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you go to a store to buy something cheaper than another store.

I saw a question http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070609083709AAtlpfg&r=w#RJIsCDe4AjZb6f.4A3N51E70hqwWB0TXgNl2CN7jz.XjbzyBKNdz

A few people blamed greedy companies for trying to save money. After all, if they are greedy than so are people who go to Wal Mart to save money on items they need.

Really, what is the difference? The money that businesses want to save belongs to them. Why is it any different than us?

2007-06-09 06:13:34 · 18 answers · asked by GOPneedsarealconservative 4 in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

They'll come up with some lame @ss excuse about how they're just trying to stay within their budget or they're just trying to support their families but the truth of the matter is, so are the guys everyone considers to be "on top." They'll tell you the other guy's rich and they are not and there lies the difference. I say "Horse Crap!" I own a small business and according to their mentality, I'm not allowed to make a profit. I pay my employees both fair market value and what I feel their services are worth. It's MY BUSINESS! It was my last $5,000 that I gambled on this business and so, if I make more than my employees, it's because I deserve it! They work 8 hours and call it a day. I work around 16-18 hours a day, six days a week. I generally don't take vacations. I didn't get a tax break. But if I would have, and I'd chose to not reinvest, it would have been mine to make! When's the last time one of them gave up their winfal tax break? To those who think I need a thumbs down for my attitude, I say, go pound sand and start your own dang business!

2007-06-09 06:37:37 · answer #1 · answered by Doc 7 · 5 2

What I'm reading here just blows me away. When business was basically owned by the unions, it almost put many of them under. Greed, demand, corruption was the law of the land back in those days. Dishwashers who worked at union run in-plant feeders were making $18.00 an hour. Unskilled labor making more than college graduates back in the late 70's early 80's because of unions. How many companies could have survived under continuing conditions like that?

And now you people want those same rights back?

I'm in the same situation that Doc up above me is in. Small business owner, pay good wages, benefits, and yes, blue cross and blue shield is also one the benefits for working in my business... But union folks need not apply.

2007-06-09 07:16:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Greedy yes the big companies are and I want to know why they need so much money! I don't buy cheap products because that's exactly what they are-use it a few times and bet your going to go get another one for replacement. I haven't bought too much in the lines of appliances and such I tend to search out an older model that will last 10 years or more.

2007-06-09 06:36:47 · answer #3 · answered by sally sue 6 · 1 3

Companies have responsibilities to their employees and to the country they are in. It is greedy to set up your company's HQ in the Virgin Islands to avoid paying taxes that would help the country while taking advantage of the incredible opportunities America offers. It is greedy to ship jobs to Mexico or India so that epolyees can be paid less because those jobs could go to Americans in need of jobs. And I think people think the executives and directors of the companies are greedy, not the company itself. And its greedy to keep all the profits for yourself by cutting benefits and laying off employees while giving yourself a bonus.

2007-06-09 06:26:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

I have NEVER, and NEVER WILL shop at WalMart.

Saving a few bucks (even though few is all I'll ever have) is NOT worth it to me.

What makes them greedy is that they want to own everything, and that they refuse to pay the people who do all the work a living wage.

Companies these days work their people to death, and those people can't afford to live a decent, comfy life.

They are also greedy because they put raking in obscene profits ahead of the continued survival of the species.

Do I like money?

You bet.

But I'm not out to take all of the money in the world, and make everyone else starve.

That's just sick.

2007-06-09 09:40:08 · answer #5 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 0 4

Once again it is the subtleties that escape you cons. Greed is not running a profitable business. Greed is laying off hundreds of American workers, shipping the jobs to Asia all the while taking millions in bonuses. Don't tell me that does not happen because I used to work for a company where that is exactly what happened. That same company then manipulated sales figures to affect stock prices to steal from the stockholders. Highly illegal but the SEC had bigger fish to fry and let it go. That my son is greed.

2007-06-09 06:48:22 · answer #6 · answered by beren 7 · 1 4

I'm reminded of the adage that money is the root of all evil. What is really going on here? As an independant, I don't care much about the parties, I care about our nation. What if everyone is being blindsighted on most of the issues we're discussing?

2007-06-09 06:20:55 · answer #7 · answered by Ms.L.A. 6 · 1 2

That's funny. One year i volunteered to ring bells for the Salvation Army,and you wouldn't believe how many people i seen pull into Wal-Mart with "pro-union" stickers all over their vehicle.Talk about hypocrites.

2007-06-09 06:21:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

listen, when your own government allows millions of American jobs to be sent oversees, you get states like Michigan, a former pioneer for the united states in the making of this country becoming great. now reduced to the weakest in the united states. people now work for bird seed in my state because they have no choice. those former union workers bumper stickers mentioned by the clown below, are whats left of those good paying jobs that we used to enjoy here in Michigan. most of those people reduced to working for a quarter or a third of what they once made. feed the children of go to walmart?? not really a fair choice if you ask me. HOLD GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABLE!! ALL OF THEM!! IF THEY DIDN'T CREATE A PROBLEM, THEN THEY ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN, DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS.

2007-06-09 06:51:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

that is a good point because I don't see any liberals willing to give up their own money, just the government's money.

2007-06-09 06:26:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

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