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Okay, first of all, if you don't want to share, please don't post. Second, if you're going to say "I can't post on here because i don't want someone I know to see it" then don't post either. Please only post if you have a funny or really good embarassing moment to share.

The best one gets 10 pts. from me! :D
I was in the middle of church and they were doing a little interview in the front about a woman who had cancer and the miracle that God made it go away and i realized that I REALLY had to go to the bathroom. I had forgotten to go before and now that I had completely consumed my coffee, I had to go extremely badly. When I got up to go out to the bathroom quietly, I accidently tripped over the person's (who was sitting next to me) leg. My shoe had caught on their pant leg and I was sent flying into the middle of the isle with everyone's eyes on me! I rushed out to the bathroom and I only hoped that people would be more concentrated on the interview when I got back!

2007-06-09 16:31:25 · 17 answers · asked by .::Bri::. 2 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

One time also, me, my friend, and my sister were trying to embarass this girl at their (my sister and my friend's) school by calling her and telling her that this guy that she liked, liked her and wanted to go out with her. So, I called her posing as the guy's sister Taylor and started out all, "Hey, Shandi, this is Taylor. I just thought I'd give you a heads up that my bro Tanner, he really thinks you're hot. I just overheard him on the phone talking to one of his friends and he wants to go out with you, but he'd too nervous to call you!" Then, I heard "Excuse me, excuse me!" And i was like, "So do you want to go out with him? You should call him." and the voice answered "Sorry, but you're going to have to talk to Shandi about this."

It was her MOM! Oh my gosh!! Her mom....I was so embarassed and I actually felt bad for Shandi then because now her mom knew!

2007-06-09 16:58:49 · update #1

17 answers

i have way too many, but I'll pick one lets see...

oh okay so this one time at work and i work with this really hot guy who's just so sweet. so anyway i went over there just to sit down and talk to him.

the first thing you have to know is that i get horribly nervous when i have to talk to a really cute guy, like sweat, and i go temporarily blind from all the blood in my head, and my stomach is in a giant knot.

so anyway I'm on my way over there, and i totally psych myself out, I'm sweating profusely, my stomach is basically yelling at me, so i sit down next to him and i feel sweat just dripping off my face, so i grabbed a Kleenex in my attempts to wipe my face discretely but i drop the Kleenex and as i went down to pick it up...i farted so loud, it was so loud it wasn't like i could pretend like i coughed or something, it was an unmistakable fart.

so i just died at this point, i look up and he looks confused, like he wants to say something, but he doesn't. so i decided to say the first thing that came to mind which happened to be.......I'm sorry

so i can't believe i just said I'm sorry, so i just get up and book it far far away in hopes of going into a coma, maybe cardiac arrest.

and that was my embarrassing moment, it wasn't THE most embarrassing but it was hideously horrible

2007-06-09 16:44:02 · answer #1 · answered by Professor Crazyass 4 · 5 0

Well it may not have been my absolutely worst embarassing moment, but let me tell one. Quite a while ago I was at a fundraiser, and I was fooling around with one of my friends. And stupid me decided to dial 911 on a pay phone.(I might not have realized that it would go through without putting money in.) But anyway, so the emergency operator answers, and I just hang the phone up.(This is at a public high school, by the way.) Well a little while later, a police officer shows up. And yeah, I ended up telling him that I was the one who dialed 911. And he had to take my name down. Anyway, I was upset after that. But yeah, how'd you like that story?

2007-06-09 16:40:02 · answer #2 · answered by J31899 4 · 1 0

If you've ever vacationed in Vegas in May of 2000, then some of you may know me. I'm the one who thought he was slick on rollerblades, flying past tourists down Las Vegas Blvd. and slamming, full force, into a very large woman because I didn't know how to stop. I bounced off her (thank God for her "cushion zone") and landed in the street while she tore me up with insults and everyone around began laughing.

Another time, I couldn't avoid a crowd of people on the sidewalk, in front of the Tropicana Hotel/Casino, so, remembering the previous accident, I dove into the nicely manicured bushes. Hey, it was either that or the street so I think I chose wisely. I can still hear them laughing. I know how to stop now, thank you.

