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Greymalkin said:
" Because unlike men, who are willing to screw barnyard animals and knotholes in trees" to the question link below


I said :
"So there may be a chance for you after all, huh, Greymalkin ?"

She obviously reported my answer and it was deleted. She believes in double standards or is simply a feminazi man hater !

As a guy am I expected not to take offense at comments such as hers ? Or do we just accept her as simply a bitter man hater ?

What do you think ?

2007-06-09 06:58:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

I guess someone "reported" her as she got deleted !

What a typical feminist to think that she can attack and rant at others, especially guys, but report people for doing far less than she in RESPONSE to her abuse.

2007-06-10 08:17:52 · update #1

10 answers

I agree with Rio Madeira. These questions singling out a user for criticism are a bit mean (there was one towards Laela a few weeks ago). However, I'm going to make an exception in this case, but for a good reason I think.

Graymalkin/Baba Yaga clearly has a chippy attitude towards men as can be seen with the above comment and her apparently endless fascination with the Darwin Awards.

And then there is her intellectual phoniness. I'm going to perform one of her tricks and copy and paste part of a previous answer of mine (but only to save myself time). "She recognises general differences between the sexes (like males being more aggressive/dangerous) when it casts men in a negative light, but doesn't recognise such differences if the implication is that men are generally better at a particular task (e.g. map-reading)". She has pre-set ideas and then scours the internet until she finds support for her prejudice. Of course, if you dig deep enough you can find support for anything - creationism, that global warming isn't happening etc. For instance, when I asked "Do you recognize there are SOME differences between the brains of females and males (generally speaking)?" Graymalkin refused to accept this. Anyone with any credibility understands that there are - it is a fact well known to scientists, and so is intellectually dishonest to reject this conclusion. But Graymalkin did so citing a source completely at odds with the scientific consensus. Of course, the fact that her article goes against an overwhelming tide doesn't make it wrong in itself, but the fact that it is in the wrong field - psychology rather than neuroscience* - should give us a clue. I'll cite the question, but alas her answer is no longer there. http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AjQ5FHUmglg.sK2snH2wthXBFQx.?qid=20070503140636AAqmTVa
(God knows why I'm in the Canadian section)

I don't care about these things actually, but I am bothered by the fact none of the women on here seem to want to call her on what she says. If modern feminists want men to be their allies, and I know that most do, then they need to do a better job in not allowing borderline misandrists a free ride. Part of my job as a supporter of feminism has to be to understand a woman's perspective, e.g. how it must feel to have your entire gender objectified in the media, and to be critical of borderline misogynists (and full-blown misogynists of course). But this has to be reciprocated: women on this board should understand the annoyance caused by this person claiming that all men have a fondness for bestiality (which is what she claims) and call her on it.

*I'm aware that modern psychologists have used neuroscientific techniques in recent years (so they should), but the author of the article clearly had not.

EDIT to Graymalkin: "How convenient for you that any - and all - evidence for your inane allegation(s) have conveniently 'gone with the wind'". It's an unfortunate consequence of you having had so many accounts - it's nearly impossible to quote you on anything. Fortunately you've copied and pasted Hyde's thesis more than once and so I was able to find it: http://sg.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070516121623AAxBJcw (How convenient for me)

"Reported" How classy of you! What exactly have you reported me for? And is this what you consider a constructive method of dialogue?

If I was as immature as you I could report you for a personal attack - i.e. "You sure are a whiny little boy", but I guess I don't fear debating with you.

2007-06-09 08:53:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 10 4

it extremely is achieveable which you don't comprehend any Christians who stay with love as their objective. Even people who've set themselves aside could have blind spots . We improve in holiness as we spend time in seek of God and finding for expertise. It takes some human beings longer . some thing else to evaluate is that human beings do no longer start up on the comparable place. i could desire to alter right into a Christian and characteristic been a serial killer. Now, I supply up killing because of the fact i comprehend it extremely is incorrect yet I war with psychological themes that maximum human beings do no longer. i could desire to be employing all my potential no longer killing and not be specializing in different sins.

