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I've seen psychologists. They support divorce, tear families apart, encourage emotion over reason, tell people to do what they feel instead of what is right, encourage people to use drugs to suppress natural feelings, defend criminals and justify evil acts, and are leading to the decline in values and academic performance of our children.

I don't mind the studying of human behavior and the mind, but what they do goes far beyond that, they are molding our society to one that Huxley predicted.

For example...the most common thing-depression. You don't need drugs for that. You need help, support, and love. But psychology says you NEED medicine. Tell me all you psychologists, how did humanity survive 3000yrs without medicine? Psychologists invent diseases to diagnose people with to get more money when they buy services and drugs.

This is a deceitful industry that is a blight upon our society in my opinion. Yourthoughts?

2007-06-09 18:01:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

Exactly my point. Being different is good. But they characterize anything that is different as a disease and it needs to be treated.

Well, they're wrong. Individualism and emotions are what make us who we are, and they are fools to think they can change that.

I'm sick of this pseudo-science and so are many others. They can't even defend their ridiculous ideology.

2007-06-09 18:11:22 · update #1

Psychology and psychiatry are intertwined and you know that. I noted that you failed to address my other remarks hork. Interesting.

Also, psychologists do write recommendations about medicine, and do encourage the use of it. They encourage emotion over reason as well, as I said before, leading to decline in educational, moral, and emotional standards of America.

2007-06-09 18:30:46 · update #2

FYI, the reason people didn't survive very long 3000 yrs ago wasn't because they didn't have mental medicine, it was because of low hygiene standards, incessant warfare, lack of PYHSICAL MEDICINE, and rampant disease.

No, I'm no scientologist. Just a realistic, rational human being.

2007-06-09 18:35:43 · update #3

11 answers

Psychologist are medical doctors that have studied psychology. They operate under the medical model that treats symptoms of an illness with medications. This is how the medical model works. Not all psychologist operate this way but the majority do for this is how they have been taught. Some, such as William Glasser, Jay Haley, etc. have developed theories that do not depend on drugs or some of the other things that you have mentioned. They are used mainly by mental health therapist or counselors. While drugs do help to controll some emotions such as depression, many in the mental health field feel that they are over per scribed and this is leading to a nation that is dependent on drugs to control emotional problems that could be better served through other means.

2007-06-09 18:34:19 · answer #1 · answered by Professor 2 · 0 2

Have you read a college textbook about psychology? They are not trying to rip society apart. They have learned through research that what we thought we knew about ourselves is not necessarily true. For instance, you quote that they want to rip families apart. Actually, this is not true. Psychologists have realized that when people are in horrible marriages, or they find their partners repulsive, they have found that it is better to leave that marriage than to stay, because by staying you are doing irreparable harm to yourself that you might carry to your grave. Obviously, psychologists realize that if there are kids involved then it might be better to stay together until those kids are 12 or 13 years old and old enough to understand the divorce.
I do agree that psychology has been tainted in recent years. There is a world-wide socialist movement that started in the 1950's and has gained much ground in the last twenty years. These socialists have taken over many of our educational departments and universities. There views are skewed by their socialism. When they do studies and research, the end justifies the means. In other words, they have a picture of what they want and where they want to go with their research, so then the evidence that they find leads them to the place they want to go, rather than letting the data take them where they don't want to go. This skews the research and leads to their communistic beliefs about things. Also, because they are in charge, anyone who wants to challenge their data doesn't get a job at the university so there is no voice to expose their faulty research.
I recently took a course on social psychology at the university. The book was full of loaded language and skewed viewpoints. By the time I got done with the course I could see what the whole course was trying to say, and that was that white males are the evil ones of the planet. Women are divine special little snowflakes. Chinese people are happier than individualist Americans. All of the crime in the world can be reflected by the fact that we are all racists and bigoted. Collectivist societies are much happier than Americans.
I kid you not, this was what the whole course was about. They didn't just come out and say it like that, rather they used neat little arguments, and good words that sounded smart and wise. That's why brainwashing is so useful, because you can use loaded language and sound arguments to cause a person to believe whatever you say.

2014-11-23 04:20:55 · answer #2 · answered by CW 4 · 0 0

Are you a scientologist?!

Your assumption is completely unfounded. 3000 yrs ago people were lucky to live until their 30s, I would hardly call that "surviving" it was merely "luck".

Depression is a chemical imbalance that must be corrected with the use of prescription medicines, not "love and support" as you so ignorantly put it. Antidepressants help the neurotransmitters in the brain that cannot be affected otherwise.

Obviously, you know NOTHING about the field of psychology so I'm not even going to waste my time by continuing to explain to you the actualities of the field of psychology.

And just an FYI to point out how ignorant this post is, Huxley was a humanistic pessimist and his writings are considered FICTION.

