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The McCanns (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED copyright 2007) are suspending their high profile freebie world tour to stay in Portugal all Summer to count all their money, sorry, to grieve. Yes, that's what they said. They want to grieve... NOW!! Huh?
Er...could not Maddy be still alive, Gerald? I mean, don't we grieve for the departed, and I don't men distance-wise, I mean breathing-wise?
What a callous pair of liggers, and I reckon they have been told that their jetting around is teeing us all off and to calm it and do something caring parents might do - albeit 37 days too late.
This PLC business is so manufactured, so deliberately and blatantly designed to remove the finger of guilt pointed at them for leaving their kids in a position to be snatched and all this touring nonsense is OTT guilt-deflection.
Well not many of us buy that one, but come on the media. Is it not about time the media laid into these guys for their crime of child neglect?

2007-06-09 20:40:35 · 22 answers · asked by Como Lewis (deceased) 3 in News & Events Current Events

I have a hide like a Rhino when it comes to spotting bad parents who want to turn themselves from the bad guys to the good guys. That will never work on me.

Good reply that. That's how I see it, too. Well, me, you, loads here and ALL honest people.

boy from bali:
Loved the Berlin Bunker Bint! Tell it as it is you guys. About time.
Hey, I'm surprised Team McCann didn't fly to see you, I think Bali's really nice too.

Thank you. Just heard it on this morning's news. It's so obvious what they are doing.
No one dare say a dickybird in our media yet and it's time they did.

2007-06-09 21:20:28 · update #1

Yer I agree. I think Kate has to do what Gerry (TradeMark) tells her. He's so anal and cold blooded. Look at him, he looks like he's just stepped out of Burton's window. She is suffering from him as much as anything else.

2007-06-09 21:24:48 · update #2

wheres me shovel:
Harrowing tale you related there. I can see the relevance.
So glad you put Maddy's interests central as we are all fast losing the focus thanks to Team McCann's bloody flying circus.
A timely reminder, thank you.

2007-06-09 21:32:12 · update #3

Jack H:
I think the sponsorship deal dictated the World Tour (copyright 2007) in association with forthcoming Faber & Faber book publishing rights that Morocco HAD to be included LAST because that's where Maddy was sighted FIRST, and if they'd done what any caring parents would have done and gone there first they would not have had the excuse to look for Maddy under a statue in St Peter's square, Vatican (Ltd Co), in Hitler's bunker in Berlin, in a clog factory in Holland or a sombrero warehouse in Madrid. Fancy missing out France, I'd've thought they would be able to dine in the line of site of the Eiffel Tower and the Tapas Bar from there.

2007-06-09 21:38:18 · update #4

wake up sheeple:
LOL! I wouldn't be at all surprised!
Actually, the latest sighting has been reported as being next to the safe at Coutts Bank, London...

2007-06-09 21:41:12 · update #5

Dave s:
Yes, I remember what they said and as I said, grieving I associate with death, and we're still habeas corpus right now. Oh, well spotted, I missed that point - that they are supposedly staying all Summer but then going (where?) thereafter. So yes, once again, this contradiction. As for the ligging, well I have spent more time frantically looking for one of my cats than they have with actual hands on activity apropos Maddy.
Still, as you say, Pope was a laugh, nice jet rides, Madrid a hoot, Amsterdam (all those bikes eh?) and blow me down the bloody Germans went and ruined it.

2007-06-09 21:47:51 · update #6

NSPCC do your job:
Got it in one. That's how it is. All stage managed to get hem off the hook for their callous child neglect.
Tough. We will all be waiting for you to DARE To show your combined faces in the UK.

2007-06-09 22:10:11 · update #7

Yes, and once again all this is so *rse about face isn't it?

2007-06-09 22:11:55 · update #8

We are all wondering why this is the case.
Surely the media will be thinking like we do.
But they don't want to appear to be as heartless as The McCanns were when they neglected their kids..

2007-06-09 22:13:35 · update #9

You and I and many here, we're all grown up, we are not so daft are we?
It's not rocket science that something in the McCann world is seriously askew.
I don't recognise much sentience or empathy with those two, do you?

2007-06-09 22:16:34 · update #10

22 answers

Exactly 1 week ago, the McCanns said they will never leave Portugal without Madeleine (I can dig up the quote as proof if need be).

Only 2 days ago they said they were still certain Madeleine is alive.

That being the case, why are they grieving?

That being the case, why are they planning to leave Portugal at the end of the Summer?

Sorry Madeleine, your parents show of bravado about leaving no stone unturned, never giving up on you, well ....... apparently it lasted all of a month, now they've basically given up on you.

And to think, in the entire time, they never doorknocked on one house. They never stood on the streets once, handing out fliers. They never once dipped into their own funds to pay for their own tragic mistake.

Nope, but they did manage to meet some lovely dignitaries including the Pope himself!

2007-06-09 21:39:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 12 0

Yeah I saw on an interview the other day that it was going to be their last or something like that. I have not seen anything new on the blog either since June 6. Havent seen it today however. Somebody is definately advising them to do this and it strikes me as funny they said that on the interview right after the German reporter accused them or maybe Gerry and Kate decided they better lay low for a while because people are starting to catch on thinking they are suspects which I am not saying they did something but it is in the back of my mind. Funny how just a couple weeks ago they said they will never stop but suddenly it has come to a hault. I bet if the media did a poll they would find out there are more people that are anti McCann supporters and then they would lay into them. Maybe folks should start emailing the media over there and ask them to do this. Media sells what people want to see they dont give a crap about anything else. I am sure their are a few out there that care but $ is their bigger motive.

