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This was today read:
RE: Hilton was taken to a treatment center at the downtown Twin Towers jail for medical and psychiatric examination to determine which facility she will be held in, said sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore.
This was when she got released now she's back.
Re: Paris was apparently suffering from severe panic attacks and depression, where she even became suicidal. Towards the end of her stay, Paris began, what others call, a nervous breakdown. Her psychiatrist was so concerned for her well being they did everything possible to get her to a place in which was comfortable for her and her health.
The friend explained to Dirmann Paris’ fear of enclosed spaces often throws her into a panic.
“It’s not surprising to me that she was melting down because she was cooped up in a tiny cell 23 hours a day. When I heard that, I knew that would happen. I know her well enough to know she must have been flipping out. That’s what happens to her. She can’t breath, her heart races and she feels like she’s going to pass out! I knew it would be bad for her.”
Paris’ friend continued to say he was even on a shopping trip out with Paris two years ago when she began melting down.
“We were in the store, and she just starting saying, ‘I’ve got to get out of here. I’m going to nose dive!’ Her hands were shaking and she said she felt dizzy, like she was going to black out or something.”
Afterward, the friend said Paris told him she is very afraid of enclosed spaces, and it sometimes causes her to “freak out” when she feels too closed in.



Paris is a spoil brat she has had everything handed to her since day one,and people seem to forget this is a girl who was brought up that way.She gets everything she wants.When she saw in court she couldn't have it her way she started crying & screaming like a kid calling to her parents wich is a normal reaction for "her". 45 days for a strong person is nothing,but to someone who has lived 26 years of not going thrugh things like this is like a life sentence,seriously is like teaching a child to speak..Paris has never been taught to deal with strong things,she wouldn't be able to deal with it.She is not mentally prepared even if she wanted to do the time..That's why she had a panic attack..and it will get worst now that she's back...This is like droping her in the middle of the jungle. weather she deserves it or not..The judge better hope that she doesn't commit something stupid because he will be hold responsible,The sherrif released her to medical reasons and rumors are it was a mental condition she wasn't eating & was getting panics,shaking ext.. in prison those 3 days. He order her back to jail saying there was no papers backing this up,but if she really does have a problem wich i do believe is true due to her metally not being able to adapt to this,he will regret his ego decision.

She is alone with no one to "help" her like her parents who she runs to every time she needs something..her body will be in a big shock,and if she isn't able to accept this and try to adapt to it she will try to get her way because this is what she is used to getting and her mind wont take no for a answer,remember she doesn't no what that is,she will stop eating,get sick anything that she can to get out, If she doesn't get it she could really loose it in there or try to even commit murder..Why do you think her parents are devastated,Paris acts like a kid but her parents are adult,smart,succesful people they no 45 days is not alot and that she is not in danger in a general population,she's alone...but they do know there daughter and they must have heard her whinning,crying all those days saying "I'll dye if i go back in there" "please don't let them take me" They know she is not strong for something like this,and that's why they dont want her in there. They also feel they are letting her down because they can't get her out of this and as parents they are concerned for her health. I feel for them as at this momment they must be worried & desperate thinking of a way to get her out asap,I don't blame them if i was a millionaire and had a kid who i know wouldn't handle this situation,I would pay whatever to get her out...specially if it was my fault for raising her in a buble.. A childs life is more important then what a judge or society thinks is right for a DUI charge.,so i do hope they use some of there millions to get her out.They no there daughter is not a criminal and does not deserves to be treated like one by a jerk judge. What is your opinion regarding her being or not able to survive prison,do you think she will try something crazy? like she did those days by not eating...ext. I wish them the best!! Hope she gets out & doesn't try something stupid in the meantime.

2007-06-09 17:00:40 · 16 answers · asked by GLF_2007 1 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

16 answers

to lazy to read your post

2007-06-09 19:19:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

First of all, she's NOT in PRISON. She's not doing hard time. Just a matter of DAYS in the county pokey.

The judge is NOT a jerk. Paris committed a crime, and she refused to follow the rules of her probation. If the lighter sentence wasn't respected by her, she needs the heavier one.

