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It is my own personal belief that God deos indeed exist, but what do you believe? Is there one? And if so how do you know?

2007-06-09 16:53:33 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

24 answers

Yes. I believe that God is the one true living God that came down to this earth himself to shed his blood for us as the Messiah that was prophesized in the book of Isaiah and other old testament books. God came to earth as Jesus.

I know that people always question whether this is true or not. I have seen numerous comments that it is a myth or a fairy tale. I believe that God exists through how life begins and ends. Ultimately it is God that gives breath to each and every being on this earth whether it is through having the best sex you have had in 15 years or through a science lab. As quickly as God can give each of us life, he can take it away in a moment. It is God's decision when you die and not a doctor even if it seems that the doctor made that choice.

The only way a person can truly believe that God is real is through faith. No one can truly pinpoint that God exists. God wants people to see him that way. I know it sounds like believing in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny but I think that Jesus said that believing in him is like a childlike faith...you have to believe it in your heart vs in your sight and mind.

2007-06-09 17:25:52 · answer #1 · answered by beingsmartisrelative 4 · 0 2

God springs forth from the primitive limbic system of your brain, the last remnants of your reptillion past. The area where our raw emotions reside, including the irrational belief systems.

The 'religious' experience is triggered by deep depression, starvation, near death, or other highly charged situations. The 'born-again' christian phenomena has a scientific basis....yes, your limbic system. Why has man evolved this mechanism you might ask? Simple...it was a survival mechanism of our cave man ancestors to cope with a hostile and unknown universe.

The cerebral cortex is a more recent development. Here is where our rational and logical thought processes take place. It is here that the atheists have found their basis in reality.

In reality, there is no sentient, omnipresent, omnipotent supernatural being or force....therefore all the inequities and misery of the world will always persist, no matter how hard some try to get that limbic brain of ours to work...sorry

2007-06-10 04:45:39 · answer #2 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 1

Indeed, look around you, when you look at a sunset in awe or when you look at a lake or mountain range and your heart jumps, that is our built in praise mechanism sounding out for Him. We have a conscience,we know right from wrong, if a person kills another they go through a remorse like no other being, if these things were a product of evolution it would have no need of either of these. Read the bible and see if you don't feel God's presence. He will answer your prayers and all you have to do is ask him into your heart. To us believers He is as real as we are and we can't believe why you can't see that as clearly.

2007-06-10 00:05:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

One may as well ask, is there any existing thing that will not permit itself to be denied? But neither your nor my question is relevant so long as there are scabrous characters like Ronin hanging about, gathering cachet through the easy, all-too-easy, denial of that which is not immediate, tangible, and especially, manipulable.

Such a naive question affords Ronin, and likeminded individuals, the opportunity to chime in and stop the inquiry. Yes, it's true, he and others like him are frauds because of the pretence to intelligence, the inquiry-quashing absence of doubt.

Individuals like myself, in contrast to Ronin, have no fear of admitting ignorance. So, let me state very clearly: I do not know if there is a God. And herein is the best underscore of what IS relevant in your question. It is questioning. It is questioning that perpetuates itself and has no terminus in all matters from the size of the donkey's hoof to the seat of Being. I ask all to join me in this questioning, even Ronin, if he cares to challenge himself. I'll block no users. There is no bugaboo Yahoo Answers calls a "troll". What Yahoo Answers seeks is commensurate with bourgeois anxiety--flattening the playing field so that mediocrity rules (with rules) the day.

2007-06-10 11:03:19 · answer #4 · answered by Baron VonHiggins 7 · 1 0

I believe in an intelligent, benevolant force and power which pervades the universe, which is capable of interacting with us and influencing us.

How do I know? I don't, I could be wrong.

It seems to be that a belief in God is hard-wired into the human brain, and it is difficult to understand why that is unless there is a God.

2007-06-10 04:39:21 · answer #5 · answered by Girl Machine 7 · 0 0

The simple fact is that no one can KNOW whether there is or is not a god. People who claim that they KNOW that there is a God are fooling themselves. They may believe that there is a god, they may have FAITH that there is one, but faith is believing in something for which you have no proof. And the opposite is true as well. People who claim that they KNOW that there is NO god are fooling themselves as well. They can not POSSIBLY know that there is NOT a god. As for me, I'm agnostic, which means "without knowledge". I say "There may be a God, there may not be a God. I don't know for sure and CAN"T know for sure. I'm going to try to be a good person and hope for the best".

2007-06-10 00:04:13 · answer #6 · answered by Always Question 3 · 0 0

who here thinks that the origin of the universe, often likened to a "big bang", instead of being an act of probability, was instead brought about by a force of order? I personally believe there is something more than just a random assortment of particles inhabiting what we conceive of as space. obviously, just as you are completely unsure as to an existence of a God, so am I, but I still can have the belief.

2007-06-10 00:17:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I believe there is a God. However, the operative word IS "believe." I can't prove that God exists, but nobody else can prove that God DOESN'T exist. I'd say we're tied in the last quarter ;-)

2007-06-10 00:01:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Ya, there's probably a God. Evidence I see is the existence of right vs wrong, true love, our desires, the way people act, and the beauty of creation. Also music. Some of that stuff is so beautiful, you know it came from another world.

2007-06-10 00:30:19 · answer #9 · answered by Mrs. Eric Cartman 6 · 1 1

well someone/something must have created this universe and this planet and us!
God = creator, it could be anything
but the question is what is God?
that depends on your religion
but I think most of the people on earth agree that there is a God (or many)

2007-06-09 23:58:00 · answer #10 · answered by KT 3 · 0 0

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