2007-06-09 23:40:28 · answer #2 · answered by Ladybugs77 6 · 1 0

Firstly Jim Q - We all think you are well weird.. did you know that? Tipper has 100 times your intelligence and look at your own posts... you cannot spell ever. This is the first time you have ever been able to string a sentence together .......

Secondly. well one month later after jogging up mountains and going to see the Pope, they have decided that trying to look for their daughter in places which might actually be feasible is too much hassle for them..

I get it.. they wanted to go to The Caymans, the USA, The Maldives, etc.. people were getting cheesed off with that, so they have thrown their dummy out of their pram and decided "Well if we can't go gallivanting around the world [ to places that have no connection with our daughter ] then we won't go anywhere"...

2007-06-09 21:48:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 9 0

I bet that a few tears will be shed during the final press conference... then it'll be a case of leave us alone to reflect and let our emotions out (in the privacy of our nice new shiny villa, with private pool), until the extended stay starts to impact on the fund, then it'll be all hands to the pump again!
Hopefully, the Portuguese authorities will now charge them.

2007-06-09 23:03:05 · answer #4 · answered by Paul D 4 · 2 0

thats an excellent well thought out question, but nobody who knows the story cares about the parents we only care about the child. a child does not simply dissapear without somebody knowing about it. think about this, in the city centre on a busy saturday and a child squeals because he/she is getting a slap from her/his mum everybody looks to see what the commotion is. that child if abducted would be kicking up a real fuss. screw the parents seriously! i care only about the kid. in sheffield around 10 years ago this family of irish immigrants were getting a bit of agro from the locals so the dad decided to set the house on fire get the insurance and bugger off only thing was he knew nothing of the effects fire can have as a consequence 2 of his kids died. he then fabricated a death threat on paper in his own handwriting. judge didnt put him in jail for his own stupidity and the loss of his own children was punishment enough. if the McCanns are guilty of anything they will be found out soon enough

2007-06-09 21:04:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Hey, where's Gerry's freeloading blog for today? Is he too busy going to another continent? We're going to hear that a penguin has spotted her in Antarctica next and soon a wallaby in Australia will make an urgent phone call with a sighting!

2007-06-09 21:27:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Grieving for what. There daughter went missing and they started living it up. Another parent would be at a complete loss.

2007-06-09 23:46:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I agree, I would have thought that the media would have laid into them by now, it's really strange. Other than the German reporter no one has had the bottle to ask the questions that the public really want asked.

2007-06-09 22:06:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Grieving for what... hasn't the limited company reached £1 million yet.. is that the reason why they are upset?

There have been no reports of their daughter coming to harm... so why are they staying in Portugal? If they presume that something has happened to their daughter, why not go back to the UK??? Are they afraid of returning to face the music??

If they are suspended their world tour they must finally be realising that the world does not want them invading our tv screens and that includes the USA, France, Portugal and other parts of Europe. ...

Weren't they going to leave no stone unturned? Oh, I see so that meant:
a) Jogging up a cliff - Did Kate McCann anticipate that when she reached the top, her daughter would be standing there waiting for her?
b) GOING TO SEE THE POPE because he is really going to be able to find her isn't he!
c) Going to Germany [ Gosh that was helpful.. but I bet that the private jet was comfy! ]
d) Going to Spain [ Were Real Madrid playing that day or did they go there for the shopping?? ]. I can understand them choosing Madrid. I was there in March - great museums, exquisite cuisine!
e) Amsterdam was it? Guess Gerry wanted to catch up with his old university mates or maybe buy some clogs!
f) Going to Morocco - Oh you mean the place they should have gone to in the first instance??
g) Returning back to Portugal.

Do these people have a split personality or something? Firstly they are doing something, then they are not, then they are going places, then they are not... and don't forget all of their other little discrepancies!!!

Well they realy searched high and low for her and all the appropriate places at that!!!
JIM G - Ha Ha, probably 4 typos out of over 200 posts.. Big Wow! LOL Have you actually gone back to look through your own illiterate posts? Didn't think so [ Remember this one "Who thinks the Anti-McCanns are as thick as mince?" ]
Every single one of your posts sounds like it is written by a 3 year old! I think that I must be getting to you as you seem to like referring to me. I must be quite important to you, so all I can say is please continue to make references to me as it will only draw more attention to my posts and the fact that the McCanns are a disgrace .....!!!
Now, as many people have stated in previous posts to you. WE ALL THINK YOU HAVE SERIOUS PROBLEMS AND I AM BEING SERIOUS [ in fact a number of us were exchanging messages about it yesterday] so as one poster so succinctly put it go and play in the traffic!....ha ha!!
Good day!

2007-06-09 20:55:36 · answer #9 · answered by triptipper 3 · 15 3

Kuddle Kat definat;y/ Wouldn't trust the dolls round my children.

2016-04-01 00:10:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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