If she doesn't eat for X number of days, they can force feed her. They have her in a room by herself. I am sure they did not give her any objects that she could use to hurt herself with. It said on the news that there is a glass door, and a guard stationed there to watch her. Not gonna commit suicide.

The guards there know how to handle prisoners, even little spoiled brats. She's probably in better hands there than anywhere else.

Besides, as long as she's in there, she's not driving drunk or high and threatening many innocents who could be in her way.

2007-06-10 00:22:57 · answer #2 · answered by kiwi 7 · 1 0

No she is not going to kill herself, she loves herself too much! She is the epitome of a narcissist. Instead of calling for Mommy when she learned of going back to jail, someone needs to tell that airhead that it was her MOTHER who raised and trained her in the worst possible way! I think the Mother should be in jail right alongside her! She is a 26 yr. old woman for goodness sake. And where was that evil stupid arrogant B**** of a Mother when Paris started getting into trouble with the law??? Why wasn't she telling her to straighten up and fly right then??? She could have saved herself alot of misery, but NOOOOOOO, she's a STAR, and she's ENTITLED to special treatment! I'd like to slap that Kathy Hilton in the face because of the kind of self-centered, spoiled, thinks the world owes them something kind of daughter she raised, who in turn, sets a lousy and disgusting example for alot of other mis-guided young girls in our society who think it's "HOT" to act like a princess one day and a whore the next, and act like that is something to aspire to! If you wanna have sympathy for someone who is wrongly imprisoned, then take a look at those border agents who our own stinking government is mistreating for doing their damn jobs! Last time I checked, Miss Hilton probably wouldn't even know how to spell the word "job". That is, unless the word blow was in front of it!

2007-06-10 00:37:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No hell no. she has so much money why would she give it all up by killing herself. there is not a thing wrong with paris. other than being spoiled and she did not get her way this time like she has every other time she has screwed up. Paris is a blonde alright but a dumb blonde. she thinks she can pull the wool over everyones eyes but she sure did not get away with it this time . did she. She is just a huge drama queen.

2007-06-10 08:48:39 · answer #4 · answered by angelblossom1963 3 · 0 0

Oh please, who gives a sh!t about her. Her little cell is better than a lot of innocent children in our country have. She'll get meals and a safe place to sleep. She needs to take responsibility for her stupid actions. She was caught twice driving under suspension. There's no excuse for her behavior what so ever, she had her chances & she thought she was above to law. She's serving a very light sentance and she won't be with the general population. So what's the big deal? She won't have people waiting on her hand and foot. She needs to quit throwing her temper tantrum b/c she can't sleep in her million dollar bed. I have no pity whatsoever. Maybe she'll become a better person & help those who are less fortunate than her.

2007-06-10 00:41:25 · answer #5 · answered by 2D 7 · 0 2

I've never heard of anyone dying from claustrophobia (if, in fact, that's what she suffers from). Personally, I think this is probably the first time in her life that she's spent any amount of time by herself and it will be good for her.

Anyway, rich, shallow and selfish people don't usually kill themselves because they're out of action for a few weeks. She's not a child; she's 26 years old and it's about time she started acting her age.

2007-06-10 00:22:06 · answer #6 · answered by cherylincanada 3 · 1 1

i didnt read all of that, but of course paris won't kill herself in jail. she's wealthy, stick skinny pretty (if you call that pretty), and still has to seduce dozens more of 16 year old boys. BAHAHA. sorry. lame joke there.

2007-06-10 00:05:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

who's Paris?

2007-06-17 11:52:21 · answer #8 · answered by jakie227 2 · 0 0

I hope so. If the world had one less spoiled girl, I might shed a single tear. No I wouldn't. Screw her.

2007-06-10 00:10:24 · answer #9 · answered by lightningviper 4 · 2 2

i hope she does, she bugs me to no end, and everyone pays attention to her!!!!!!!!! but i still dont think shes smart enough to do that. i dont even think she smart enough to escape! she'll probably steal spoons form the cafateria and try 2 dig herself out!!!!!!!haha

2007-06-15 21:08:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I doubt it, but either way, she's the last person who's safety I'd be thinking about.

2007-06-10 00:14:03 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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