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28 answers

Jewish Holocaust gained more attention because people in the world were more civilized, had better connections, the loss was big (6 million), and human rights were protected

Even though Armenian Genocide was a very dark page in the human history, it was an example for Hitler who quoted "After all who remembers the annihilation of the Armenians?"

It does not matter if the victims are Jews, Christians or Muslims, genocide is genocide. Germans had propaganda and brainwashed people before they committed the Holocaust. But Turks committed the Armenian Genocide then came up with propaganda which is still going on.

People can live free and happy in Germany regardless of religion including Muslims and Jews. But Christians in Turkey live in fear and face death threats daily. In one year Hrant Dink (journalist) was shot and killed, Italian priest was shot and killed, two Turk and one German Christians were tortured and slaughtered. Orhan Pamuk (nobel prize winner) and Elif Shafak both of them writers were prosecuted for mentioning Armenian Genocide. Not to mention that calling someone an Armenian is an insult in Turkey. Nationalism in Turkey has reached very high point even the government is openly threatening everyone who wants to know what really happened. Article 301 states that anyone who insults "Turkishness" will be prosecuted, discussions about Armenian Genocide in Turkey have to be one sided, if you express your opinion or question anything in past about Armenian Genocide you are subject to humiliation, prosecution, even death. The government said "Turkey has opened its archives for historians to debate" the evidence has been "washed" already. In my personal opinion the historians in Turkey are just lawyers for the criminal Ottoman Empire because they have no freedom of speech.

2007-06-13 05:48:20 · answer #1 · answered by Dr. Beemer 4 · 2 0

Because it was so many people and so well documented. The Armenian Genocide was big and probably at least as big a percentage of the population but 6 million Jews and 6 million others is a LOT of dead people. There are still many secrets surrounding the Armenian Genocide. Reports of the number of dead vary widely. Turkey isn't about to allow film crews in to shoot movies the way they do at Auschwitz. The Nazi death camps kept meticulous records and there is film evidence. There are also a lot of survivors telling their stories.

I also hate to say it but it also probably has a lot to do with our perception of Turks and Armenians as "other". The Jewish Holocaust was particularly shocking to many Americans because Germans are like us. They were white and Protestant and perceived as having the same values we did. German is still the 5th most widely used language in the US. Many Americans have never even met a Turk. Armenians are an invisible minority in this country. They just don't have the visibilty of the Jewish community.

2007-06-09 15:10:49 · answer #2 · answered by Kuji 7 · 2 1

I think it has to do with accessability to the story. It's very likely that, at the time of the Armenian genocide, there were no outside source relaying this "news" to the outside world. It makes the event no less important, though.

I had personal connections to the Holocaust, losing many family members to it... also, there were many survivors who went on to publish details of this horrific event, thus, the outside world did get this news... part of the reason the U.S. finally joined this war (although, initially, Pearl Harbor brought us in). Also, while 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust, 25 million PEOPLE were killed... they were not all Jewish folk who were killed during this time, so a larger diversity of people were affected. The Holocaust was truly a World War event... hard to go unnoticed.

Another event that happened recently, and was not "publicized enough" was the massacre in Rwanda, when the Hutus literally slaughtered the Tutsis.

All murder is tragic.

2007-06-09 14:58:34 · answer #3 · answered by scruffycat 7 · 5 1

Numbers is part of it; the German Nazi's had more than SIX MILLIAN JEWS and others murdered; the Armenian Genocide, considered the first genocide, included hundreds of thousands to just more than 1 million. This was during a time when kingdoms, fiefdoms, etc., of old still existed. The Armenians were killed by the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), in part because the Armenians were Christians, in part because the Turks had just suffered a major defeat by Russians after the Turks invaded Russian (in the Caucasa Mountains region). The Turks were upset at losing and wanted a scapegoat.
The Russians had earlier intervened in Turkish affairs, saying they were trying to rescue Christians.
Part of it is because Armenians still retained their country; the Jews lost their country for thousands of years and only during my lifetime did they regain their homelands.
Part of it is because every Christian, Jew, and Muslim knows about Jews and their persecution; how many people know anything about Armenians?

2007-06-09 15:11:06 · answer #4 · answered by Nothingusefullearnedinschool 7 · 1 2

Attention from whom and from where?
Americans and Europeans focus on the Nazi atrocities because we played a part in letting it happen and should keep it fresh in our collective memories.
It was also so well documented with film and photography like so few other genocides ever are.
In America you would think the Native Americans Peoples would be the first group thought of at the mention of genocide campaigns but it seldom is. For the most part because there is so little in the way of viewable images for people to see.

2007-06-09 15:00:11 · answer #5 · answered by ZebraFoxFire 4 · 0 2

Because two thirds of the entire world's Jewish population was wiped out by one man.

The death toll was around 6 million Jewish Europeans. Here is a site that shows how many countries that were involved and the percentage of deaths.

2007-06-09 14:51:19 · answer #6 · answered by Eisbär 7 · 4 1

Or durfur the worst genocide in the history of the world.
Most native Africans are being exterminated by the Islamic forces and they are divideing up the land for themselves.
Kind of like what Europeans did to North America and the Native Americans.

2007-06-09 14:56:10 · answer #7 · answered by Vanessa 6 · 2 2

I think its because the way that the entire natzi society was manipulated and brainwashed to think it was a good thing...

we are being manipulated and brainwashed about iranians same way with mainstream media as propoganda

natzi propaganda leader said the best way to brainwash a society is repeat the same thing over and over...
seems like what the news does about "terrorism, axis of evil, terrorist regimes" all i freaking hear about and if i didnt know better id think all of iran was terrorist, when in fact prolly less than 0.5% of middle eastern/muslim population is. maybe even less yet we are lead to believe they are such a huge threat and that war is the answer!!

2007-06-09 15:09:38 · answer #8 · answered by Beauty&Brains 4 · 1 0

Many more people were killed in the Holocaust during World War II. Also, it is more recent and there was more technology with which to record these events, allowing mass amounts of people to bear witness.

2007-06-09 14:51:04 · answer #9 · answered by it's me 5 · 5 1

Because of the industrial efficiency of the killings. Also films were made by the British Army, along with American journalists, that gave the greatest documentation to what happened.

Also do not forget, the Germans lost so their crimes where exposed.

2007-06-09 14:56:51 · answer #10 · answered by Tom Sh*t 3 · 4 1

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