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If NO, Why do you think that?

if YES, What are you doing on your part to prevent Global Warming?

2007-06-09 18:15:10 · 29 answers · asked by Tiku P 2 in Politics & Government Government

just to let you know guys, the difference between our current average temperatures and average temperatures of Ice Age is only 7 degrees.

2007-06-09 18:59:44 · update #1

29 answers

Yes, earth is undoubtedly going through a warming phase. That's not whats being debated. There's a lack of conclusive evidence, however, that it's the complete fault of humankind.

We've heated up thousands of years ago, we're heating up again now, and Mars is heating up too. We can't possibly be responsible for everything.

2007-06-09 18:21:01 · answer #1 · answered by Karma 6 · 2 0

You seem to be demonstrating the confusion that is prevalent on this issue. It breaks down into three components; have average temperatures increased recently, what is the cause of the increase, can any of the causitive factors be influenced.

Records show that average temperatures have increased approximately 1 degree C over the past 150 years.

Many possible causes have been hypothesized, among them deforestation, increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, solar flare activity, and the natural cyclic change of the earths temperature.

Among the possible causes some are beyond human control and some, being the result of human activity, could be influenced.

While global warming alarmists claim the scientific community is completely behind them, this is wishful thinking at best and outright lying at worst. The only point of consensus is the one degree temperature increase. The alarmists use this consensus when they claim that 'all scientists agree' about global warming. In fact there is no consensus about what the primary causative factors are. Again, most scientists will say that human activity 'probably contributes' to the temperature increase, this is usually misstated by the alamists as 'is the cause of ' global warming. To date, no solid evidence that any of the possible causitive factors is the primary, or even one of several primary causes has been found. The politically motivated global warming lobby has built their entire platform on speculation, aided by a credulous news media in search of a good story.

There's a reason why all the global warming pronouncements come from commitees and conferences made up of politicians and not scientists.

2007-06-09 18:51:55 · answer #2 · answered by Mark S 3 · 2 0

Some Simple Facts:
Yes, there is Global Warming. It has happened before and it will happen again. Example: Middle ages, the global warming was obviously caused by man then also.

The Ice caps have melted, on average, an insignificant amount, causing the sea level to rise an insignificant amount. I have heard claims that 40% of the ice caps are already gone. If that were true, the sea level would have risen 3 feet. Serious misinformation.

Man contributes only minimally to global warming. I have heard claims that 90% of Climate scientists say man outright caused the global warming. That is an outright lie. The figure is more like 10%. Maybe 90% percent believe that Man CONTRIBUTES BUT NOT CAUSES global warming. Misinformation.

Global warming is a political tool used to divert attention from Big Oils raping of America. It is the latest in a line of intentional distractions by politicians. As others have said the “flavor of the month”. What has your politician done about Big Oil. Probably nothing or misinformation.

Global warming is real but used by Alarmists by horrific exaggerations and careful misinformation. These Alarmists spout various facts and figures with little or no truth while denouncing anything that contradicts their views. I often think their actions remind me of psycho sports fans who freak out if you dare to say anything is wrong with their team.

There is good in the global warming debate. It will reduce pollution and increase energy efficiency. I don’t need lies and misinformation to get me to believe that.

2007-06-13 09:06:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

However, I believe some of it is simply due to the natural course of the earths' movement, development, and interactions with the moon, sun, other planets, and age.
I do believe that people today, tend to be very wasteful. It seems to me we have become a "disposable," throw-a-way world. Because of plastic, because of some of the goods we buy from other countries, which are so poorly made, our society seems to be inclined to simply throw it away, if it doesn't work, or it's broken. Not so much trying to fix it, if it's broken, simply toss it, and buy another.The autos we buy in America, are mostly made in other countries, so it is more difficult to find parts at the local junk yards, thus, becoming more and more expensive to maintain. Thus, the consumers often just trade them in, for another... and so on. This I believe, also adds to the climate mess we're dealing with. As in; if it's broke don't fix it - just throw it away... and, where does all the waste end up? back in good ol' Mother Earth, she'll absorb it all... NOT
I personally recycle, reuse what I can, repair rather and dispose of, as I am able and, have changed all my light bulbs to energy efficient ones - which, in Calif., have been subsidized by the electric companies. I would also have a solar powered generator, if only I could afford it. Since I do not own my own home, I am unable to make drastic changes to my residence. The magazine, "Mother Earth" had a diagram showing how to make a home from mud and straw, and old tires. And, using the bottom of soda cans painted black, (aluminum) as a kind of solar power, without all the gadgets to store the energy though... I would love trying out such new, creative ideas - alas! I am unable to.

2007-06-09 18:47:37 · answer #4 · answered by Ro40rd 3 · 0 0

I don't believe Global Warming is Real, I KNOW Global Warming is real. Where I live the mountian glaciers have not melted this fast in any other era on record. In 20 years, they will have to change the name of Glacier National Park because there won't be any more glaciers.

I try to do as much as I can in reguards to recycling, and cutting down gas consumption. It's hard when my job requires I have a vehicle, and I usually clock around 200 kms a day.

2007-06-10 11:09:27 · answer #5 · answered by MattH 6 · 0 0

According to real scientists (who have been threatened by the green mafia) Mt. Pinatubo released more carbon into the atmosphere in '92 when it erupted than mankind could in a century adjusted for population and industrial growth. However, these green folks should talk to their commie friends in China as that country is the world's largest polluter 10 times over.

The earth's climate goes through cycles. Hence, ice ages and warming periods. Don't fall for the hype out there, as the earth is actually headed for a cooling phase (it will take hundreds of years to be significant).

2007-06-09 18:21:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Global warming is real and is a natural process. There are greater thing to worry than global warming, but the vested western countries has created a hype on global warming. Endangengered species, water pollution, river contamination, air pollution, poor infrastructure - these are real issues in India and that is why no one talks about these.

2007-06-10 00:54:05 · answer #7 · answered by Lavgan 4 · 0 0

Yes, I believe in global warming like I believe in the tooth fairy, the easter bunny and that sort of thing.. What am I doing to prevent it? There is nothing that can be done, like chicken little and the sky falling. All I can do is blame every problem in my life on global warming and hope everybody listens.

2007-06-09 22:04:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Planet goes through cycles. Only issue is whether humanity is making a significant impact. Most likely the Democrats are so sick of losing elections they wanted to try some scare tactics. Too bad Dems don't believe in debate or any study that comes up with an answer that they don't want. Poor misguided fools.

2007-06-09 20:31:42 · answer #9 · answered by archkarat 4 · 0 0

Weather on Earth has always been cyclic. Explain to me how man caused global warming before there was man and I'll believe man is causing it now. Global warming caused by man is an agenda driven issue, not a fact.

2007-06-12 03:45:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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