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12 answers

Take it section by section.
1) The closet--take out all of your clothes from your closet. Do you just have a rod for hanging clothes, or drawers as well?
a) Sort clean from dirty clothes into two stacks.
b) Rehang the clean clothes. Place them in an organized manner in your closet (for example) the furthest back, hang your jackets, then slacks/jeans. Then skirts, long sleeved blouses, short sleeved blouses. Put the extra (not used) hangers up in the front, to use as you hang up the clothes that are now dirty--AFTER they gt cleaned.
2) Your dresser--drawer by drawer, bottom to top. Top drawer(s) should be for underwear. Middle drawer(s) for sweaters/shirts you want to keep folded. Bottom drawer(s) for jeans/other pants you want folded. Also, your nightwear.
a) Once you put things in the dresser where they belong, declutter and organize the top of your dresser.
3) If you have a desk in your room, get folders, put your papers (one subject per folder) in the folders. Put them in a deep drawer in your desk. Keep the top of your desk as decluttered as possible.
4) Shelves--Any shelves in your room? Dust and declutter them as well.
5) Your bed. Strip your bed, and put on clean sheets. Make your bed, tuck in (miter) the corners at the base of the bed by tucking the end and the bottom sides of your top sheet and blanket in under the mattress/above the box spring. (I say this in case you didn't know about how to do that part).
Once your bed is made, fluff up the pillows, and enjoy your room.
Oh yes, the basics of organization, is a place for everything, and everything in it's place. If you have things that you don't use, clothes you don't wear (haven't worn or used for 6 - 12 months) get rid of them.
Declutter your surfaces every night before going to bed.
Once per week, dust and vacuum your room. Change sheets on your bed once per week as well.
Getting organized without getting frustrated, take it a little bit at a time. Start with your closet, then your dresser, etc. Wind up with your bed, then it is completed.
Please, if it seems overwhelming, do one thing, limit yourself to 15 min. intervals. Take a five min. break after each task is completed.
Then, when your room is organized, and clean, you keep it up by putting things away where they properly belong, once you are done using them. Do you have a hamper to put your dirty clothes in--in your room? That will help as well. Once your laundry is done, put the clean clothes away where they belong right away. It's done.
You will enjoy your room once it's organized.
By the way, it takes 21 days (3 weeks) to learn a new habit. You will do fine. Take care.

2007-06-09 14:02:37 · answer #1 · answered by SAK 6 · 19 2

Cluttered Room

2016-11-12 00:15:49 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

boxes or plastic drawers, would help. label them. throw out anything that you dont NEED. and whenever you get something new, find a place for it right away, so that your room doesnt get cluttered again, and just keep up on it, just do a little bit a day, so that it doesnt have to be overwhelming, and over time, you will become a more organized person, and it wont be so frustrating.

2007-06-09 10:38:03 · answer #3 · answered by >wonder whats next< 6 · 4 0

it depends on if you are the clutterer or if the room is just small with large furniture and no room to put anything.

Usually painting the walls white and having a light color rug, like colored bed spread and light colored draperies or curtains, with no pictures or anything on the walls opens up the room a lot. I find that bookcases make a room look messy. Get a lot of boxes and put all your disorganization in there. If you have to dig thru the boxes too many times you'll give up and toss the junk out. With what's left now make it orderly.

2007-06-09 10:37:32 · answer #4 · answered by sophieb 7 · 4 0

I can help you with this one. Because I just had to go through this today myself! I had so much clutter that I couldn't even sleep in my bedroom. I was sleeping on the couch to avoid looking at the mess! So today I decided enough was enough! I put on my favorite music. I got out some plastic bins and sat them on the floor. And I just started putting things in the bins, in categories. In about 2 hours, I had the clutter sorted. I gave away about 6 large plastic bags of clothes and shoes. You can do it too. Good luck!

2016-04-01 12:49:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go though your room and make piles of things that would go together. For instance, one pile for trash, shirts, pants,etc. If you have alot of trinkets do the same thing. When your done you can evaluate what kinds of storage containers you can get to store things. If you have alot of clothes or things you dont want to throw away but dont need to be displayed get some under the bed storage bins. As far as your closet, go though your clothes the same way, shirts together pants together skirts etc. Donate the clothes you dont wear. Really you should go though your closet I think once a year. You'de be amazed at the things you didn't even know you had! If you didn't know it was there that is when to get rid of it. Another idea to make more storage space is to utilize the top of the closet. If you have a good space from the shelf to the ceiling, stack see through bins with shoes sweaters or anything you want there. Good Luck!!!!!!

2007-06-09 10:51:27 · answer #6 · answered by mindi 2 · 8 0

Turn on some music, think about how nice your room will look when your finished. Just start sorting-throw away, stuff that belongs in other rooms and then start sorting those items. Have trash bags and clear boxes or decorated boxes handy. Remind yourself that you have to make a mess in order to organize. Before you know it your piles will start to diminish. Then you can dust, sweep, vacuum. It's always nice to enjoy a candle after you've cleaned up. Buy a nice candle and don't allow yourself to light it till your done.

2007-06-09 10:40:35 · answer #7 · answered by lemondrop 6 · 4 0

set a timer for 45 minutes and declutter for that time than take a 15 minute break.Also get trash bag throw away first everything in site that needs throwing.Likewise have box or bag for donating throw everything in site that you know you no longer use and needs a new home when these get full move them to your car and donate next time out.Seeing a big difference this way will help motivate you to do more.Work from doorway around room each area you come to just do it don't skip or it will just keep piling up.Under bed storage is great for items you keep.I put my bed on blocks for more storage area .another tip is put like items together.

2007-06-09 12:22:21 · answer #8 · answered by Linda101 3 · 4 0

Two ways to attack it... start in one location: Desk, Closet or such and organize THAT... (having a large garbage bag for anything you haven't used in year or two).

OR, just pull EVERYTHING out of the room and only bring back in the stuff you NEED !!

Get a file cabinet for paperwork... a laundry basket... and some of the little plastic organizers

2007-06-09 12:00:37 · answer #9 · answered by mariner31 7 · 6 0

I've always felt organizing and folding clothes was a waste of time. I've been told my entire childhood to organize and clean and its still natural for me to not organize. If I do clean, it will be disorganized and cluttered again within 48 hours. Be yourself and don't stress.

2014-09-08 08:54:18 · answer #10 · answered by B 1 · 0 0

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