2007-06-09 17:03:10 · answer #3 · answered by Johnnie5 3 · 2 0

On the seconds day of school, this guy I liked took my slimfast and ran.. I ran after him and he wasn't looking where he was going and he ran into a wall. I was right on his tail and before I realized he was gonna hit the wall, I pushed him into it. He got a concussion, went to the hospital, and was out of school for a few days.. Couldn't play football.. and the next concussion he gets could kill him.. The doctors said the impact was 3gs which is like getting hit in the head with a 49 pound brick.. I cried for the rest of the day because I felt so bad.. And my friends ran when they saw it.

2007-06-09 16:37:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

ok..... this happened a few yrs ago when i was still in college. i was leaving after a long day & was standing at the pavement with my friend when i slipped & fell right on my bottom. 2 make things worse, my sandal flew up in the air, all the guys in college were standing behind me, i was sitting on the street, & my friend took 2 steps back & just started laughing. i was sooooooo embarrassed, i picked up my shoe & stood up straight, i didnt even dare 2 look at the guys who i KNEW were laughing. not 30 seconds later, the window of car that was parked next 2 me rolled down, some guy sneered at me (in my face!) & said: hope ur okaaaaaay! & drove off! i took a cab home right away!

2007-06-09 18:16:57 · answer #5 · answered by Ms Medieval 7 · 1 0

Ok, I dont necessarily think I was as embarrassed as I was hurt, but when I was about 12 I used to go to a local skating rink. Now I was an awkward kid with braces and kind of shy around the cute boys....anyway, I had a huge crush on the hot kid that went to the skating rink and he new about it, but never talked to me. So, one Friday night, he actually came up to me during a couples skate and asked if I wanted to skate...I was ecstatic and kindly accepted with a "yes," and then he said "Go ahead I will watch ya." Maan that was tragic

2007-06-09 16:38:38 · answer #6 · answered by ME 3 · 1 0

well i dont know if this was my most embarassing moment ever but it definately comes close, one morning i was up for work and trying to find something to wear, found this lovely pair of cream Miss Sixty trousers that i had sort of forgot that i had. so anyway, put them on, got a really nice wee top and cos it was nice weather i decided to walk the mile or so to work. well anyway, got to work and went to the bathroom, i just happened to glance back at my self in the mirror on the way out and discovered that my Lovely Miss Sixty trousers were completely split all the way down the *** at the seam!!! i walked the whole way to work with my *** hanging out of my jeans, and to top it all off, i walked up my towns main street and of course was wearing a thong!! i had to get one of the other girls in the office to bring me back home to change, im cringing as im typing. oh God how embarassing!!

2007-06-09 22:39:52 · answer #7 · answered by missgeorge 3 · 0 0

probably when my dad was acting like abum in walmart when there were two really hot jewish guys infront of us
or on friday we got to wear regular clothes to school and my period started and i didnt notice til the end of the day and i was wearing light jeans so the blood showed and i had to take the bus and walk to get to my house and that was the day i saw mystery guy (hottie i see once in a while)
im not sure if he noticed blood coming from between my legs though

2007-06-09 16:37:33 · answer #8 · answered by greendayfanatic911 4 · 0 0

lol... that must have been embarrasing.... mine well.... maybe not as funny... but back when I was in highschool, I had a crush on this girl from PE... I was going to class when suddenly a friend of mine came from behinf\d and pull my shorts off. leaving me naked.. in front of the whole PE class... but even worse..... in front of my crush..... because he thought I had done the same to him... on the hallway.... turned out some other friends of mine had pulled that prank on him.... and had put a backpack over him...... so he didnt know who it really was...... the only thing he had heard is the voice which sounded kind of like me so he got me..... I got really embarrased but I wanted to beat him more. I finally got over it with him, a couple days later when I scored a date with my crush.... we stayed as friends only though...... me and my crush.

2007-06-09 16:46:39 · answer #9 · answered by Joe 3 · 0 0

I was about 17/18 been out drinking on an all dayer. I swear I was on the toilet. But I wasn't I pissed the bed thinking i was, so ashamed i am. Can't believe ive aired it actually.

2007-06-09 16:54:33 · answer #10 · answered by crackertyjack 3 · 0 0

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