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there was this one time i thought i saw one but idk...had anybody seen one?

2007-06-09 11:46:36 · 27 answers · asked by bonnie 3 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

27 answers

I actually saw a UFO I was in Milford CT by the beach and my friend was with me...we were so scared we called the cops.(like they could do anything about it) They said that we were not the first to call in about something , and they would come down to investigate.. .....they never showed...

2007-06-09 12:36:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes I have. In 1993 or 1994 whatever year it was when there was such bad flooding all along the Missouri, Mississippi, and other rivers that summer when towns went underwater all up and down the shores.

I was driving from Nebraska to Missouri and saw it somewhere in between, don't remember the exact spot. It was somewhere I think right over the Missouri border going into the state.

It was round, silvery-metallic, and hung in the air about as high as a helicopter would fly. Much lower than a plane would fly.

It hung there for a while, and then suddenly took off to the right at a rate of speed NO airplane or anything could have done. It was literally there one second, and then was so far away the next second that I could barely see it anymore, and then it went the OTHER direction so fast just the same way, and then it sped off so fast it was instantly gone. No plane or known military vehicle can do that as far as I know.

A friend of mine in the car refused to look at it at all, even when I was yelling and pointing up through the front windshield at it, "Look! Look at it! What is it? Would you just LOOK?" He wouldn't.

2007-06-09 11:54:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a multiple abductee and I have seen perhaps about 30 all up in the 42 years they have been taking me..
They are not weather balloons or any other p!ss weak explanation that any Government trys to give the people...

There are 3 races visiting us, all with their own agenda..
One day all will be revealed as far too many people have seen them or have been abducted..
The real reason they are hiding the truth is mainstream religion.. They fear they will lose control of the masses if the truth gets out....
Aliens have been in contact with all the major Governments on the Planet... Questions have been asked about religion and they didn't like the answers...
So they will try and keep us in the dark, for our own sake.. (Ha Ha Ha) ...
Blessed Be... )O(

2007-06-09 13:38:00 · answer #3 · answered by Bunge 7 · 1 0

One night during the summer, in the mid 1960's, my gf and I pitched a blanket over the clothesline in her backyard near the edge of town and planned on sleeping out all night. We were laying there on our stomachs looking up at the sky, chatting about an object we thought was moving and what it might be. For a second it appeared close up in front of us, still hovering and then disappeared, it looked like the quintessential space ship. We looked at each other, "Did you see that?" and scrambled into the house for the rest of the night! We never spoke of it to each other or anyone after that. I don't know how we could have seen it at the same time if it wasn't real. I can't explain it.

2007-06-09 14:00:29 · answer #4 · answered by gma 7 · 1 0

Yes I did!
I was outside our house about 9:00pm and saw a bright light floating just above the tree tops slowly shining down on the ground. It was a large light but there was no sound. We lived at the end of town and there was a field between us and it. There was also a railroad track right next to the trees. It wasn't a train and it wasn't a helicopter, there was no noise. My husband and I jumped into the car, like idiots and drove out there but saw nothing. This was several years ago.

2007-06-09 18:58:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes!!! Driving to night school with a friend (she lives on a steep hill) we saw this bright light overhead that had been moving but stopped as we drove under it.Just at that moment my car stall and the light split into 3 moving objects, one came close enough to illuminate the interior of the car before they all disappeared. Needless to say we never made class thou the car restarted w/o problem.
She never looked full on the objects due to fright but I did and for the next week my life was very different!
Went to the horse races and picked the winner in all 9 races (had handicappers, bettors alike coming to me ), yes I won money. Friend lost dog : told her where to find it with success. Aced an exam I wasn't prepared for. Had other weird stuff happen including having my bedroom illuminated at night with nothing visible outside (witnesses to all the events) . That scared the chit out of me......Maybe they were looking for someone receptive ?
I believe we are not the first nor the only living things in this strange world.

P.S. the cops reported many callers at this time but attributed the sightings to a gaseous phenomenon.
Tia , I too live in Ct.

2007-06-09 13:25:04 · answer #6 · answered by tab2732 2 · 0 0

Sorry, I by no potential have the two. In each of the examine I even have achieved, there has been no genuine evidence that any of the lots of people who have faith that they have got considered one have considered an alien spacecraft. there have been good human beings, including President Carter, a pair of astronauts, and a few commercial airplane pilots who've considered UFOs yet they the two stay Unidentified, or have been defined as different phenomenon. With each of the sightings, you may think of that between the little buggers could have landed, or crashed, or in some way given us evidence of their reality. Darn.

2016-10-08 21:34:14 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Yes, about 30 years ago in Kent, this thing appeared each night and hovered for quite some time, it had several colours flashing and it made the papers. The most frightening time though, was when my daughter and I were travelling to Lanzarote, my daughter gasped and grabbed my hand, looking out of the airplane window, we watched a huge brown shaped object appear as if it shimmered, almost cigar/missile type shape, it had no markings, no visible means of propulsion, and no windows or external wings or engine. The object came in line with us, stopped and turned its nose in our direction, then raised itself skywards, twisted in a slow moving turn, and was gone in a flash. I couldn't get my hand from my daughter, she was petrified, I looked to the people in front, they had also seen this object, and the lady was as white as a sheet. This sighting was made public worldwide, but I have no explanation for it, except that I hope I never see another one.

2007-06-09 12:53:01 · answer #8 · answered by blackfoot203 2 · 0 0

I have never seen a UFO but I have also never seen air yet I know that it is there. I find it difficult to believe that out of ALL the solar systems in the entire Universe, that we are the "only ones out there" that type of statement to me seems rather close-minded, arrogant and egotistical.

2007-06-09 12:46:35 · answer #9 · answered by AppyCowboy 1 · 1 0

yes i have. every year i go out to california for a month and every time i see a UFO there. the first time i saw one was at night and i was just looking out the window and i have seen many airplanes before but the was not one at all. i just saw these really bright light pop up out of nowhere and i was just hovering and moving side to side at if it were floating. and then 6 more pop up in different spots in the night sky and one by one they just disappered and i never saw them again

2007-06-09 11:53:12 · answer #10 · answered by green eyed goddess 2 · 1 0

I used to think so. Both my therapist and the psychiatrist said I'm delusional. I guess we all are once in awhile. Things are still looking up. Ever heard of a UFO that looked like a flying Egg? I've remembered being abducted in one. Those guys are small Greys about 31/2 feet tall.

2007-06-09 12:30:56 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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