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Hes the first to launch an invasion on a country that never attacked us

He's the first to authorize the ILLEGAL spying on American Citizens

He's the first President to encourage and promote torture

He's the first president to allow a so called patriot act to erode our liberties and freedom

He's the first President to detain americans without due process or access to legal counsel.

He's the first president to leak the name of a CIA agent

Hes the first US president to lie in the State of the union speech about niger and yellow cake ( what a lie)

He's the first president to destroy international relations with the United States.

He'e the first US President to punish those who oppose him.

He;s the First US president that openly said " The USA Would be a great place if it were a dictatorship, especially with me being the dictator

When will the movie " The rise and fall of the republican party" be released?

2007-06-09 10:21:40 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

22 answers

History is written by those who have hanged heroes.

Besides, if Hillary or any other Democrat get into office in '08 we'll be set for 20 more years of Republican rule afterward, as much as they'll make a mess out of things.

2007-06-09 10:29:22 · answer #1 · answered by Karma 6 · 2 5

I'm never opposed to hearing intelligent Right Wing argument, but what has been presented here by the pro-Bushites is not even argument.

The point of an argument is to give reasons in support of a conclusion. An argument commits a fallacy when the reasons do not support the conclusion. Frankly, the pro-Bush people fail to offer support for their conclusions, so their comments are basically just opinion... and "Everyone has an opinion and an ******* ." Both can emit similar output.

From reading the answers herein, I'd say the anti-Bushites are much better informed than the pro-Bushites who don't seem to know the difference between opinion or a feeling...and actual data.

Opinion is not fact.

Feelings are not facts.

Saying something is not true is not fact.

Attacking a person doesn't prove facts.

Attacking a message without data to back up a conclusion is not fact.

I suggest the pro-Bushites study basic logic in order to understand how they've been manipulated by the Right Wing Propaganda Machine which has mastered the art of LOGICAL FALLACY (errors of reasoning) in order to manipulate listeners' thinking.


2007-06-11 00:46:32 · answer #2 · answered by linda r 1 · 2 0

Dr. Phil says that past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior.

While Abraham Lincoln in his youth, walked miles to attend school, Bush stuck firecrackers up frogs' behinds. He was born and raised in Connecticutt, went to Ivy league schools in the east but affects a Texas accent and wears a cowboy hat but is known to be afraid of horses. (you never see horses on his ranch, do you?)

He sat on the boards of several companies that were run into the ground and filed bankruptcy--- but not before he profited from insider information. He used this money to buy the Texas Rangers but used political clout and imminent domain to cheat landowners out of the land for the Ranger stadium.

He was a drunk till he hit his 40s and was cited for DUI. He served his military time with other sons of the wealthy and politically connected in an elite Texas Air National Guard squadron which was NEVER going to Vietnam but he, nonetheless, managed to disappear for almost a year at the tail end. To this date, no one knows where he was. He professes to talk to God but never goes to church.

In office, he's surrounded himself with an Animal House-like fraternity of morally and intellectually inept staff whose only criteria for membership is to kiss his ***. There isn't a single person with vision on his staff. At home, he's tolerated by a wife on Prosac and 2 daughters who are carrying out his tradition of drunk and disorderly.

He had very good snake oil salesman in the form of Karl Rove promoting his image in 2000 and 2004 and, frankly, the American people were sold the perception rather the reality. BTW, his PR person is probably going to jail before it's all over.

I am in my 60s and have never ever seen a more inept president and looking at all the shenanigans that went on in the 2000 and 2004 elections, my assessment is that he was never the elected president of the US.

2007-06-09 18:07:52 · answer #3 · answered by ordnil 1 · 2 2

First to launch an invasion of a country that never attacked us?
Did you forget about Korea and Vietnam?
Both of which were started by Democrat presidents!
He's the first to detain Amricans without due process?
Do you remember the Internment camps of WW2?

2007-06-09 17:27:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 9 4

I suggest you stop kissing Trees and learn a little more about our Presidential history.

Many of our great President's were very unpopular during their administration such as Truman, Lincoln, Reagan, Roosevelt, Kennedy. etc.

Most of these Presidents are regarded as some of the better ones today.

It is just too early to judge how Bushes' Presidency will be judged.

2007-06-09 17:29:23 · answer #5 · answered by Nickoo 5 · 5 3

Your statements are boring and wrong. You can't even spell. To me, a president that has kept the economy up for his whole term even in time of war, had done a good job. He, unlike Clinton, actually did something when WE WERE ATTACKED ON OUR OWN SOIL!! Why do you idiots think we are at war?

Your question is ful of holes with absolutely no source reference for any of your lies. Grow up, learn to spell and then come back to argue politics.

2007-06-09 17:35:19 · answer #6 · answered by Starla_C 7 · 4 4

Well... there is nothing that you have said that can be disputed. I know we joke about it, but the New World Order is here.... The Freedoms that your parents took for granted have been eroded.

The Lemmings that allow carte Blanche to this criminal administration just do not have the capacity for foresight and we are, as people in deep trouble.

2007-06-09 17:38:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

You missed 2.

He was the first American President to have a criminal record!

He is the first American President to make budget cuts to VA Hospitals and give tax-cuts to the rich!

Bush by far is the worst president:


I never thought Nixon would ever be beaten with Vietnam and Watergate.

And then there was Reagan, committing Treason (selling Arms to Iran and lying about it) and being convicted a war criminal, pardoned by Bush in Iran/Contra! He also cut and ran from Beirut where 242 of our Marines were blown up in a barracks blast by Hezbollah, backed by Iran!

Clinton will go down as one of our better presidents, no matter what you think of his personal life. Like Bush hasn't cheated, or one of his girlfriends having an abortion, going AWOL from the Texas Air National guard, convicted of DUI (Which he lied about) and convicted of Possession of Cocaine in Texas, and being a drunk as President of the US!

2007-06-09 17:32:59 · answer #8 · answered by cantcu 7 · 3 6

I really don't think he cares. Which might be one of the few things he has done right. If a leader is concerned what history will think then they are no longer leading.

As for the movie "The rise and fall of the republican party" Why wait for it when we can see it live and living color as we speak.

2007-06-09 17:28:59 · answer #9 · answered by mississippimud1 1 · 3 6

He knows that he will go down as one of our Greatest Presidents.
Carter & Clinton can never be beaten for being the worse presidents.
You should know that.
(You may be doing more to trees, than just "kissing them.)
I plant trees but have never had sex with any of them.

2007-06-09 17:29:53 · answer #10 · answered by wolf 6 · 5 3

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