Yes, as a soldier I believe we need to stop Iran at all costs from gaining nuclear weapons.
It scares me and I don't want to do it, but I also could never live with myself if there was a nuclear bomb detonated somewhere on US soil because we didn't take action.
Everyone else should be asking themselves the same question. Can you live with knowing that a nuclear bomb was detonated on US soil because you didn't take action?
Because if Iran gets the bomb that is what will happen. They are one of largest supporters of terrorism in the world, and we are fighting a proxy war in Iraq with Iran as we speak.
to all the people who don't realize Iran is supporting the Iraqi insurgency, you have been duped into not paying attention, or don't know where to get real news from.
Iran is the largest supplier of IED's if you even know what that is. They taught the Iraqi's how to make shape charge IED's which are so deadly they can cut through a TANK. and the Iranian soldiers have been caught in Iraq. Do any of you really pay attention to what is really going on?
Also Iran attacks the Kurdish people in the north all the time. Mostly they shoot morters and other artillery at the Kurds from their side of the border.
2007-06-10 06:31:44
answer #1
answered by Nickoo 5
Get real! Have you forgotten President Eisenhower's warning about the military industrial complex? They are experts in exploitation of human emotions and social discontent. All wars are about love (of self or someone else), lust or lucor (money). Those who insist on fighting are suffering from sexual frustration. I have two brothers who have served in Iraq. They tell me you can cut the sexual tension with a knife (sometimes literally). In all societies where men and women are strictly separated, the men are very frustrated and take it out on others through war. The chicken hawk conservatives in the U.S. are usually exposed as sexual deviants. That's how J.E. Hoover controlled American politicos throughout his tenure at the FBI (and who would know more about deviant behavior). The Islamic militants are no different. I am sorry to be politically incorrect, but many are self-hating gays (many are on the down low "how you doing?")who are guilty about their orientation. That is why they think nothing of killing women and children. Heterosexual warmonger conservatives, much like the Salem witch hunters, are afraid of the power of women. We cannot leave out the crazy women who do not feel loved if they are not controlled by men. No one who really loves God or Allah can hate or kill another human being. If you love the Most High, you cannot harm any creations of the Most High. This includes people and the environment. The constant bombing is changing the topography. Even the fools shooting their rifles into the air often harm each other as the bullets fall back to the earth. Let's face it, most of our problems in the world are caused by the military industrial complex that promotes war around the world to fill their bank accounts. They supply both sides and will eventually kill us all. They are drug dealers of injustice. Find lovers for all these crazy people and let them concentrate of creating smiles instead of tears.
2007-06-10 14:25:34
answer #2
answered by professor 1
Well, taking down Iraq is one of the FIRST steps to tearing down the regime in Iran. Another one of the first steps is establishing a democratic foothold in Afghanistan. Can anyone see to where this is heading? Anyone with a map out there who can tell me which country it is that is BETWEEN Iraq and Afghanistan? Yep! It is IRAN! Once we get these democracies established and functioning on their own, the Iranian people will be forced to look east and west and see Iraqis and Aghannis, respectively, living and THRIVING under their OWN forms of democracy and want this for themselves and their families. Remember that the Iraqis have voted THREE times! It's in their blood.
The Iranian leadership will fight these efforts, of course, and Iranian people will die at the hands of whatever form of the Iranian military remains loyal to its leadership. THIS may be how we Americans will have a hand in the demise of the Iranian leadership and settle a foundation of Democracy there sans firing a single shot in anger from a firearm owned by the United States.
The Dims will fight this, of course, because their guys, JFK, LBJ, and WJC never got a chance to do what GWB is doing today. The latest of the bunch ignored the signs of the threat before it reared its ugly head on that bright morning in September '01. He dismissed the bombings of embassies in Africa and the attack on a Navy ship as "incidentals" and failed to make or see the connection as the threat grew.
JFK and LBJ had their attempts at democracy building, but it was the FDR/Truman model that blinded them. With that model, you must destroy EVERYTHING and build a democracy from its foundation. There was no foundation for democracy in S.E. Asia at the time of the Vietnam War, i.e. no democratic allies who could share some military support as S. Vietnam rebuilt itself. Nor did the S. Vietnamese sit on BILLIONS of barrels of oil! Which is what Iraq will use to rebuild its country in terms of a democracy and is likely to use to help Afghanistan with its costs there.
This also helps to explain WHY Iran is in such-a-rush to develop nukes. Should it come down as explained above, Ahmadinejad will have his finger on the button in downtown Tehran asking the people if they want death and democracy or life and islamofascism. He will hold his own people under threat of death. He will terrorize his own and command them to vote for him until he dies so that the U.N. won't have anything to say about the "elections" in Iran.
2007-06-10 13:49:06
answer #3
answered by ? 6
Yeah go for it as long as you enlist. Any proof our problems in Iraq are caused by Iran? Or it just more Bush administration nonsense? The only thing causing problems in Iraq and Afghanistan is our President is an incompetent fool who doesn't know how to run a war.
2007-06-10 13:31:59
answer #4
answered by Stephanie is awesome!! 7
A full scale war would be too costly, and as crazy as he is the Pres. of Iran is no Saddam... yet.
Taking out selected targets that pose a threat to Iraq, Afghanistan, and our people there is another possibility. If we have surgical strike ability, it should be used before attempting another invasion.
Polite Discussion, Respectful Disagreements regarding nonlethal alternatives to Abortion, Death Penalty, Lethal Weapons.
2007-06-10 13:30:53
answer #5
answered by Yaktivistdotcom 5
No, most of our problems in Iraq are caused by us doing a preemptive war on them.
2007-06-10 13:38:48
answer #6
answered by ash 7
I believe we would have a bit of a logistical problem...most of our fighting force is already tied up in those other two countries. Invading another country with a large military (better prepared an trained than those that were in Afghanistan and Iraq) would be spreading our forces way too thin.
2007-06-10 13:29:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You really show yourself to be an arrogant ****! You seem to think of yourself as the policeman and forget that Iran has many innocent people in it who really don't care about you and just want to make a living for themselves and their family - which a war would restrict! Missiles can't just kill the enemies they also kill innocents who are no direct threat to anyone. And this blow up now, ask questions later kind of folk on here really shows a shady society that we live in!
Oh yes and lastly, the Iranian Pres. was elected in! So the US would be pretty hypocritcal if they attacked a country that used a democracy to get him in. I mean that was how USA was founded right!
2007-06-10 13:31:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I would love to hear how Iran is causing problems in Iraq.
2007-06-10 13:28:43
answer #9
answered by I'll Take That One! 4
come on baby !!
I am ready here to cut off your bone head !
just come here !
I am iranian .. and we are ready to erase the Israel from the world map .
after the war the people of the world will live in peace because they only can see american people in history museum !!
2007-06-11 00:54:08
answer #10
answered by NiGhT 6