2016-10-08 21:11:59 · answer #2 · answered by vastine 4 · 0 0

Does it really matter what any of Us think, say or do whilst We are acting out Our unique roles here at 'Answers'? We come here to give vent to Our collective spleen. We unashamedly champion Our own cause. Engage in mock rituals politely deemed to be 'intellectual intercourse'. Vouchsafe Our right to acts and forbearance's 'owed' to Us by others. We plot great campaigns, reactionary strategies and battle with Our inner demons, all for the sake of the 'last word'. And what good does it do Us? Non worth a passing mention, nor second thought, as read between these lines. We beg to differ, yet refuse to be sullied by opinions other than Our own. We agree to disagree: but do not. We offer up Our innermost thoughts to 'Spell Check', only to see them being corrupted into a foreign language. And then We suffer the indignity of watching Our words being wrest asunder by a panoply of diversely orientated 'fellow travelers'. And this self inflicted wound to Our ego We call harmless entertainment. Let Us live for the sport that is to follow. Let Us sharpen Our wits, (or at best, the 'end' at which some now find Themselves), and let the Ludi Mentis (mind games) commence.

2007-06-09 07:44:10 · answer #3 · answered by Ashleigh 7 · 2 4

Well, I just sent her a message. I've never seen her reply, but who knows.

I'm going to go for a few days without any insults or attacks and see how far it gets me.

Posts like the one she made above really makes me feel like it's not worth it, but I'll go ahead and try anyways.

One of my brother's friends told him before some wise advice.

"If you genuinely tell someone you are sorry and they refuse to accept your apology, then it's their problem, not yours."

I say we reserve judgment for the time being and let her explain herself through her future responses.

2007-06-09 14:15:19 · answer #4 · answered by Robinson0120 4 · 2 1

Ya know SHREK,
I'm going to tell you exactly what I say anytime a poster singles out another user for negative discussion/ ridicule...

Your question is extremely rude, inappropriate, immature, and nasty.
This is a prime example of "system abuse".
I used to like you Shrek....
I watched all of your movies, hell, I even have shrek bedroom slippers, but right now I'm having a hard time sharin' the love with ya darlin'.

Edit: for my cute little "blonde" friend who just e-mailed me to let me know that this isnt the real Shrek.....yeah Sugar, I know!

2007-06-09 12:09:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I do find her rants to be childish, and I have had a go around with her a few times myself. She claims I am a troll, but I think her likewise.

Overall, I have learned to simply ignore the rants of posters you don't like, and now Yahoo allows you to block them if you wish.

2007-06-09 08:58:27 · answer #6 · answered by MaryCheneysAccessory 6 · 4 3

Graymalkin hates anybody and practically everybody; being a librarian sure hasn't helped her much; I thought librarians were supposed to be kind and helpful; she's not. She hasn't got a kind bone in her body. You know something about that knothole thingy of hers she's just jealous that a man would choose a knothole over her. Well, you can't change her; however you can change yourself. Think about it this way she's bitter and she'll go out of her way to make other people bitter just like her; it's her specialty. Remember bitter is as bitter does. Now how else can I be of assistance?

2007-06-09 11:23:39 · answer #7 · answered by Laela (Layla) 6 · 6 6

sarcasm and context are difficult to detect on teh intarwebs. it happens to all of us without even thinking about it.

a question that's a broad, stereotyping generalization is an invitation to flamewar. unfortunately, there are many such questions.

2007-06-09 12:34:24 · answer #8 · answered by Daniel 4 · 3 3

If you want us to publicly criticize a fellow user, don't expect much — we've learned never to do that again. If you have something to say about Graymalkin, say it to her.

2007-06-09 07:46:45 · answer #9 · answered by Rio Madeira 7 · 5 4

PsychoANALysis appointments available. please call 1800SCREWUP @ once. discounts for group therapy. X-)

2007-06-09 14:59:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

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