if there is going to be one, extra early so the players can put on a show.
We are trying to keep them from stealing the rest of our Constitutional rights away.
Everything is being done behind closed doors.
President WIlson gave a speech during WWI, were he stated in order to prevent a further war the countries should work things out in the OPEN diplomnmatically.
After WWII there were 50 nations the signed the Charter of the UN. Two years later the US government set up the CIA which has 3 functions. 2 of those functions are a direct violation of the Charter of the UN. Why haven't the other countries complaining about it, you ask ? It is because the US Military complex has permitted a madman to make the laws and have assited since the 1950's. President Eisenhower had warned us about the potential risk of the US military takeover the country.
Well it is happening. For real. The real terrorists are the Bush Crime Family.
2007-06-10 22:16:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
We have never had total control of our border. Say hello to deep fried ice cream at the grocery store. Bank of America is stupid. Nicaragua, Venezuela and Iran already have ties over oil. China is trying to be a super power. What is this talk about dog food and toothpaste. Don't we buy those Items in America? Russian spies never stopped. What were they going to do? Work at McDonalds? Why would anybody build a port in Kansas City. That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. Put a port where absolutely no ships can get to. We aren't losing this county. We are losing our Constitutional rights. All you are doing is scaring people. If you really want to help out you can support Ron Paul for President. Read about him below.
2007-06-10 21:23:49
answer #3
answered by Specialist McKay 4
As far as I'm concerned, Bank of America can give credit cards to anyone that it wants to. It's an international company, so it shouldn't matter where the cardholder is from.
And the KC port thing is fairly commonplace. Kinda like what they do with an embassy. The American embassy in India, for example, is considered American soil. So, I'm not too worried about that.
But the rest of it is pretty distressing. Sounds like we're on the wrong path. I like your last quote.
2007-06-10 21:11:53
answer #4
answered by skip742 6
I hear you. It is a scary time in our history, as we are being plunged into previously unchartered waters.
The powers to be are hoping for economic global unification, as many view it as our ultimate means for survival. They are hoping that if we join interests, those who profit will come to our aid against our enemies when needed.
We can only hope they are right. Amid all the Anti-American sentiment afloat out there, it is questionable at best and you are right in that they are gambling with our very sovereignty.
God Bless Us!
2007-06-11 04:03:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
We have nobody to blame but ourselves. For allowing our government to become. A government for the government, by the government. Instead of a government for the people, by the people. This has happened do to apathy, disenfranchisement, economic segregation, political segregation, social segregation, racism, the creation of an indirect democracy, corruption and class warfare. People in charge of the government realized. That they could steal the American political and legal processes. Therefore America! Without firing a shot by keeping us divided and ignorant to what these changes going on around us really mean! How these changes would effect our unalienable rights. As well as the political, judicial processes that are supposed to preserve said rights. In this so called great Republic. Where are the checks and balances. Each individual branch was to have over the other. Non-existent! Our government is out of control. Americans as a whole do not care. As long as it does not effect them directly. Or at the very least gives the appearance it does not. Most Americans are comfortable and complacent. Who cares if the government goes awry, is corrupt or being manipulated to line the pockets of the various parties or politicians. Who are supposed to be protecting America and its populous. Not to mention swore an oath to do so. You are right! As far as we are loosing that more perfect Union our forefathers dreamed and so longed for. Shed blood to create and preserve. At least my ancestors did.
Some argue, we are all immigrants. That is true! For the most part. What they failed to understand is. We came to this land. By what ever convening authority gave us permission. That would be the Monarchy(English, Spanish, French Crowns and so on). Or we conquered threw assimilation, Military force, treaties, agreements and so on. As those who came before us did. These so called illegals are not doing so. They are violating the law. Creating situation that adversely affects legal citizens. Do to the undue burden these illegals have on the educational, medical, criminal systems of these United States. Lets not even delve into how much the fraud cost us. Do to forgeries they create to stay here. Maybe we should do to these illegals. As the Native American did to those they deemed illegal at the little big Horn.
I think most of the lesser educated Americans confuse legal immigration, with that of illegal immigration. Since they have no valid argument. They spout out platitudes of racism, or that we are all immigrants. Therefore these illegals do not have to follow the law. Yea, that makes sense. Not! How every othere nation in the world has their own immigration policies. They enforce! Why should we not do the same. Another good point, is why these illegals are so supported by certain political parties. Could it be so they can transform the political demographic in their favor. That would be yes, to a three to one ratio. Something they failed to do with the legal citizens already here. As far as a one party system is concerned.
Should we not learn from the first immigrants to North America(Native Americans). Look what mass immigration did to them. If we do not learn from the past we are doomed to repeat it. Let there be no mistake! This is an invasion. Should be met with the resolve and fortitude all invasions have been met with. In which all we have to loose is freedom and our rights. These so called undocumented workers come from a country. That is even more corrupt then our own. So instead of fixing the problem in their own country. They abandon it. Coming here instead.
These undocumented workers come from a country in which they had less rights, with stood more abuses of power, and literally were surrounded by corruption of law enforcement at every level. Does anyone truly believe these experiences will allow them to make the US a better country. They have no wish to assimilate into the American culture or society. Just create little versions of the country they came from. Yea, that good for America. If it was so great why they leave it in the first place. Forcing the legal citizens to become bilingual. While they do not have to. Should it not be the opposite. Mexico is virtually a narco-state; they let it be so. Should we allow them to do the same here? Not to mention a lot of these undocumented illegals do not even believe they are in the United States. Still reliving the Mexican American war. You lost, get over it already. By the very argument the Spanish still own Mexico.
I for one do not wish America to turn into the septic tank that is Mexico. There health policies are way behind the US. This includes vaccination programs. Thus bringing over diseases long eradicated in the US. Where is the supposed benefit to the US from these illegals. If they want to be citizens so bad. Why do they not do what a majority of the Irish did to become citizens during the Civil War. Join the service! After your service is up. Your a citizen! They will not because they want a free ride. With no cost to themselves. If our founders did this we would never have been a nation in the first place. Get in line like the rest. Or be willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice like the rest. No more free rides! Earn your way, or wait in line. No special treatment for any illegals. Freedom sometimes has a price. As my ancestors learned.
Illegals are unwilling to pay this price to preserve there native nation. Why would they be willing to do anything here. That is of a positive nature. I will not even invoke the terrorism, gang arguments that are also valid.
As far as a revolution is concerned. It may get to that point. Make no mistake it will happen. Either by the pen or by force of arms. That is if our goverment does not wake up before it to late. I hope they do! Together we stand, divided we fall. Stop feeling bad for a people who gave up on their own nation. They have no one to blame but themselves.
Peace!!! Love!!! Long live the Great Federal Republic of these United States. All those who dwell within her legally, or serve her.
2007-06-10 23:32:15
answer #6
answered by Richard P 2
The liberals are the ones to blame. They are trying to take over this country by letting illegals roam free and making alliances with terrorist.
"A republic if you can keep it"- Ben Franklin
2007-06-10 21:19:33
answer #7
answered by StanTheManley 1
What do you think is going on? Our leadership is selling our country to the highest bidder. Time for another revolution.
2007-06-10 21:13:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
ROME is Burning from the inside out.. ROME is decaying.. ROME is ROTTEN with CORRUPTION.. The Great Decider says it is his Country..
2007-06-11 14:46:54
answer #9
answered by 7
You appear to have all the Facts in Order, we just need to awake those who Slumber.
2007-06-10 21:08:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous