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There are millions of Africans suffering from aids because the catholic church wont allow its followers to use condoms, but the pope is so concerned about the comparitively few catholics being killed in Iraq. Are his concerns and worries misplaced? (by the way, I'm not a pro-war hate munger, I just have a problem with people in glass houses throwing stones)

2007-06-09 10:50:14 · 12 answers · asked by Gomduri 2 in News & Events Current Events

12 answers

yes the pope is a child molester protecting homo nazi..he is definetly not interested in the dying babies over in the mother continent....He is one of the major phonies in the world to day..governing an organization that has a long running history of rape child molesting , slavery , thievery and murder.....yes yes yes .....down with religious phonies!

2007-06-09 10:56:18 · answer #1 · answered by benayamin y 2 · 2 3


The Pope is concerned about both.

It is appropriate when talking to one of the main people responsible for the situation in Iraq to discuss Iraq a bit.

The Catholic Church is very invloved in the fight against AIDS in Africa. One example:

South Africa has the highest incidence of AIDS in the world. Five million people are HIV positive and 1,700 become infected every day. 700,000 under the age of 15 have been orphaned by the disease. It is estimated that, if this infection rate is not reversed, half of the children of this age will die.

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Catholic Church’s international organization Caritas, other religious organizations, and NGOs, CRS currently supports more than 80 HIV/AIDS projects in over 30 countries.

These organizations work in partnership with the Southern Africa Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC), which supports over 100 community-based HIV/AIDS projects.


+ African Catholics +

The Catholic Church is alive and well in Africa. The 270 million Catholics of African descent represent about 25% of the one billion Roman Catholics throughout the world in more than 59 countries.

Most Black Catholics are in Africa. However there are about 3 million in the United States.

Black Catholic statistics: http://www.nbccongress.org/black-catholics/worldwide-count-black-catholics-01.asp

+ With love in Christ.

2007-06-09 15:13:48 · answer #2 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 1

I dont think the pope is hypocritical, he is just a human trying his best to live a good life and follow his religion faithfully
I know that the pope is concerned with the situation in Africa with the suffering from Aids as everybody should be it is a dreadful situation which for starters could be alleviated by the so called 'developed' countries supplying free medical treatment..
I myself am a Roman Catholic and have spent a lot of time trying to work the situation through my own head but i know if i suffered from Aids i would believe it my christian duty to use condoms (if i were male)to protect any sexual partners i had and im sure God would forgive me for doing so.

As for Repeat and Benayamin, really constructive answers you gave there and i think you'll find that the pope is not a child molester and that it was actually priests (i use the term lightly as they were just sick people who probably joined the priesthood for the sole purpose of abusing their position of trust)that abused those poor children. These sickos exist in all walks of life and not just in the priesthood sadly.
i think the question was asked so that there could be some indepth discussion not small minded rants from people with nothing better to say like yourself.


2007-06-09 11:25:03 · answer #3 · answered by Amanda K 3 · 1 1

I was brought up as a Catholic.
The church policies on birth control, Aids and the past protection of child abusers sickened me.
I know that probably most Catholics don't agree with the Pope on those issues, but it would have been hypocritical of me to stay in a Church i didn't respect.
Its OK to say people shouldn't have sex outside of marriage, but the church needs to get real, people do engage in sexual activity outside of marriage, they therefore need to be advised not only about the risks, but also about the use of condoms - how to protect themselves and their loved ones.
I don't know, maybe the church feels that Aids is some kind of punishment? Somehow i don't see Jesus saying that, bare in mind he was usually criticised for being with sinners!

2007-06-09 11:14:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let me get this straight.

1. It's Catholic men who are responsible for the AIDS epidemic?

2. Do you have a direct quote from the Pope saying that he doesn't care about the millions in Africa?

3. The Pope should NOT be concerned for the welfare of his flock in Iraq?

Pretty glittering generalities there. Some would call it "spin".

2007-06-09 11:04:14 · answer #5 · answered by suenami_98 5 · 2 2

I am afraid religion has a lot to answer for!! But NO I don't think the Pope is a hypocryt. People have a choice in this country. African women have no choice in the matter of using condoms or not. Their culture is totally different to ours, women would be beaten and ousted if they asked their husbands to use condoms................ We need to understand their culture before making sweeping comments.

2007-06-09 11:11:06 · answer #6 · answered by biggi 4 · 1 0

if i have HIV or AIDS i would not spread it around, this whole country knows what they have and wot they are doing , I'm sorry you can only tell someone so much if they don't listen wot the **** can you do , i mean are we saying that if we keep throwing money at them that they will finally know wot we are trying to say. STOP HAVING KIDS YOU HAVE HIV/ AIDS ITS NOT FAIR. as for the people for people servicing in Iraq its there job and they are doing a good job. no god on this earth or under will stop HIV or aids it can only be us ..not money just wisdom of any right thinking person.

2007-06-09 11:09:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

+ Pope Benedict XVI + Pope Benedict XVI replaced into drafted into the Hitler youthful human beings and the Nazi German military in basic terms like a number of different non-Jewish German male. He replaced into no longer given a decision. The Pope isn't and not in any respect has been a Nazi. He regrettably replaced into born and grew up in a rustic ruled by technique of the Nazi occasion. each and every draftee into the Hitler youthful human beings and the Nazi German military replaced into no longer a Nazi. in basic terms wish and pray which you do no longer ought to decide to be accomplished or stay and combat for a central authority in which you do no longer have faith. Thank God which you and that i stay in a very distinctive worldwide that the Pope did in Thirties and Nineteen Forties Germany. Or can we? + Adolf Hitler + even however Adplf Hitler replaced into raised in a Catholic family individuals, he left the Church early in existence. automatic excommunication happens while Catholics commit specific offensives. this happens as quickly with the aid of fact the offense is committed. Adolf Hitler committed right here offenses ensuing in automatic excommunication: - Apostasy - the formal renunciation of one's faith. Hitler in particular rejected the Catholic Church, besides as Christianity customarily. He defined himself as "an entire pagan.” - Heresy - a doctrine in theology, faith, philosophy, or politics at variance with those of the Catholic Church. Nazism is easily heretical to Christianity. there replaced into no reason of the Catholic Church to excommunicate Hitler. He did all of it by technique of himself. + With love in Christ.

2016-12-12 16:26:10 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

As regards those millions of Africans with aids, huh, if they were true Catholics to begin with I doubt they would be sleeping around, do u evan know what religion most of them are? so give me a break!

2007-06-09 11:05:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

the pope cares about all catholics.

2007-06-09 16:36:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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