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If so watch this movie called Loose Change. It is basically about what happen on 9-11. It is very, very, interesting! You all will be amazed with the information it gives you and they have solid proof! For instance, it went back to the 60's on how they where making plans for terrorist attacks, shows how the guy who owned the 2 buildings insured the buildings for 3 billion dollars right before they got hit. It has so much information on it. I belive EVERYONE should watch this movie and WAKE UP PLEASE!

2007-06-09 13:07:55 · 20 answers · asked by make?love*not$war! 4 in Politics & Government Government

20 answers

I love the "tin foil" remarks. Is trying to find the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth so radical a notion?

I digress, thanks for the information. I'll check it out.

And for those that can't come up with a more intelligent response other than "tin foil"; get your heads up out of the dirt!

Some theories are more radical than others but other than the obvious fact that airplanes crashed into Towers 1 & 2, the FACT of the matter is, we don't know everything about 9/11. Don't put people down for having the gumption to find out more, it's not a crime and it's not crazy. Thank you.

2007-06-09 13:19:41 · answer #1 · answered by mister_jl2003 3 · 5 6

I know. Lets ask former NJ Governor John Corzine! $1.5Bn disappeared from client accounts from the company of which he was CEO, and stated under oath that he had no idea where it went. Or, why not NY City Comptroller John Liu whose campaign contributors numbered hundreds of fictitious and dead individuals, and is STILL planning to run for Mayor Bloomberg's seat when that is vacated. Don't even get me started on him and his cronies. Or how about encumbent Florida Governor Rick Scott who made a fortune as the head of a hospital supply company and so naturally ran on a platform of economic knowledge and reform. One problem. His company was convicted not once but twice of Medicare fraud on a massive scale. Need I add that Governor Scott says he knew nothing about it? My point is that we have crossed from a mentality where criminality was rare, even if some institutions turned a blind eye. In today's United States, criminality is the accepted norm. It is as all -encompassing as an addict's addiction, and like an addiction -- it is utterly denied. Where to start? How about the 60 Minutes feature about parents who "hold back" their kids until age 6 to enter kindergarten, and so give them an advantage of development in size and age that will last their entire school carreers? With a start like that, who would wonder at kids (or their parents) buying SAT scores? After 2008 -- does anyone believe there is any other kind of effective trading strategy besides insider trading? But it's the RESULT of generalized cheating and corruption that is worst. Two weeks ago, the NY Times had a magazine cover story based on a book by renowned economist Daron Acemoglu called "Why Nations Fail". The book takes on historical economists like Adam Smith, whose 18th Century 'Wealth of Nations' is still a cornerstone of the so-called Conservatives' economic philosophy. Besides alluding to the current stresses in the United Sates, the author compares countries that thrive and those that endlessly struggle and stagnate. Acemoglu demonstrates that corruption eventually saps the energy from an entire society as its tendrils spread. While the elite preaches the work ethic to the lower classes, that same elite systematically steals any development that succeeds -- or for that matter anything that has value. Take Alaska's North Slope, practically uninhabitable land where tribal people were sequestered in a reservation; that is, until oil was discovered there. Then, practically overnight, the reservation was moved elsewhere. In corporate America, in its churches, in local and State government -- wherever you dig, you find that those whose position demands the most responsibility are so often exactly those who are the doing the most stealing and lying. Denying this virulent disease will have about as much effect as ignoring cancer would. Unarrested, it's going to kill us -- plain as that -- and only after some terrible suffering.

2016-05-21 01:56:53 · answer #2 · answered by renetta 3 · 0 0

It poses vry good questions. However whenever something seems so illogical and u ask questions - the ones who are afraid of the truth will generally be the ones who start w/ character assasinations.

Is it logical for a 1-ton piece of a jet engine to 'bounce' over a mile away from the Penn crash site? We we told the ground was 'soft' . But the two 6-ton engines barreled directly thru the 'hard' pentagon. And both these 60 ton planes 'vanished' and /or melted?

Even the coroner who was there couldn't find any bodies, couldn't find any blood, couldn't find luggage, couldn't find a plane.

And, the former Mayor of Cleveland said 'flight 93' landed in Cleveland. Two planes did land in cleveland. Which flights were they?

The marines and about 30 other top military personnel (some retired - some not) are beginning to ask questions because things just don't add up.

2007-06-09 13:45:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6

Lets see, hijackers slammed planes into the pentagon, and the Towers. One also was taken down in a field in Pennsylvania. Thousands of ppl died. Many young men and women signed up to fight, and yes they knew they were doing the fighting in Iraq. And the biggest thing of all: OUR COUNTRY WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN!!
Did i leave anything out? If i did plz let me know.

I guess i'm finding that i'm having to explain in email on why i added the WAR. Okay, many of young men and women joined the military to be sent to war, because a lot of them thought that the war had everything to do with 9/11. Wow, ok, is there anyone else who feels like they need an explanation on things that i wrote in my answer. Well too bad, its all cut and dry, with no political babbling. Thats what happened, Bush did not set it up, nor did anyone that goes into the oval office. Just because some of you have no one to hang for the attacks, becuase well the one who actually did it are dead, you are now going after your own ppl, your going after fellow americans. Now how sick is that really. I'm sorry that you can't go and personally hang the bad guys, but my good God, could you open your eyes plz. And see what all of this is doing to our country. We have found our selves divided over a matter in which we all need to be together as one. Yes the country was attacked, no we will never be the same again. But dang does that mean that some of you need to start pointing fingers to your own ppl? This is going ot cause a 2nd civil war and not a 3rd world war. What ever happened to United We Stand?

2007-06-09 13:18:31 · answer #4 · answered by Squeakers 4 · 6 5

A lot of Americans are terrible with history. Many of them make up their minds and don't want to change. Most Americans get their news from mainstream media. The mainstream media is controlled by the governent. A lot of Americans don't have internet were they could get alternative news. This movie asks a lot of good questions.

2007-06-09 13:36:35 · answer #5 · answered by Specialist McKay 4 · 2 4

WOW I watched Loose change and my opinion is....

Worst Comedy ever! I mean the story was weak ,the acting was horrible and I mean obviously it was trying to be funny... but the Jokes fell flat.

the movie tries to hard, i mean really a simple pie to the face gag would have worked so much better than half the stuff they were attempting in the movie.

the Production values of this film also look like it was made by some angry little man who lives in his mom's basement. I means seriously Spielberg it was not.

Pshhh and the actors playing "experts"... Man I have seen better and more intelligent performances from my high school production of Jaberwolky.

And I mean seriously if they were trying to make the joke work they should have had some one play an actual conspirator to the plot... but no... you have a contrived plot, a bunch of coincidental moments and no foundation to play the jokes off.

In my Humble opinion and save your self the grief, and rent either "Dr. strangelove" or "Inconvenient Truth" (That Al Gore playing an expert in environmental sciences... HILARIOUS!)

I have to give "Loose change" A thumbs down.

ADD ON: See the thumbs down they agree with me! Horrible movie... Horrible Comedy...

2007-06-09 13:27:24 · answer #6 · answered by Stone K 6 · 3 6

I think Michael Moore was the major force behind 9/11 so he could make his little propaganda movies like Hitler did.

2007-06-09 13:47:07 · answer #7 · answered by count_bongula666 3 · 6 2

I already know what happened on 9/11/01. We were attacked by jihadist terrorists.

2007-06-09 13:55:44 · answer #8 · answered by vegaswoman 6 · 6 3

loose change is free on the internet. It has been out there for quite a while! Where have you been? And yes those builings did have security lock down one week prior to 911!! Wonder who heads up that company??

2007-06-09 13:18:31 · answer #9 · answered by yadayadayada 2 · 5 4

I don't mind watching it, but it is hard for me to ever believe that an American would ever plan to kill that many Americans for any amount of money.

Color me naive...

2007-06-09 13:19:09 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 3 2

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