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I believe world war 3 will soon begin ( 3 years or less ) and I believe Iran and Russia will be the main cause. Possibly even a sneak attack from Russia. What is your thought and how soon.

2007-06-09 16:07:59 · 11 answers · asked by Truth Seeker 2 in News & Events Current Events

11 answers

what about China? if you have ever read the book of Revelation, it has some references of the bear and the lamb, coming to blows with the dragon.
China has been flexing its new found political and economic power quite largely lately. The have taken over Macao, Hong Kong, still possess Bhutan and Tibet. Rattle their saber at Taiwan and go against almost every western ideal.
The have also increased their standing army by 300% in the past ten years. They technically have over 200,000,000 armed men, who are part of a militia and the standing army. They have stopped us from confronting North Korea etc. I actually think the first nuke strike will be from NK, with the knowledge of China, for plausible deniabilty.
Anyway, no one knows for sure. But usually, things happen when they are least expected and from those whom we least expect to act.

2007-06-09 16:20:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6

I don't think that Russia will attack the US, nor do I believe it will be an architect in the next WW. It may, however, be forced to play the kind of role that America played in WWII, when it fought alongside Britain and France. By the time the third world war makes the scene, Russia will be flush with wealth serving as Europe's gas station.

At the risk of being controversial, it will likely be started when Israel is attacked with a nuclear weapon and mobilizes à la the 6 day war in 1967.

The rogue state that sparks the conflagration could be Iran, but just as easily Lebanon.

Russia will referee, as much of it will be in her back yard.

Aside from the Mongol hordes, China has never invaded another country, although there's a first time for everything.

2007-06-10 00:48:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

I do not think it will be that soon; I predict 10 years at least before the conflict is in full swing. But that remains to be seen.
This conflict is different from previous wars in that it is being driven by non-governmental smaller organizations.
Of course this can't last. In order to wage a global war, the enemy will have to develop a tight and large organization. Whether this organization will also be a nation that currently exists, like previous enemies, I don't know. I haven't discovered a historical precedent to go on. It's clear, though, that the enemy is seeking to govern the world if possible.
It is the enemy's low level of organization at this time that makes me think that WWIII will not come as soon as you suggest.
This doesn't mean there won't be fighting before then, of course; there is fighting already.
I don't think Russia will attack the US, because it has nothing to gain by doing so. The current government there is corrupt and paranoid, but not that crazy. And it will probably change.

2007-06-09 23:35:08 · answer #3 · answered by The First Dragon 7 · 2 4

I have the gut feeling that it won't be fullblown war but sporadic armed conflict that will be both pervasive and long. I also think the conflicts will revolve around old grudges, revenge and paybacks from and by past regimes through their komrades and blood brothers and allies in faith. You know, the Muslim-Christian thing. The US will always be in the forefront being the most powerful and politically active. Oil and petroleum might also prove provoking issues. Scary. Hope for the best. Peace! Shalom.

2007-06-09 23:34:21 · answer #4 · answered by lara croft 2 · 4 3

The war will be over oil, and China will start it. China is who we need to watch out for. Too much power and money.

2007-06-10 02:49:57 · answer #5 · answered by cjl222 3 · 5 3

When Bush invaded Iraq that was the beginning of WW3 it might take awhile to gain momentum but its like opening Pandoras Box theres no going back now.

2007-06-10 01:16:26 · answer #6 · answered by molly 7 · 8 4

9/11 and it has already started.

2007-06-11 00:51:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

I BELIEVE we have already entered armagedon and I REALLY feel like BUSH started it!I believe he started it to revenge his dad, I believe he started it for oil and I BELIEVE HE STARTED FOR IT POWER!


THE UN and THE INVESTIGATORS asked BUSH TO GIVE THEM TWO *2*more weeks to look for Weapons of mass destruction..ONLY 2 MORE WEEKS...HE REFUSE! What was the hurry!??? NOW WE KNOW WHAT THE HURRY WAS, there were no Weapons,BUT he needed a reason to start a war!

NOW people are ANGRY WITH US ALL OVER THE WORLD,did you see, today, how ANGRY THE ROMANS were to have BUSH IN THEIR COUNTRY? Everywhere he goes, it's the same AND you are right, RUSSIA is NOT happy with us anymore, IRAN HAVE MADE IT VERY CLEAR how they feel, VENEZWELA (SP) have told us our leader is DIABLO(SATAN)!The ONLY one who appeared to be on our side was TONY BLAIR, now he's gone and the BRITS have always been as unhappy about this ordeal as "MOST" AMERICANS and many other countries.


Well that's spilt milk now, I just wish it would have a happy ending but gosh...I can't see it! I see our great-grandchildren fighting this war because you KNOW those middle eastern people never give up fighting, they were fighting each other well over 50 years before we arrived and now it seems they are fighting us AND each other...THAT WOULD BE FUNNY IF IT WASN'T SO SAD and SCARY!

I still believe it is possible for US ALL TO LIVE ON THIS EARTH IN PEACE with the right leader. Somebody like BILL CLINTON, maybe even THOMPSON, Somebody who knows what is the meaning of diplomacy and how to use it. BUSH IS NOT polished enough to be a president...WHEN I HEARD HIM SAY, "bring it on" I KNEW WE WERE IN TROUBLE. What kind of talk is that for a man who is representing the most powerful country there EVER WAS in this world...EVEN ROME was not so great as we, but sound like a school yard bully. "BRING HIM (BIN LADEN) IN DEAD OR ALIVE!"

2007-06-10 03:09:24 · answer #8 · answered by khaida w 3 · 3 12

It will start when Paris Hilton reveals that she is pregnant and that Rush Limbaugh is the father.

We will either need a war or have to go gut a pig to have more pleasant things to think about.

2007-06-09 23:17:01 · answer #9 · answered by Gaspode 7 · 9 17

bush triggered it already with his war on terror.

2007-06-09 23:19:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 17 13

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