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16 answers

Please don't tar all Republicans with the same brush--although I think of myself as a conservative who tends to vote Republican, I would say that many, if not most would reject hatred. I know I do. I will say that there are some very vocal bad apples, both Republican and Democrat, conservative and "liberal" (liberal in quotes as a true liberal would tolerate rather than hate (as would a true conservative)).

Edit: Thomas G--check your facts, I have heard that some of the Fort Dix 6 were not only here illegally, but that they came thru Mexico.

2007-06-09 07:51:40 · answer #1 · answered by Trav 4 · 3 3

I am not sure that hatred is the right word. But the late Lee Atwater clearly moved the Republican party to a place where they would use "hot button" issues to deflect from real problems. This was seen in the "Willie Horton" ploy with Dukaiks. After Atwater's death Karl Rove perfected the policy, the last election was more about Gay Marriage and John Kerry's war record then it was about the war in Iraq and Terrorism. This is funny when you consider that the Republican Vice-President has a daughter in a gay marriage and the President has no war record at all. It is masterfully done by the party to turn non-issues into issues

They are still doing it.: They have turned the immigration debate into a national security debate, which totally ignores the fact that the 9-11 terrorist, the Fort Dix Terrorist and the JFK pip line Terrorist were all here legally.

The Democrats do not help in that they tend to roll over and play dead. Why Did John Kerry Not attack the people attacking his war record? Instead he went and hide. As long as Democrats keep doing that then this use of "hatred" as a political tool will continue

2007-06-09 07:52:58 · answer #2 · answered by Thomas G 6 · 4 2

I'd say it depends on the Republican themselves. As a member of the Young Republicans group, I tend to love the person but hate the act. I do not ascribe that all we are is merely our actions. For in the most evil can the kindest acts come forth and certainly we've all seen how politicians who we thought were our friends turn around and seemingly be nice yet are plunging the knife in our backs and twisting the blade as it sinks in.

There are these sorts of people on both sides of the political fence and not just one side.

2007-06-09 07:48:38 · answer #3 · answered by Jack S 3 · 5 1

absolutely everyone that thinks the two party thinks one way or the different is naive. you would be able to desire to vote on subject concerns. Who will take care of the borders and end our u . s . from being the dumping off station for Mexico's poor, criminals, and drug sellers? Who will uphold our shape? Who will provide up sending our troops to Iraq for a central authority that's basically too lazy to control that is self? Who will provide up firms from controlling this u . s . over the sturdy of the human beings? Who will provide up the corruption and inefficiency of all government enterprise's?

2016-11-09 22:23:57 · answer #4 · answered by trippi 4 · 0 0

Hatred is alive and well in all people. No one political party has a market on hate. I feel strongly that both party's are filled with people who's only real goal in life is to add to their own bank accounts at any cost to the legal American tax paying public.

2007-06-09 07:49:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Without hate, would there even be a Republican party?

To be a Republican, you have to hate hate and hate some more:

You have to hate liberals- not disagree with them, but actually believe that they want to destroy their country from within, misrepresent all of their positions, and brand them traitors.

You have to hate gay people- even if they are your family. You have to believe that they are the scourge of God. They are less than human and can have no rights.

You have to hate the poor- you have to believe that the poor are inherently lazy and should just get off of their butts and work another job to make ends meet. They are at the bottom of the social food chain, and it isn't your fault. There is no such thing as an accident of birth. God hates them, and so should you.

You have to hate the Constitution- the Bill of Rights is irrelevant due to one terrorist act that claimed 3000 lives. Those lives must be given a purpose. That purpose is the removal of basic human rights. You have to hate the fact that anyone would disallow torture, "dissapearing" people off of our streets, sticking people in a hole indefinitely with no knowledge of their crimes or their accusers, etc. You also have to hate anyone who points out that those rights are supposed to be what we are defending.

The worst is that you have to hate the troops- you have to be willing to sacrifice someone else's life so that you can rest comfortably. You have to be able to justify every killing, maiming, and suicide through your own safety. You have to feel that your own life is worth more than that of anyone who would actually volunteer to serve this country. You can even argue that keeping them embroiled in another country's civil war is MORE in their interests than returning them safely to their families- families which have absorbed the ENTIRE cost of this war. This kind of hypocrisy can easily be purchased with a $2 magnetic ribbon.

I cannot truly remember the last time a Republican outlined a position. All I can remember is the hatred we should all feel toward those with different positions. Without this hate, the basic stupidity of their platform shines through.

2007-06-09 09:22:48 · answer #6 · answered by Schmorgen 6 · 4 1

Your guiding light must tell you that trolling is a worth while endeavor.

You must embrace not reject this principle truth, broham.

2007-06-10 03:47:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Hate is fear rationalized and fear seems to be a guiding principle of the Republican party, so in that sense I'd say they embrace it.

2007-06-09 08:55:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

In my opinion, republican's reject "hatred". Now there are going to be a ton of people who feel differently. But, let me explain my stance:

What the "left" views as hatred, I.E; cut's in welfare, school funding accountability, cuts in Medicare, boarder walls, slow growth minium wages (you get the idea), the "right" views as increased personal responsibility.

Cuts in welfare has turned former "welfare as a lifestyle" recipients into working citizens making an honest wage. Schools have long been vortexs' of money lost, all the right is saying is, "hey you have all the money in the world, you had beeter start showing the results".

I could spend all day trying to sway you one way or the other, but hopefully you get my drift.

Good luck.

2007-06-09 07:57:54 · answer #9 · answered by Jeremy A 3 · 2 4

I answered one of their questions last night - I think you know
the ones I mean - I answered it in same manner it was
asked & that person has blocked me. Boohoohoo.
Go figure.

Sometimes I think they're totally oblivious to the hate they
spew, until it comes back at them.

2007-06-09 07:51:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

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