Get Downy Wrinkle Release, hang up the item, spray, flatten out with your hands then you're done, usually no ironing involved. It's the greatest stuff EVER!
2007-06-09 11:39:38
answer #1
answered by Rasta 3
I hate to iron too! This is how I handle the loathsome task:
Most of my clothes can skip ironing if I fold/hang them immediately , still warm , out of the dryer. For those shirts and stuff that must be ironed, I set up the ironing board every Sunday evening in front of the TV and watch TV or a DVD while I get done.
I've found that if I don't do it all at once, then I am scrambling every morning before work looking for something not wrinkly to wear, LOL.
2007-06-09 18:41:59
answer #2
answered by Army mom 5
I hate ironing but since i have been using Comfort Vaporesse it makes ironing a lot easier i also watch a good film while Its surprising how quick i can get through the ironing now
2007-06-10 17:42:17
answer #3
answered by Black Orchid 7
I don't do ironing!
Well - not big piles of it anyway. If someone needs something ironed then fine - or I'll do a school T-Shirt just before its needed. But to be quite honest - I just don't have time!
But if you've really GOT to do it - then music is good - or put the ironing board in front of the telly.
Good luck,
2007-06-10 04:39:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Get someone to pick it up from our door and return it the next day immaculate.
I was surprised it was affordable!
Or failing that put a good film on and watch it. By the end you'll have finished the ironing without suffering and realising!
2007-06-09 18:41:31
answer #5
answered by Isabelle 3
I agree, tumble dry all the creasy stuff and NEVER iron anything unless the label says "Iron before wearing." Never found one yet!! If anyone's stoopid enough to mention that your clothes are creased tell them they got creased on the way here. Life's too short! Oh yes, and if you HAVE to do it, pretend you're in a speed ironing competition and you have to win. It's quicker and more fun!
2007-06-09 18:48:59
answer #6
answered by flopsy 3
The quickest and most interesting way to do ironing would be to drop it of at one of the many ironing firms springing up all over the place (i would do it but with five of us i couldnt afford to).
Then go of and do something you really want to do.
2007-06-09 18:45:42
answer #7
answered by Amanda K 3
I try not to iron, if you want to avoid ironing, when you put stuff in the dryer take it out immeadiately and hang it... I also hang much of my things after I take them from the wash. Also, I buy things that don't need ironing...
2007-06-09 23:02:56
answer #8
answered by pebblespro 7
Simple don`t do it. Whats the point in doing it? I never do no one ever says anything. You are a grown up now lifes what you make it and ironing shouldn`t be part of it.
2007-06-09 19:24:38
answer #9
answered by Ichoosetobeholy 3
always listen to music, as i do, it never seem like as if i have been ironing for a hour or so.
i go to work all day, pick up the kids and cook dinner, while i am cooking i do the ironing and listen to music, by the time the dinner is cooked i have finished.
play music that you sing your heart out too.
2007-06-09 18:43:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous