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whenever tyler sees the statue of liberty....what does that mean?
explain because I don't get it...lol..

2007-06-09 09:49:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

10 answers

It is like ancient archology findings. Showing how far into the future they were projected. What if you went up into a space ship and came back 200 years into the future.
this is predictions for even the next 15 years and how they think the world will change.
Economic analysis predictions for our future:

If you were reading a newspaper 15 years from now it would probably sound like this.

The concluding of the Iraq war shortly after the election of a Democratic president.
The mass exodus of the coalition troops, did not stop the terrorists attacks.
The exploding of an Atom bomb in Los Angeles port authority, September 11, 2010.
When the explosion in the harbor killed millions of people and caused billions of dollars worth of damage. Also, the fallout spreading across the country, carried by the jet stream. The predictions are that cancer deaths will rise dramatically.
The government felt a speedy response was in order.

So as expected the USA government sent over planes carrying Atom bombs.
Fearing nuclear attack would be just to devastating. But an Atom bomb would stop any further attacks. The president declared we should not do more than what has been done to us. So as you know that is when the two planes dropped one atom bomb on Iran and one on Iraq realizing this was a coalition effort, finally the American troops have brought the two leaders together if not the people.

This brought a short pause to the civil war in Iraq. However, a short time later, the survivors were divided into groups of militants and resumed the fighting.
Millions died and it caused billions of dollars worth of damage.
It is thought that this has cause them to think twice about gathering the resources to make and deliver another atom bomb to the states. Also stopping any nuclear bomb threat as all the efforts in that direction were destroyed by the Atom bomb.
Leaving a situation similar to what happened in Japan by the two atom bombs dropped there.

Africa has been completely taken over by the Islamic forces and most of the native Africans have been killed or starved in the largest extermination program in the history of the world. Muslims are fighting between themselves over the land in Africa and civil wars are raging all over the country. As Muslims continue killing Muslims.

The problems in Iraq and Iran has caused the current government to rethink alternative fuels as huge refinery’s are being built, using agricultural wastes and garbage to make fuels. All new houses has to provide a portion of its own power such as solar panels on the roof to wind mills in the back yard. Power plants have been build over the city sewerage systems so most cities now are providing their own power source.
From the new dam projects to the refinery’s in the mid west to process corn and other agricultural wastes.

The war between Mexico and the USA is finally over and Mexico has now joined the Union as our 53 state. After the up rising of Mexico’s poor against Mexico’s drug lord’s and the super rich. After the mass killings and the take over it was feared that Mexico would once again be taken over by a ruthless dictator as it has been in the past. Since the war was only against a few hold outs it was swift and decisive.
Now the work of rebuilding has begun and its abundant natural resources is going to be a boom to the economy. Putting Mexicans back to work in their own country.
Each state will be allowed to have its own language, so California, Texas, and Mexico will retain Spanish as their state language‘s.
To control the ever growing population, congress just passed a bill to use the surgical placement device called BCD into the arms of young women on entering high school, as a birth control device. It can be removed when she is married and can prove they plan on taking care of this child, for 20 years.
Every women is required to show proof that she can support a child before she is allowed to have one. After one child a women will be surgically sterilized.

In special circumstances a couple may have two children. But to do so they would have to go before a judge and show a very good reason.
Any child shown to have a defect will be either aborted or put to sleep shortly after birth. The couple will then be allowed to have another child.

[remember this is the generation who had abortions, they wouldn’t think twice about euthanasia of their parents to end their suffering?]

Handicapped people unable to take care of themselves. Any older adult unable to take care of themselves will be allowed to die with dignity, in a medical establishment, by euthanasia.
This will allow us to empty the nursing homes and eliminate the huge financial drain on the publics resources. Many of these people are in a vegetative state and would prefer to end their life.

Thus removing the ones who cannot work and even enjoy themselves or at least take care of themselves.
The social security will be available to those who are simply retired and want a few years to enjoy before death. Anyone over 70 may be able to have euthanasia in a medical facility at no cost to their family. Anyone 80 years old will be required to report for euthanasia, family members are required to see that this is done.
This is a merciful provision to allow humans to die with dignity when the time has come.

As to prisons: Anyone convicted of a crime such as murder or pedophiles or rape or considered dangerous to the public. It is proven beyond any shred of doubt must be euthanasia. It is to be carried out by a speedy sentence. Within that month or two months at the latest.
Any capital crime, receives the death sentence. All prison inmates are required to work in the fields harvesting the crops under armed guard. If they are unable to do manual labor then they are to work in the factory’s. Anyone unable to work is to receive a death sentence. They will be paid no wages during their incarceration.
They are to be given any job that it is difficult to find anyone else to do.

Large religious organizations will be against the law. All money’s collected by these organizations was confiscated to help the public. It was the public’s money and so was collected to help the public. As was all religious buildings and their resources.

You can believe whatever you like but keep it to yourself. We are having a don’t ask don’t tell policy towards religion.
This is in an effort to stop the religious wars through out the country.
This was instituted after the Muslim uprising and the bombing in Los Angeles.
When there was a growing animosity between Christians and Muslims.
To avoid a civil war between religion’s in the USA.
Any church building’s will not be allowed. Anyone caught preaching religion will be arrested. Keep your religious beliefs to yourself.

2007-06-09 09:55:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

They're back on Earth somewhere in the future and the Apes have taken over.

2007-06-09 16:55:03 · answer #2 · answered by Tazz 5 · 0 0

They never left the planet (except for "orbit in space"). They arrived on earth, when they thought they were on another planet (of apes).


2007-06-09 16:55:22 · answer #3 · answered by tlbs101 7 · 0 0

It means its not a different world.. its the earth as he knew it.. but in the future and humanity has been basically destroyed ... roles reversed that humans are the beasts of burden...

make sense now? ;)

(and Emily, where did you get this "analysis" that you quoted so extensively???)

2007-06-09 16:55:28 · answer #4 · answered by thebe_gl 3 · 1 0

This is the moment that he realizes that he wasn't on another planet.

2007-06-09 16:55:22 · answer #5 · answered by Lea 6 · 0 0

they were on Earth the whole time....one of the most scariest ends to a movie i ever saw...

2007-06-09 16:53:24 · answer #6 · answered by Lefty 7 · 0 0

it means they were on earth the whole time...♥

2007-06-09 16:52:28 · answer #7 · answered by just peachy 6 · 0 0

It could happen

2007-06-09 16:55:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

me eather

2007-06-09 16:54:13 · answer #9 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0


2007-06-09 16:52:23 · answer #10 · answered by Moanika 6 · 0 0

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