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Don't they know that the day we loose our freedom of speech we loose our freedom? We will have a dictatorship! Is this what people truly want? Why don't you get it that it is the war and not the troops we are against? Why don't they understand that we love our country just the same as they do. We just take a different aproach?

2007-06-09 08:12:14 · 24 answers · asked by Pamela V 7 in Politics & Government Politics

24 answers

These are people who are ruled by fear. There is no logic to their thinking process. They don't have the first clue what this country is supposed to be about otherwise they would realize the stupidity of saying that.

2007-06-09 08:16:15 · answer #1 · answered by Stephanie is awesome!! 7 · 17 5

I believe this war is part of the war on terrorism. I also believe we cannot leave Iraq until there is some semblance of order and stability on this young democracy.In addition , I feel that the majority of the persons who hold this view do not wish to curtail the freedom of expression of those who disagree, if we did we would be no better than the terrorist we are trying to defeat. These people who want to destroy dissent are in a minority, if not , Democracy would have long ago ceased to exist in America.

2007-06-09 15:43:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Homework assignment:

Listen to 1 hour of rightwing radio. Read one issue of the Limbaugh letter or an equivalent right wing rag. Watch one hour of Faux News.

I never realized, until I did these things, how much hatred is directed toward dissenters in general and liberals specifically. I'm glad that the majority of people can see these talking heads for what they truly are, or there would be liberal ghettos by now.

The truth is, when you hold an idea in your head that is so far from reality, you have to alter your reality to match it. That is why dissenters aren't people with facts, they are "liars" who "hate America." Faux News becomes "the only channel that tells the truth" and the bastion against the "liberal media bias" in EVERY OTHER FORUM in the country.

You have to believe some pretty incredible things to be a Republican. Funny how they get so many Fundamentalists on board.

2007-06-09 16:00:12 · answer #3 · answered by Schmorgen 6 · 1 2

It is the same old "love it or leave it" Merle Haggard lovin' folks from the 60's in their bib overalls and their confederate flag in the pickup truck right next to the gun rack.

Public dissent was a mainstay of what the framers of the Constitution had in mind when they started this Republic, and it is that exact thing that makes us free. Without it, corporate America would REALLY take over.

By the way, the war is over and has been since we swatted the Iraqi army out of the way on our march on Baghdad. What is going on now, is a police action.

Supporting our troops for me means letting them do the things they do best, then leave. All of this occupation stuff has been a monstrous failure: Korea, Vietnam, Iraq. We cannot want democracy more than the Iraqis themselves. We need to pull out and require the Iraqis to make the government that they want and stop putting out beloved troops in the middle of a civil war.

By the by, in terms of any measureable standard, the US soldier has outperformed EVERY enemy including and since WWI. (Kill ratio in Vietnam was 10-1... and yet somehow people tell you we lost the war. No we didn't. We lost the political war and occupation).

2007-06-09 15:53:15 · answer #4 · answered by neuromansuperhero 2 · 2 3

Their philosophy of the country and the war is different than yours or mine. Those that say such nonsense are those that have 3 homes, 3 - 4 new cars, own at least one hugely successful business, kids go to private school and whatever else. But it is the middle class that are upset and bewildered by this government that is elected to help and support ALL Americans and they MUST listen to the people.
I love America, I just cringe to see that it is being sold to the highest bidder!

2007-06-09 15:39:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

I think it's horrible that they say that. They have no tolerance for a democratic society if they can't accept the fact that not all Americans have the exact same political views. When people disagreed with Clinton I never told them to leave the country. If they're unhappy, try to make a change. That's what America is all about. Apparently they don't understand what political freedom is.

2007-06-09 15:20:08 · answer #6 · answered by Eisbär 7 · 11 2

I don't know why they say that! The same people were so against Clinton when he lied about an affair! We do live in a free country and as long as we are only voicing our disagreement we are voicing our right as an American citizen! It is in my view point that it is very mean and rude to tell some one to get out of the country!

2007-06-09 18:38:24 · answer #7 · answered by pkvan 4 · 2 2

This is exactly what loyal ,patriotic Germans said to their fellow citizens whenever they dis-agreed with Hitler and his policies and actions.

Make absolutely no mistake that ideologically/philosophically/psychologically,morally and ethically any American who tells another to leave the country is no different then the evil German lemmings who stamped out any and all dissent.

I cannot wait until all those truly God fearing Christian fundamentalists et al who effectively with their block voting elected "that crimes against humanity " Bush have to stand before GOD (or will it be ALLAH) and explain to God why they supported a war mongering President (BLESSED ARTE THE PEACEMAKERS) whose filthy lies (THOU SHALT NOT LIE) got the US into an illegal war of choice in which over 400,000 INNOCENT IRAQI men,women and children have been slaughtered because of Bush's Uraqi atrocity.

2007-06-09 15:42:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Because they are so pro Constitution and 1st Amendment!

They are also the ones who have never served, or been in a war! I earned my right to the 1st Amendment and I can live anywhere I feel like it.

Those that say that are acting un-American, and they need to sit down and try to fit that in with what America stands for. That statement is not!

Those who question the government and it's actions keep America what it is. Shutting down free speech, and telling other people who don't agree with them to leave the country is hypocrisy at its worst. Actually I coined a name for them and their views: Moral Schizophrenics!

2007-06-09 15:23:15 · answer #9 · answered by cantcu 7 · 7 2

We went through the same thing during the Vietnam War: "America, Love It or Leave It!" What a crock! I say love it or change it - that's how democracy works. The war pigs don't believe in free speech, and they certainly don't believe in dissent. How American is that?

2007-06-09 15:30:14 · answer #10 · answered by Who Else? 7 · 10 3

Sometimes they forgot there's democracy in the US. I agree with captaincollector: Archie Bunker is a parody not a model. Extremes are bad.

2007-06-09 15:37:15 · answer #11 · answered by Mysterio 6 · 5 2

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