2007-06-09 18:30:26 · answer #3 · answered by xxx_jesse 1 · 3 0

Where do you get that info that psychology and psychiatry are molding society into anything. They are not .There is no psychological agenda in these fields.I am not saying that these fields cant be used to further someones agenda but i think you better check the source you are getting this from because psychology and psychiatry are no more dangerous than some religions.they are just ideas.It is true that you can screw someone up with psychiatric drugs but what are you as a parent doing letting your kids take psychiatric drugs.
Saying psychiatry and psychology is the cause of declining value in society is like saying guns are the cause of war.

All i am saying is look deeper. Look behind you.

2007-06-09 18:19:57 · answer #4 · answered by J's leather emporium 3 · 1 0

I do not view anything inherently wrong in psychology; I am a Christian and I think it is a fascinating subject. It is simply similar to just about anything else in that it only becomes a problem when it is taken too far. When someone tries to use psychological reasoning to blame their parents or their friends or their next-door neighbor's dog for their own decisions instead of just growing up & dealing with it, that is when it causes problems. And while I am not opposed to medication in certain instances, it seems to be overused as a solution to problems in our society today. Many cases in which medication is prescribed, the medication is not as necessary as simply learning to exercise self-control and self-development.

2016-05-21 04:16:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

do me a favor and edit your post to say therapists. not all of we psychologists are clinical folks. i myself am an engineering psychologist. and before you go off cracking on my field and calling it psuedo-science, ask yourself, have you ever safely flown on a commercial airplane? does the computer you're using now have a windows or mac OS? do you play any video games? know anyone who is disabled and uses assistive technologies? drive or ride in any motor vehichles? if you do thank a psychologist for making all of them easier and safer to use.

and for the record the drugs you're complaining about are not and cannot be prescribed by a licensed psychologist, therapist, counselor, social worker, etc. they are and can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist who is not a psychologist by training but rather a medical doctor.

seems to me your complaint is uninformed and misdirected. perhaps you'd be better served asking this question in the medical forum?

****not sure what comments you're referring to. i pointed out the inconsistencies in your line of thinking and post. given i'm not a medical doctor (and neither are psychologists) i can't speak to the need for drugs. and since i'm not a clinician (not i posted earlier i'm an engineering psychologist not a clinical psychologist) i would be unqualified to speak in their defense.

I simply pointed out that your primary gripe seems to be misdirected. Given your complaining is about the overprescription of drugs you should be taking it up with the medical profession no clinical psychologists. at worst they can recommend medication the onus still falls on the MD to decide if the drugs are warranted. if the MD chooses to prescribe a drug based soley on someone else's recommendation then i'd call that negligent but hardly the fault of the referrer.

of course it's obvious you've had a bad experinece and/or were told something you didn't like and as a result have formed your opinions (no matter how uninformed they may be). far be it for me to criticize.****

2007-06-09 18:22:02 · answer #6 · answered by hork2004 4 · 1 0

Hi rationfile. And what is the rational behind such a belligerent and ill directed antipathy towards some figures who practice a science that has and is and will for a long time have a heavy effect in our development in the future. Did one of them do something to you to make you feel this way or are you just spewing off at the expense of a hard earned profession?

2007-06-09 18:42:15 · answer #7 · answered by JORGE N 7 · 0 0

Notice how you're wrong... for the past 3,000 years they DIDN'T survive nearly as long without medicine. The earth is now OVERpopulated due to new discoveries, technology, and medicines. Many people do not survive depression because they didn't have anyone to talk to. People who are depressed usually ARE loved and supported, but the depression was triggered because of something else, and is much stronger than love. You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, but I believe that pychology is a great help to someone in need...

2007-06-09 18:26:06 · answer #8 · answered by Patrick Star 3 · 1 0

Sometimes meds are needed. eg manic depressive can often lead normal lives if prescribed a lithium based medicine that reestablishes a need level of this salt in the person. It is not addictive or habit forming.
However often psychaitrists do overprescribe and ignor the real issues of the patient. And we have to look at drug companies who sposnsor physician vacations for prescribintg their meds. There needs to be a crack down on the drug companies(major political campaigh contributers) and the physicians taking the "bribes".

2007-06-09 18:12:00 · answer #9 · answered by Elwood 4 · 1 0

I think that your real problem is that you saw psychologists,and not psychiatrists.A psychologist is in my opinion only a bit more qualified than a school counselor ( even though a school counselor may give you better advise )While a psychiatrist is an actual Doctor. To go to a psychologist when you have a major problem is like going to a nurse for surgery,or an oil tech when you need your transmission rebuilt.
Now don't get me wrong,they all have there uses,we need them all,but it is up to us to decide weather or not we want stitches or a band aid.

2007-06-09 18:22:03 · answer #10 · answered by not2fancy4ya 2 · 1 3

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