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Can our freedom be slipping away!! I feel that sometimes.

2007-06-09 13:11:45 · 11 answers · asked by Beauty&Brains 4 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

11 answers

LOL...Now this is a great question...LOL

I wonder how many answers you will get that really dont address the question. I see a few in the list already. Like the one that says gay people arent free to get married...actually they are, they just dont know it. All mariages are nothing more then a contract. Gay people can make a contract between themselves and the states and fed MUST abide by it...after all, the government cannot make any laws that abridge the right to contract.

Freedom is about being a slave. Its about choice. While I am currently a slave to my corproate master - this is by choice bacause its what I learned to do at first. Now that I know better I am trying to end that bond - this may take time but I will eventually succeed as I shed my responsibilities one at a time.

Any libertarian worth his weight willl tell you that freedom is about choice and that to be free you should be able to make all your own choices and live the way you want so long as you dont use force or fraud against another to get it. This simple mantra is the corner stone to any FREE republic.

With all that being said - are your freedoms really gone or are you just doing what other people tell you to do because you believe in thier auhtority? Do you go to church on Sunday because yu want to or becuase soemone told you thatyou have to? Do you pay your income taxes because you read the law and saw it there or because someone told you thatyou have to?

I dont trust the government authority. Neither should you. Just because they are there doesnt make them right. They are humans just like we are and they can make mistakes just like we can.....they can LIE to get what they want....they can use FORCE to get what they want...they can use INTIMITATION to get what they want...they can use FRAUD to get wat they want....funny how it always comes down to that for the government.

If they dont like it. Create a law and make it illegal. This will only take away the freedom of the law abiding citizen bacuase he believes in the government authority. Get rid of the law and suddenly the problem disappears. Our freedoms are not taking away - we give them away out of fear of the government coercion we think is coming.

LOL - let me ask you this - if everyone - every single person - in your entire state were to just stop paying income taxes - what woudl the federal government do? Would they put a wall around your entire state and say everyoen is in prison - I doubt it - the government will only do what we as citizens allow it to do...and thats what everyone has forgotten - so our government runs amok

Hope this shines a little light on the subject for you. Let me know if oyu need somoe more explanation.

2007-06-10 05:30:55 · answer #1 · answered by jimkearney746 5 · 0 2

Most folks would agree that individual freedom means that an individual is free from other peoples attempts at coercion over them. Yes, our freedom seems to be more "flying away" than slipping away tho. America has had it's "experiment" with socialism & I beleive that the experiment is all but over. Socialism "dampens" the human spirit & if left in place to long will have people at each others throats. The human spirit is not designed to be repressed by others! I trully beleive that a MUCH more free America is right around the corner! This movement towards Libertarian principal will be spear headed by the under thirty voting block as they have seen the "ravages" of the current socialist ideology, & do not want to share in it's problems. The "old" DC crowd is about to get Realigned, Revamped & Replaced!

2007-06-10 03:49:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are two levels of freedom. The first one is broad and general freedom within a country or society. It is legal and political freedom, and it is based on our Constitutional guarantees of human rights, as well as the political will of a civil society to enforce them. Sadly, our rights (therefore our freedoms) have been eroding dangerously for the last 6+ years. Our freedoms have been traded for some kind of vague national security guarantees, which have never been realized.

The other level of freedom is entirely personal, and is dependent on the amount of restrictions we place on ourselves, and allow other people who are very close to us and who belong to our broader social circles, to place on us.

You would think it would be simple to legislate human rights, but in many countries it is not and many people are bound by economic slavery, unable to break free. Example: one of my brother in laws lives in rural Russia and head up a collective farm. The farm is forced to sell their milk to the government coop at a price less than water. No free trade is allowed.
Laws cannot be changed. Democracy does not exist in Russia, and sometimes it does not exist here either.

Personal freedom to me is something that I don't feel I have. Freedoms began slipping away when I got married again. I love my husband, but I don't feel free to be myself any more. I don't like the community I'm living in, and all my really close friends live elsewhere. I can't/won't leave right now, so I feel uncomfortable most of the time, and not free.

2007-06-09 21:25:05 · answer #3 · answered by Zelda Hunter 7 · 0 0

I think freedom involves more than having simple rights. Only half of the world's population has these rights. There is a deeper feeling of freedom that everyone can achieve. This is brought about by making decisions in life from which one can gain happiness and liberation.

2007-06-09 20:25:03 · answer #4 · answered by rose_malice 2 · 1 1

Freedom means the enablement of basic human rights.

The Catholic Church teaches that the basic Human Rights are:

+ The right to life, from conception to natural death

+ The right to live in a united family

+ The right to develop oneself in a moral environment

+ The right to develop one's intelligence

+ The right to seek and know the truth

+ The right to share in the work which makes wise use of the earth's resources

+ The right to support one's family

+ The right to establish a family

+ The right to religious freedom

With love in Christ.

2007-06-10 01:33:51 · answer #5 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 0

Freedom is the exercise of one's will without restraint. We are mobile creatures, so being restrained in a prison is taking away one's freedom. We speak our perceptions with opinion, but not being able to is a violation of one's freedom. The only true and absolute freedom a human soul has is to say "yes I will," or "no I will not" We are free to choose. But there are many restraints placed on us by society today because with freedom comes repsonsibility, and many people are not responsible. We have speed limit laws because people are irresponsible drivers; we have laws against murder, rape, stealing, you name it because people have in them the desire to be lawless. There is no law where people are totally responsible because then there is no desire to be otherwise. But today, so many people are so screwed up that we need more and more laws to keep order. Until people can govern themselves they will be ruled by more laws and give up more freedom.

2007-06-09 20:24:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The freedom we need is the freedom provided by the absence of deception. When deception is routine in leadership's ideals the unnatural laws deception demand take away and substitute imaginary civility for the civility we should generate by our own thoughts. To the extent this happens we are not free to direct our own lives.

2007-06-09 20:21:01 · answer #7 · answered by Wizard 2 · 2 2

Freedom means different things to different people .It is a subjective analysis.

2007-06-10 01:15:34 · answer #8 · answered by ROBERT P 7 · 0 0

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

2007-06-09 20:14:33 · answer #9 · answered by Father Ted 5 · 1 1

Gay people are not free to get married.

This is not a free country-
i wish canada would invade

2007-06-09 20:15:50 · answer #10 · answered by Shoe 3 · 1 2

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